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Wana is a very skilled kunoichi, and has abosolutly no tolerance for people who hold a persons gender, male or female, against them.
She usually carries two katanas strapped to her back during dangerous missions, however mostly she goes without them, almost entirely in the village, because she forgets to put them on.
She can be deadly with her kanatas.
She's scatterbrained most of the time, but if she's in a fight or on a mission she is sharp and looks out for herself and others.
She lives in Hidden Leaf Village, however her parents were missing-nin from the Hidden Grass Village.
Since herself and her friends, Taro and Mika, were born in the Hidden Leaf Village they were allowed to stay.
Their parents however, were forced to leave them behind.
She often feels a stronger pull toward the Grass Village since it is where her skills come from.
And she would most likely be welcome there I would think....hmmm...something to ponder.
Her kanatas are a way...they allow her to steal chakra and can suck someone dry if she gets too out of hand.
Butt she has to have her swords...which she often forgets....
no super cool amazing swords=no special abilities(but still a large love for apples)
when Wana was younger a boy "accidently" struck her with the sword he has been practicing with.
It cut her diagonally from her throat to her shoulder and when it happened she killed him rather promptly.
The scar she has running from her throat to her shoulder never lets her forget that she was the cause of a death.
she trains very very hard, causing her to be a tough opponent to face.
She also is in love with apples, and can commonly be found eating one near the Ninja Academy, or pulling one out of odd places in her clothing (much to the dismay of Taro) and munching while thinking of a problem.
She has no attachments to anyone at the moment.
vcngjfhjghsdfgh.JPG  lkluopiopiop.JPG  7nbbcg (2).jpg  cfdbggdhgd,.JPG  untitled (2).jpg 
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Picture information
Filename:7nbbcg (2).jpg
Album name:IchLiebeDenSand / Naruto RPC characters
Rating (1 votes):
Keywords:wana naruto rpc rpcs rp character characters rps oc oc
File Size:64 KB
Dimensions:500 x 375 pixels
Displayed:2283 times
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