Hikari Tsuki.JPG 600x400(30KB) Hikari-1512 viewsA charecter i made after Sg-chan ^^ her name means "Light Moon"
Hinata-Neji_Cats.JPG 750x420(43KB) nejihina kawaii!-3548 viewsi LOVE this couple!i did not make this!its so adorable!
hinatascared.jpg 640x480(48KB) orochihina-2120 viewsorochimaru and hinata daughter
Hyuuga_Sakura.jpg 490x375(39KB) meeeeeeeeee!-2435 viewsme made by teh greatest most exacellante person Pheonix Xv the one and onlyah!
Jikune Hyuuga.jpg 400x300(34KB) present for anniert-san!-2192 viewsyour um..charecter i forget her name....sorry the coloring is off it's all gray's fault I HATE TEH COLOR GRAY!
kagai tsuyagoto.JPG 500x382(25KB) Kagai Tsuyagoto-1469 viewsheheh i am making charecters based on all my bffs here. she's based on triss. Her name means Evil Romance
khairiandhersis.jpg 640x480(106KB) khairi and her sis-1592 viewsyah khairi(blue hair)her sis(red hair)
khairissis.jpg 240x418(51KB) khairi's sis-2065 viewskhairi's sis, yet to be named. she looks like shes driving BEEP BEEP
Kiyko.JPG 640x480(32KB) Kikyo-2041 viewsO M G this was the first edit i ever made. i'm gonna start to put a lot of my first edits on XD she is the daughter of neji and hinata
LeeAnii.jpg 581x800(142KB) Anii and Lee-1464 viewsCRACK! the original pic was made by my friend DSorincha on youtube ^^
leta.jpg 640x480(69KB) Leta older-2445 viewshere yah go leta-chan!I AM VERY UBER SORRY TEH COLORING IS OFF!
lol XD.JPG 490x375(21KB) boredom strikes again-5638 viewsi am so stupid -_-;
lol...JPG 636x477(30KB) shikyo, shikamaru and naruto-2475 viewsshikyo(my OC)shika-kun and naruto!
Maiko.JPG 639x1500(60KB) Maiko-2275 viewsjust some girl
miari6.jpg 314x240(43KB) Miari-1876 viewsmy best pic of this little mary-sue
Mika.JPG 639x1500(64KB) my new rpc's teammate-3426 viewshere is my rpc's teammate Mika she has another female teammate who i can't get a look for right now XD
minikui hahaoya.JPG 500x382(24KB) minikui hahaoya-3852 viewsmy rpc's 3rd teammate. her name means "Ugly Mother"
mitsuki older.jpg 640x480(72KB) mitsuki older!-1995 viewspresent for SG-chan!yay! sorry teh hair coloring is off T_T
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