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Last comments - elizabeth's adventures

itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 13:21*sighs* *screams REALLY loudly*
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 13:21me;*can't speck cause ribbons in my mouth*
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 13:17they...r...deaf -_-" now what r we gonna do?
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 13:16max:let's go outside maybe they're having a snowba...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 13:15*screams* WE'RE OVER HERE!!!!! CAN U HELP US????
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 13:13ME;I HATE THIS DAY... ALEX;*sees some1 else openin...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 13:06*its ok* :-x everythings ready! just not us *laug...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 13:04*sorry i was helping my mom wraping my bro's prese...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:41*whos ur rival?* NO BOWS! PLZ!
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:40me:i don't knoe*sees some1 opening the door*HEY U ...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:35* :lol: * now how r we supposed 2 get out? -_-&quo...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:34me:NO U JUST MADE IT WORSE LOOK u're foot is tied ...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:32* :lol: * hold on... *unwraps kim* i got kim 4 chr...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:30me:hello girl tied up with bow here....
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:30*decorates the house completley w/ kim* now lets g...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:27me:here have a christmas sweter...*give the sweter...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:26yes *puff* i did *puff,puff* lets hurry up and dec...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:24elizabeth:bye darkness:c ya!!! me:*sees keiko outs...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
....DoTs....1412/21/07 at 12:22um...ok... :oops: but i have 2 b at kims house so ...
itachi killing darkness.JPG

itachi killing darkness.JPG
narutnime12312/21/07 at 12:21darkness:i'll call him now so we all can go to the...
1437 pictures on 72 page(s) 61

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