His eyes look so good here... So cold... I WANT HIM!!!!
I have brown eyes too
Mine are MISMATCHED!! xDD Kee-kee... Just kiddin'. They're grey. ^^
Mine are brown... ughh so common
Mine can look blueish if I wear blue clothes and greenish if I wear all green... Otherwise, they're grey. ^^
Waaa ur so lucky I always wanted those eyes. oh wellz. Hm.. I like this pic.
I wrote a Zabuza fanfic! xD Heh, it's about Zabuza, Haku and a girl ^^ It just gets me kinda pissed that it's always the ZabuzaxHaku pairing. Personally, I don't see them as a couple o_O So, I decided to come up with something of my own! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2865145/1/ (Hope you'll read/like it x3) P.S. It's not finished yet. ^^;
I don't usually read fan fics but I will if you want me too. I'm just a lazy bum tho. -.-u
You'll read it? Really??  Yaaay I'm so happy! ---^_____^--- Gaara: Careful not to /hurt/ yourself there, Laiyo. *is smacked* ... =_=+ Owww...
Sounds cool! I'll read it Laiyo-san!  I wish i could write a fan-fic like you but the story in my head is suuuuuuuuper complicated and waaaaaaay to overwelming to even try to do. -__-; *sighs* oh well
Thankyouu!~ And heh, yup, stories can get that way. (Especially when you don't have a clear ending in mind) ^^ But you should still give it a shot, and after a while it will just roll of your fingertips and right onto the computer screen... (Haku: Spoken like a /true/ poet, Laiyo-san! *Chibi-Laiyo pops up with a book: Not poet! Novellist! Novellist! xD*)
It was a really great awesome story
Yeah I know. great story d^^d
Vaaiiiii thankee! --^_^-- I'm really glad you guys liked it. ^^ I only wish I had more time to continue it...
tell me when you get another chapter done
I hope you have time soon.
Hey Laiyo-san, Thanks for the support but i have to say that i'm not the writting type. I'm more of an artist and even though i'd love to get down my story i'm not that good and i'd much rather spend my time on my drawings then on writting. Well, this is my thinking anywho........POWER TO YOU FOR WRITTING IT DOWN BECAUSE YOU STORY ROCKS!!! Mabey i can get my art posted somewhere so i can show you it!! It's pretty good if you don't mind me saying
Thankee!~ Oh, I wish I had less schoolwork so that I could write more TT~TT And yes, I'd love to see your art!  You could get an account on Deviantart.com, I have one there too! I love drawing as well. x3 And you could try drawing your story as a comic! I think that would rawk. x3 It would be good practice for you as well! xD
Laiyo! I even drew a werewolf and i character that i pose as the main character in your story so i can imagine it better. It's really cool and it came out even better than i had though! And yeah, Mabey i will try that account thing! But i'll have to ask my parents first........and who knows what they'll say -__-; I wish i new your e-mail so i could send you pictures i scanned on to the computer. oh well  anywho, thanks for the encouragement Laiyo-san!
Ooooh I wanna see I wanna see! xD And you're welcome! I hope that your parents will let you register. ^_^ And I'll PM you my e-mail address, how 'bout that? ^^ *really wants to see the picture* Heh, I drew a pic of her too, only Loki looks human in it, not werewolfish-y lol. x3 I'll try to get it scanned somehow, too! xD
Cool!! Though i'm not signed up in the forum! so i hope that doesn't interfear.
I PM'd you! Ya just have to go to 'My Profile' to view messages. ^^
Kay, thanx Laiyo hope you enjoy them!
Ooh, I saw your pics!  Very, very nice! d^^d And I added another chappie to my story!
HE looks awesome !!! I love him With the mommie thingy and whitout 2 !!! zabuza Rock!!
Yes, THANK YOU!  Zabuza-kun pwns all. And no one can prove me otherwise.
I agree
You agree too much, Yukari...-__o; just sayin'
I know but It's too true
OMG I'M BACK! Hehehe my computer shut down for a while -.-;;; a LOONGG while. So whats up everyone?
