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I dont think this screencap ,flatters him as well as others I've seen-_-But i do LOVE this episode^_^
i think it is a screencap
I know....it is thats what i said
wow... nice!!!nice!!!
CreepY.. but h0t..!!!
Hao I love your smile your eyes everything in you,I LOVE YOU!!!!
ahhhhhh nice hair i love it and ur smile is so cute
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How dare those stupid X-Laws wanna take Hao's air and kill him,good thing for the spirit of fire transformation ability^_^
u ppl should b scare than happy.......he may not b truly evil but that looks REALLY EVIL
I LOVE his eyes!!They look soo cool!And he also has a nice body.Dang it they need to make the picture bigger!
whats happening is zeke has changed spirit form and merged with the spirit of water cause the xlaws find out his spirit control and its the gas in the air so they suck it out then zeke laughs and makes the spirit of fire into the spirit of water which makes his hair go like that then kills all the x-laws other than lyserg jeanne and marco
Hao controls the Spirt of Fire using the air as him medium,The X-Laws didnt know what his medium was so they attacked him trying to figure it out,So the achangel's make a prisim around Hao and The SOF and Vestar releases a divise that kill's the oxegen making the spirit of fire usless ,but then he just swiches to the Element of water ,Hao killed Cebin before that and Mena after.The blast left his hair sticking up like that and probably the lack of oxegen as well.But what beauitful eyes he has^_^
I like water, water is my element.
Why does Master Hao Look like he not wearing any clothes? Macchie wonders.
thats not how you spell macchi
ah! but i bet you don't know what my medium is for water thou do you M_La? and i bet YOU didn't know that my medium was air until told you. everyone knows fire needs oxygen to burn. just no one ever figured it out. and u'll be pondering for months about what my water medium is won't ya? some one try and guess.
It's not that hard to figure out that fire need's oxegen to burn and metal is below the earth and sea so logicly Metal would be a medium for the water element,but if you watch the american version they dont use metal as an element they use soul and your going by "zeke" so I dont know what you think it is.If you know how oriental medicine that the ying yang master's used it's all pretty obvious,X-Laws should have done there research.wood feeds fire,fire creates ashes which form earth,ins...
hey u actually got it right. well done.
My first post got cut off so finishing up expaination.Inside the earth, metal which is heated, liquifies and produces water vapour.Of course I got it right I know what I'm talking about when it comes to Hao!^_^
now thats harmany...
ur smart
Well,sure beats being dumb dosnt it?
great now i just have to put zeke in a huge jar wit no air....and beat him up thats nice.....no jar is bigger than the spirit of fire (DAMMIT)
Okay, just to let you know, due to tv rebrodcasting, I wasn't able to watch Shaman King after the episode where Yoh and the others are at Len's mansion and they were about to confront En, so I have no idea what happens after that, and I have no idea what Zeke sounds like.
aww u poor thing. well if i remember correctly the first thing zeke ever said in the seires was the word "silva". he sorta has this calm and slow voice that makes you wanna just listen to it forever. he doesn't sound anything like yoh, he's more like Akon actually. i think he sounds a bit like him. Shaman king may have been taken off the tv where i come from months ago, but i can still remember what he sounds like. Zeke rules!
waaaaaaaaa i love you Haooo!!!!!
The guy who dose the dub voice of Yoh is the same guy that dose the dub voice of Hao(Zeke) but he sound's more calm and has a lower voice then Yoh.You cant really tell it's the same person but it is.
hmmm. i never knew that.
i dont thinks thats true and i am Zeke from above this is my new account since now u have to have an account to sign these things. P.S kawaii doe ui Kiro-Sama!
In my world.Zeke is friends with humuns and they call him Matt.NO SHAME ON YOUS!
I think zeke can get along with humans cause he mentons to morty about being a maskot for his shaman only kingdom, air is my element
this is a C0ol piC 0f ha0..! s0 sweet..
Nay afence but that pic creeps me out a bit. You know Zeke I took this test and it sayed that if I was in shaman King I would be in your team. so can i join?
you know he isn't real right?
ooo creepy... might scare a girl or 2
i luv this pic, sooooo evil! it is true he aint real but it dnt hurt 2 dream
hes pissed off
he look so pretty whit his eyes like that..
as in pretty girly?..or pretty special? XD
Hao I love your smile your eyes everything in you,I LOVE YOU!!!!
dear hao i am your werst nightmare mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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