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Last comments - elizabeth's adventures

itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:47i said it once, and ill say it again, I DONT DANCE...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:47me:but it's true...anyway,let's party
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:46dosnt help kim -_-"
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:44me:yea at least he didn't pooed it out
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:42*picks it up* its ok :lol: its wat makes u U
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
Sasukes lil girl12/21/07 at 14:42darkness say parten me
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:41darkness;my bad :shock:
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:40EEEEWWWWW!!!!! >.< >.< >.< DARKN...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
ino~love's rival12/21/07 at 14:40lol
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:39me;she's got a point... darkness;*burps it out*how...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:38now ur gonna have 2 pay 4 it, cuz im not waiting 4...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:36darkness;i..i don't remember..all i did was put it...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:34darkness, i never got my device back, did u happen...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:33darkness;*blushes* elizabeth;*blushes as well... m...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:31*darkness gets up and helps elizabeth* *sings* dar...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:29*darkness and elizabeth falls on the floor* me;hiy...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
Sasukes lil girl12/21/07 at 14:28Me: LOL THEY GOT LOST :lol:
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:28ill go find them... *a while later* *pushing darkn...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 14:26me;/they were kicked out,maybe they're still looki...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 14:23i KNOW darkness came in... i wonder where HE is......
1437 pictures on 72 page(s) 58

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