WELCOME BACK, MILA!!! *throws a welcome-back party* Meh, nothing much has happened. ^^ But you missed a huge fight  (I think o_O) Annnd... we made a new friend! Narutootaku-saaaan! xD
Awww I missed the fight. Hehe well... I'd rather stay away from arguments, but fist fights are a different story. Hehh well I missed everyone.
I MISSED IT TOO..... who was fighting?
Meh, it was us, the Wolf Trio (me, Yukari-san and Narutootaku-san) against a loser who called himself itachi1027. Grrr I really dislike Itachi at the moment.  Itachi: But I didn't do anyphing! And I lotht my teeth again, waah! Me: Haha, funny, Itachi.  Itachi: I'm THERIOUTH!! ...'Theriouth'? Damn! It jutht doethn't thound ath impreththive without teeth... v.v)
lol I'm back too. I went to a friends house for four days.
Whoa, four days!
Yeah live far apart so that's why
that's FAR...... LOL...... I wish I didn't hadnt missed the fight 0_~
It was fun
Yeah there was a fight...but sadly it was waged past my bed time ( -__-;; ) so i was asleep and so the Phoenix of the Wolf trio did not contribute to the fight...TT-TT
Oh well. There is always the chance that the idiot will come back again... and THEN there will be many more terrible forces waiting for him, aside from the Wolf Trio! >xD *insane laughter*
lol Yup Yup. more fun
Hey Yukari! xD Guess what? My Careers teacher told me I did so well in the course that I am free from writing the exam! xDD Yaaay one extra day of vacation, wh00t!  (Random, I know, but I ish just too happeh. ^^)
lol Well, that's good to hear
*blink, blink*....what is this carrer course of which you speak?... o__o
An extremely boring and pretty much useless course that is meant to help you decide what you want to become (job-wise) and make you research your 'future career'... Basically, lots of booklets and paperwork (or just sitting around doing nothing and banging your head on a desk). But since I already knew what I wanted to become ever since, let's see, PRESCHOOL, it was basically a waste of time for me...
*heart melts* Wow. That is a really good pic of Zabuza. :->
Yes, isn't it. ^_^ I've got this one printed. x3 I wish I could decorate my bedroom walls with Zabuza-kun's pics, but I know my mom would start giving me weird looks and looking for a psychiatrist's number... o_O;;
lol ^_^ I'm surprised my mom didn't pull that card yet. ^^ Here I am screaming at the top of my lungs that I had a bad dream because it had an anime character in it.  It's good that I have the ability to sometimes seem sane. I think it's the only thing that keeps me away from the therapist.
Lolz! What was your dream about?
It was horrible. And a little dirty... My dream had Orochimaru and in it he showed me his tongue which turned into a snake. Then he said, "Would you like to see my other snake?" while reaching for his robe.  It was very scary. You might not think it was, but in my dream it was.  Ew. Why couldn't I have had that dream with Zabuza when we had all that 'pants' talk? :\ And, of course, I didn't describe that dream to my Mom. ;P
Lmao I'm sorry but the whole "my other snake" part just sounded so perverted and funny, worthy of Shigure Sohma himself  But yes, scary... With Orochimaru it DOES sound scary. -_o And yes, I remember the 'pants' talk... Man, I sure was lucky to have a dirty dream with Zabuza-kun...  I want another one WAAAAAH!!!  TToTT
lol I haven't had a dirty dream about any of these characters yet. I'm still waiting for one. :-> But not with Orochimaru!!! >.<
Lol!  How about Kakashi?   But naw, Phoenix-san would kill ya for that. ^^;; And me along with you, for suggesting this... tee-hee... ^_____^;;;
lol Let's... not tell her you said that then.  And no, I haven't had a naughty dream about Kakashi. Yet. ;P But I did have a nice dream with Satoshi. :-> He was escaping from people who wanted to experiment on him, and he came to my house. Specifically, my bedroom.  And at least it wasn't Orochimaru. ;P
Rrrrrrrrrrr... tell me what? -__- *twitch* *twitch*
*whistles* Oh nothing, nothing... ^_^; *stares at the sky innocently* So anyway... Satoshi... Nice! That sounds like an interesting dream, Val!  I love dreams like that...
