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Aww he looks so nice here! x3
Take off your bandages, Zabuza-kun! ^^
Aww, he's so cute in this pic
'Cute'?? Nah. ... PRETTY! xDD Zabuza: >:-O *shocked* Laiyo!! Me: Sorry Zabuza-kun sorry! I meant handsome! ILOVEYOU!!! *clings* Zabuza: *sigh* You and your jokes...
I like her jokes they make me laugh and i like to laugh
^_^ Thankyouu!~ *still clings to Zabuza*
Your welcome
weeeeeeeeeee laughing is fun tehehehehe!!
Yes it is xD and Laiyo is funny.
Yay I'm funny! *pokes Gaara* xD Gaara: Yes, indeed, very droll. -_- Amusing, one might add. Me: Whee-peee!!! *chibi Laiyo poking a non-chibi Gaara* Gaara: ... *sigh*
Can I help poke Gaara, Laiyo?
Sure! xD The more the merrier, isn't that right, Gaara-saaaan??? ---^___^--- Gaara: Ugh, since the gruesome fate seems inevitable, I might just as well surrender to the currents of destiny and let the tides of time carry me onto the shore of a new beginning... Laiyo: *swirly eyes* What'd ya saaaay...? Gaara: What, you mean you don't KNOW? But you're a -poet-! Laiyo: Novellist, dammit, NOVELLIST!!!! *waves a book in front of Gaara's nose*
Ooohhhh *is swept away by Gaara's poetry* x3 I luvvies poetry!!!
Gaara: Aaaah, really? Doth thou loveth poetry? Umm... Laiyo: Gaara, I think you had too many of those anti-depressants of yours... again... Gaara: See, Mila? Laiyo doesn't appreciate the wonderful world of my poetry... And FYI Laiyo, they weren't MY anti-depressants, they were Sasuke's. -_-;
Me: LMAO Sasuke needs anti-depressants. xD I guess they didn't work on him though... but they work on Gaara d^^d xD
*eyes Gaara walk around the room reciting poetry* xD Sasuke needs MORE anti-depressants than just... let's see, five bottles! *makes an anti-depressant kasha* There ya go! ^^
I wonder if they'ed work... I mean Sasuke is just too emo -_-... but I kinda feel bad for him.
What's emo mean?o_O Kakashi:She'a clueless, i know! Phoenix: YEP!! but that's why you love me right!!? Kakashi:  uhhhhh. Phoenix: *Tackles him holding on with a death grip to his waist* Riiiiiiiight? Kakashi: sure!
Grrrrrrrr. LET KAKASHI-SAN GO! Oh yeah, you funny laiyo.I was laughing this whole page.
Emo means Emotional. Someone who is emo is mopey and sad all the time. And they slit their wrists and feel sorry for them selves and think their life sux.
i agree with Laiyo Gaara needs more anti-depressents
Hey Yukari!!!!! xD *tackle-hugs* Where were you?? *hands a muffin* And yesh, Gaara and Sasuke DO need anti-depressants!!! They should start an emo club. ^^;
Sorry I was gone sooooooooooooooooooooooo long mt Geandma was over and she toldly disapoves of me being on the computer but now she's gone Yay and yes they should start an emo club
Aww that's too bad that she didn't allow you to go on. -_o And Itachi should join their club!! But... no... either he and Sasuke would kill each other, or he would contaminate them all with drugs... bad idea. -_-
Lol and yeah that would problely happan but it would be fun to watch
Lol it would be
And Emo Club would become "Club Itachi... it's Not Just a Name, it's a Suggestion"
lol that would more than likely happan if Itachi join the Emo club
If Itachi joined the club it would become even more emo.
Thank you Mila!!! Oh and Sailorstar......JUST TRY'N MAKE ME LET GO!!!!! NEVEEEEEEEEER! I'LL NEVER LET GO I'LL- *see's a random bird fly by* Phoenix: OHHHHH! BIRDY!! *chases bird* Kakashi:Not again! Hey phoenix, Don't get lost again! Phoenix: I WON'T!!!! *turns a corner*........I'M LOST!! KAKASHI SAVE ME!!!! Kakashi: It's just a full time job with you Phoenix!
lol and to Mila: yeah I have to agree it would become more emo
Lol Phoenix-san! xD For me, it's usually drowning. ^^ Let me demonstrate: *jumps off the bridge* Help, help, Zabuza-kun, I'm drowning!! I'm DROWNING!!! Zabuza: Ha, yeah right. I know you can swim! *sees Laiyo glaring at him from the water* I-- I mean... here I come, Laiyo!
xD!!! this is one of his best pic!!!!!! i love this pic of him!
Ditto! d^_^d Just don't go claiming him s'il te plait, 'cuz then Laiyo's gonna get weeally weeeeeally angwy! (Just a hint  )
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