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Hao and yoh look sooooo Kawaii here!!
no offense... i like yoh more than hao... although hao's smiling is really somethin'
Hao smiles a lot but those are usually smirls. Hey do smirks count?
the asakura twins look so hott here.
don't you agree that hao's hot
Hao is the sexiest creature on the earth *bows to my Hao shrine*
i have a Hao shrine in my closet...it includes a Hao picture frame i made in shop class
they are so hot here!!!
hao and yoh look the same but somehow different ya know what i mean?
I think that the really Hao's power come frome his spirit, the spirit of fire, and the yoh's power come frome his friendship with amida maru
cool pic
Hao's WWWAAAAYYYY hotter then Yoh , I like Yoh, but compair Hao to Yoh.......Yoh is nothing.
Hao is the most beautiful thing a man`s hand ever created
hay golden eyes yeah talkin to you hao is way hotter than yoh and dony u deny it!
I think I�m in LOVE with Zeke ! Oh, God!!! He is awesome!!!
i don't know what to say but SEXY BASTEARDS
I have to say, even though Hao is hotter ,Yoh's face has a certain cuteness in this pic^_^
since when yoh was long hair?
M_La, I agree with u! Even though Zeke is SUPER HOT AND SEXY in this pic, but Yoh is kinda cute in this pic, too (Don't get me wrong, because the last time I said that I was badly framed!!!)
this pic is wiked! rival brothers thing is so common now
you aren't zekes gf. he don't hawe one
why does everybody like Hao better? I'm cute, right?
Yes, Yoh you are cute . by the way I'm new.
Totally agree you, crystal_kat. And I'm new too.
hao is tme most hottest. yoh is cool but hoa is somethin else
Hao and Yoh are hot, and if I'd have to chose between them, I'd pick both! There hot, no doubt, but in personality wise, I'd pick Yoh. If I went with Hao, I'd be a little afraid of getting killed...you know?
I like yoh best but I like hao too....mayby because they look alike
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