...Pervy Fiends... -____-'''
I'm not pervy nor a fiend. :\ Well, yeah, I guess I am sorta both. :-> ...So! My dream last night! ^^ *goes on in detail to describe every explicit matter that happened*
I'm so used to Phoenix-san calling me (and not without reason) a pervy fiend by now that I won't even comment. ^_^ But anyway. I had another Zabuza dream tonight!  *nod-nod* Unfortunately, I don't remember what happened in it at all  Just that it had Zabuza-kun in it. ^^ *sigh*
Lucky you! My dream last night was about my dog scaring birds away.  ...I guess that could be exciting... oh who am I kidding? I need another dream with Zabuza.  ...Or Gaara. ^_^
And today one of my dreams featured Night Watch (that's a really good fantasy book  ) It basically involved me and a group of people fighting with magic... They showed me all those cool spells and weapons, only I really sucked at the incantations for some reason... So I had to use a fireball gun instead ^o^; And in the end they handed me over to the dark side to end the war (probably because I was useless anyway ;;^^), and in the end I wrote my name on a wall with a fireball pen. Random, I know ^^;
That sounds like such a cool dream! I wish mine were as exciting. Mine last night was about some evil dude trying to take over my family.  Freaking bastard. >.< Anyways, Night Watch hm? Sounds interesting. Something I should check out? I love reading.
Tehe, ya know i luv you guys right? ^3^ Tehe! Anywho, I don't really dream... just sleep... OH, but one time i had a dream and i was at the bar with Kakashi and for some apparent reason he wasn't wearing a mask and know one cared (he was suuuuuu smexy :3) and he ordered 26 of something and my first thought was he had ordered 26 sake's but it turned out to be water. Then for some un-aparent reason every one in the bar got up got a glass of water and dumped it on my head... then i woke up... it was strange...
Lmao, wow Phoenix-san, that was a funny dream...  Poor you, had to get soaked with water. T.T (I'm sure Kakashi-san had fun though. That was his payback for getting unmasked ^_^) And Val, yes, Night Watch IS a good book. ^^ The original version (the one I read) was in Russian though, but I'm pretty sure it got translated into English, because the movie Night Watch did. ^^ The movie isn't really good though, well, I thought the book was much better. -_-' But the book PWNS!! You should totally read it. ^-^
lol@Phoenix. ^_^ Better than my dream.  And I think I will check out that book. By the way, have either of you read, I think it's called, His Dark Materials? Someone told me I should look into that one too. And my dream last night was about me squishing a really big, gross looking bug.  I'm sure Shino wouldn't be very happy with me.
Lol Val. I had a dream once of standing in a forest, with lots of snakes crawling around me, and I was killing them with a stick. Apparrently, that means that I would have an encounter with some really nasty people... And that was true! The next day, I had an argument with a really bitchy girl in school... bleh. And no, I haven't read this book, but I'll ask meh friend about it, she might know. ^^
Woah, how freaky. And stupid bitchy people. >.< Let's see, the last time I had a dream about a snake, other than the Orochimaru one, was when I was a jungle explorer, and I picked up a snake, and then just started flying. Then i dropped the snake and started flying around. :\ People were looking at me strangely but it was fun.  I felt sorry for the snake though.
Lolz! I had so many dreams where I was flying... Like, there was one dream when I dreamed I was part-bird demon or something, and I was flying and watching everything below me become so small... it was awesome. x3 And once I even had a dream where I was travelling by a time machine!! (it involved flying as well o.O) Man... I wish I could fly for real... -____-;;
Me too.  I wish I could have a dream about being part-bird demon too. That'd be awesome. ^^
Yup. ^^ Yup, it would. Lol. I was part white osprey-demon. ^^; I had white hair and wore a poncho... and I covered my face with a Kakashi-like mask whenever any people form my school were around so that they wouldn't recognize me... Bleh, school. -_- If I really was a bird-demon, I wouldn't leave a wall of it standing. Grrrr. Hateful place...
