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Why's she look like Starberry's Hoshi?
she doesn't. she looks like my friend tanya who i based her off of. tanya has black hair, green eyes and her favorite colors are green and black. she also loves stars. so thats why hoshiko looks like this. i tried not to make her look like anyone else which is why i used mah special gradient tool and star brush!
wait a minute here...so people are going to have similar looking characters...just coz this looks like someone elses doesn't mean the idea was taken. One day everyone who has a character will have an idea as someone else...you know what i mean? Nice pic
thank you tasha
I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!! * hisses* THE HAIR AND EYES LOOKED LIKE IT! I DIDN'T SAY THE IDEA WAS TAKEN! yeah I know what ya mean I've gotten into fights with a certain person who's paranoied that all her ideas are being taken. I've seen my Hoshi and Hanaka look alikes.
I didn't accuse you Akane...I was giving a general idea
Okay. Sorry just I felt ganged up on
nah I wasn't ganging on anyone
sorry bout that too >.<
Forget this ever happened >~<
yup already have XD
thanx for the site! Imma go read now. It's in english right?
of course it is XD I dunno any other language...I'm going and check out my new pics cya *hug*
Ah dur......* the sound I'm amking since I'm a moron* Ya know, someone on youtube said I should change Hoshi's name cuz her name means star and she's from Hoshikagaru ( SP?), Star Village. I don't wanna so how should I reply? Plus she suppossed to be name that. It's to show her village pride and her eyes are gold ( star color and tiger)
keep the name if you like it!
lol good one XD Who are they to tell you what to do eh? XD
Why do they even care? Not like I roleplay with them or that they'll even remember who Hoshi is or anything about her.
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