muhahahah mystery.jpg 628x460(178KB) What two charecters are this?-18455 viewshints:
they have never met
one is a jonin other a genin
they both have rivals
one is a guy the other a girl
myou.JPG 720x540(48KB) Myou-2181 viewsmade by my good friend pretearinufrubafan =D
naruto_anii0115.JPG 636x477(18KB) Anii-1447 viewsMy gift for triss ^^ she looks worried
Anii is copyrighted to Triss
naruto_sasuke0456.jpg 640x480(25KB) Sasuna-1629 viewsk sasuke and sakura's daughter yes she is ugly and looks like a guy, and dresses like her father
naruto_sasuke0638.jpg 640x480(28KB) Sasuna Curse Form-1981 viewssasuke and sakura's daughter yes she is ugly and looks like a guy, and dresses like her father
naruto_Takako0181.jpg 736x552(117KB) Takako-1432 viewsawww she's all shy XD she is currently changing her outfit and hair right now it's being held up and yes she is a hyuuga somtimes she has normal hyuuga eyes sometimes they are an odd silver she is from the branch family her curse seal is black and she hides it with makeup. she thinks of naruto as a rival
naruto_takako0254.jpg 704x384(93KB) Takako fighting-1189 viewsits winter and she's training with neji in the snow
naruto_temari0003.jpg 640x480(64KB) don't have a name for her yet-1676 viewsshe's temari's cousin, as explained in the hair
naruto_tenten0067.jpg 450x337(43KB) ...-1628 viewsmia. the girl with the red and black hair related to temari is her sister
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