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Home > .:Personal Galleries:. > Spastic

Last comments - --- This war is ours. ---

waking up.PNG

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ForgottenHeart02/06/10 at 16:46silviu: *notices* is soemthing the matteR?
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Spastic02/05/10 at 06:22Kylynn: &glances out the door where the wolve just...
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ForgottenHeart02/05/10 at 06:19(XD) Silviu: *shrugs*
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Spastic02/04/10 at 23:08[wow o.e I completley forgot about this one] Kylyn...
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SwordOfLies12/02/09 at 17:48Silviu: dogs dont scare me~~ *sits again-has obvio...
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Spastic12/02/09 at 17:43Kylynn: Still, you shouldn't start things when the...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 22:00(g2g gnith) Silviu: *waits till theyre outta site ...
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Spastic11/30/09 at 21:53Kylynn: *sighs sitting back down muttering under h...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 21:43Angelo: *shoves past silviu wlakign out of the caf...
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Spastic11/30/09 at 21:40Kylynn: *eyes lighten more using her power to try ...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 21:15Angelo: *stil lglarring slgihtly at silviu*
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Spastic11/30/09 at 20:53Kylynn: *eyes settle on Angelo*
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 20:39Silviu: *sighs lgihtly8
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Spastic11/30/09 at 19:49Kylynn: *eyes slowly lightening still glancing bet...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 19:47Silviu: *stay clam czu hes still pretty level head...
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Spastic11/30/09 at 19:35Kylynn: Don't take any wooden nickels your bring r...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 19:31Silviu: *eye sthe dakr brown once agian* Angelo: y...
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Spastic11/30/09 at 19:22Kylynn:...
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SwordOfLies11/30/09 at 19:17Angelo: *can still hear the faint accent silviu ha...
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Spastic11/30/09 at 18:44Kylynn: Silviu..don't..
115 pictures on 6 page(s) 1

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