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h0t h0t h0t..!!!
Oh pleace!
Yeah this is right before he burn's up Jeanne!! My favorite part!^_^
Great ep..!
up up and away lol srry ppl and i like that 2 M_La i like u r u evil like me 2
im glad ironmaiden jeanne gets burnt up!!! i cant stand her!!
Jeanne gets burned!!!! Go Hao-sama!!!! Take her down!! Take her down!!!!! Take her down!!!!!
Burn Jeanne!!! Die you little bitch slowly and painfully! How dare she try to kill Hao!!
kill all the x-laws!!!
Zeke,you are soo laidback.I absolutly love you....ops.i didn't mean for that to escape.
H stands for hot
Hao means :King of Leaves,In Japanese.
king of leaves. (laughing btw) yeah ok. im A TREE!
He is the KING(it doesn`t matter of what)The important thing is HE IS THE KING.And no Yoh or anyone cann`t change that!
Yeah that is what it means you moran! If you claim to be Hao which we all know damn well is immpossible you should at the very least take the time to know some crap about him ,so stfu and quit acting like you know you goddamn poser!!
c'mon M_La why do u have to be so mean to him? he's trying to make us smile u know.
LOL,I'm not being mean dont confuse being mean with honesty.If people dont know this stuff they shouldnt bother.And insulting the Japanese orgin of this show sure as hell is'nt making me smile.
does anyone nom where to download episodes? in english of japenese?
i did see a website once but i didnt work when i tried it.
funni he's king of leaves....(hey at least he's not king of girls..poor guy won't last for a day)
yeh maybe thats why he looks like one too Jen.
does yoh ends up with anna or the other girl that likes him too????????
yea i guess that doesn't make sence...i'm really going to miss yelling at u
u can yell at me all u like Jen. i still have the soul of zeke inside of me. well...maybe i have the other version of zeke inside me....erm....well im confused now.
To answer tsubasa 's question,Yoh and Anna do end up together,but Tamao (girl who likes Yoh)babysit's for there son (Hana)and kinda act's like Anna in the future.
Hao means "Good" in Chiniese. and with the attempt to knock-off Jeanne and do the world a favor... He is good in a way
does any one know kiro means in jap?
Kiro in japanese can be of several different meanings. It can be the prefix "kilo", the phrase "one's way back" or forked roads or crossroads
hey hey thats great cheers! cause kiro changes the lives of humans and shamans like a crossroad! hey great thats mint cheers! yeah kiro means sumthing to do with what he does thats great!
handy Jap to Eng online dictionary
cheers BlakDragon i really really apreciate ur help with my name problem. Kiro is great!
^_^ not a problem...too bad plenty a contract have been hired against you Zeke. One even wants your head encased in a crystal for preservation
erm, BlakDragon, I really do hope you mean like a fan group talking abotu shaman king. not me ingenral??
those who have hired me don't know who you are, they just want Zeke's head mounted in prism, and his manifest soul as a spirit flame used as a chewtoy for my babies ^_^ my Red-Eyes Black Chick have had his fun already on weaker spirits...
*holds up tiny black dragon with fussy spirit flame* he's teething
blakdragon i think ur on the wrong anime here. u belong to yu-gi-oh not shaman king
there's nobody I need to kill off on that anime, at least none in request. right now Zeke is my target...so where is he or do I need to track him myself? if I have to, it's not going to be a very pretty sight
For god sake Blak r u talking about the zeke on this gallery or the actual zeke either way ur mad
It's me Z joely,but my name is now Zoey Lemai!
Z joely, (no afence) but PLEASE shut up!!!
yeah I'm gettiny annoyed to.... I keep n seeing "It's me Zjoely,but my name is now Zoey Lemai!" all the time and all Hao/Zeke fans should see my comment at pic 53
hmm........like this pic. Hao's so cool, but Ren's the coolest
who's Ren
a friend of yoh..
Its like he is looking at me...
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