I know! Yucky school. I'm in highschool and the kids still act like they're in first grade. >.< Except I think that's an insult to first graders. XP Can't wait till I graduate!!! ^_^
Our highschool isn't that bad compared to OTHER highschools, but it's still full of posers and crazy teachers and other demented people. -_- Waah I don't like it! Dx But I don't want to hurry the graduation either, because that means that I will have to have my portfolio ready, and I still feel that my drawing needs to improve to my chosen institute's standards!  And I don't have much time for that at all... TT_TT
DRAWINGS?!?! O.O PORTFOLIO?!?! O.O When? Where? What???  Really, what do you draw? I'd love to see them. Do you have an account maybe here or at deviant or somewhere else? Me needs to looksie!!!
Yep, I draw! Different things, really... like anime! And animals!!  ^_^ I don't have that many pictures scanned though, me having no scanner at home  But I DO have an account on deviant (with, like, 6 pics on it) so, if you want to check them out, here's the URL: http://laiyokii.deviantart.com ...Man, I hope I can get the rest of them scanned soon! >_< Lol. ^^
Aieeeee >< I've been not going on here. I wonder if anyone remembers meh. I didn't die people!!
Yay! I'm going to go look at art now. ^_^ And I remember making a couple of comments to you Mila. Something about Orochimaru I think.  And don't worry. I don't think he's gay.  Gaara's my favorite by the way. ^^
Laiyo!!! Your never on DA!! I'm all lonley, and you haven't e-mailed for ever!! TTOTT I don't like being ignored!!
I remember you Mila!!!  *tackle-hugs* And dun' worry, we've been treating Oro nicely while you were away, weren't we, Oro?? >.O Oro: Except for those stale chocolate muffins, yes. >____O; Mila: Stale chocolate muffins?? WHAT stale chocolate muffins??!!!??? >O< *glares menacingly* Me: Awww that was nothing!! Nothing, I swear!! _xD They weren't even... rock-hard or anything!! Heh-heh-he... ^_^;;
... erm =___=;;; Chocolate muffins sound really good right now...
I'm so Sorry Phoenix-san!!! TT_TT But I don't go on the comp that often now that school started, except for like, 15 minutes a day. And not even every day. -_o I'm so sorry for not e-mailing you!!! Y______Y
I LOVE your drawings!  Especially the Strength To Go On one. That one was BEAUTIFUL. And the Christmas one was so cute. ^^ Oh yeah... I like your Zabuza pic too. ;-> Nice... um... view.  You definitely should scan more. ^_^ They were amazing.
Thankyouu!!!~ Yeah, I should get a scanner o___O;; But the good ones are SO DAMN EXPENSIVE!! TT_TT And lol, everybody notices the view on the Zabuza pic. ^_^ Heh heh. But it wasn't intentional!!! Gaara: Yeah, right. -__- Me: What??? It wasn't!!! TToTT Why won't anyone believe me??? Gaara: Because you're a perv. -_o Naruto: I believe you, Laiyo-san! Believe it! xD
Tehe! It's okay Laiyo... your life sounds so much crazier than mine... plus i have WAAAAAAAAY To much time on my hands... and that's the sad truth... Considering most of the time i just waste time! ^___^;;;;
Nuuuu don't waste your time!! TT^TT Give it to me!!! >O< I definitely need some... =__=
Me too! I'll take an additional 12 hours a day, please. ^_^ - And of course it wasn't intentional.  I believe you. After all, it was Zabuza who posed like that for you, wasn't it? It's not like you TOLD him to pose like that. ^^
Of course, of course!!! Never crossed my mind... *waves hands frantically in front of face* It was all totally and completely HIS... (shutupHaku) ...HIS idea!! >O<
*sigh* I haven't been on AGAIN! Anyway, Laiyo I visited your deviantart. I don't have any art up.. cuz I don't have a scanner, so.. yeah.
I haven't been on lately either. :'( But now I'm back! ^_^ I wish Zabuza would pose like that for me...  Maybe I'll hound Gaara to do that... :->
Sure, and I think I can help you! xD We can get Gaara to pose for you in exchange for those photos where he's caught stealing Temari's eyeliner... nihihihihi...
OMg thats the greatest idea EVER ..... sorry I didnt meant to interrept
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