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awwww...does he still have "Issues"?
There not as bad as they used to. He ish Bi now and he and Pookie get along better. XD
XD xewl
Omgee, he doesn't still have a "thing" for Pookie does he? OO;
Yeah! He got over that "thing" he had about girls XD. He still has feelins for Pookie though.
LOL SHADOW! "a thing 4 pookie!"
So he wont scream "GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRLS!!" If I glomp him? X3 ☆
lol. i should make a Mikazuki shippuden. hm...need a outfit design...
 That reminds me I need to finish your Getsurei outfit! XD
GOD YOUR CAT EARS ARE A PAIN!!!!! X___________X; I keep erasing and erasing!!!!!1 IM GOING MENTALLY CRAAAAZY!!!!
your telling me. -____-;;;
Yes I am! -innocent look and smile- ^-^
^-* Kaito: Hiya Uri
Hiya Kaito!
lol, you ok Uri?
Kaito:.........So....uh...hi! Anything going on tonight? Me: WTH?
Im just fine Shadow! -looks at Kaito- Um nothing...i think...Why do you ask? (Im making well finding a pic to use for his gf! Her name is Kaminari!)
(cool) Hm...Kim, ya there?
Kaito: GF huh? Erm.....smexy.....no reason.. Me: O.o Kaito....what are u up to?
-drools- He;s mine! *steals and runs*
(Thanks!) Me: Her name is Kaminari! You'll see her in a while!
OMG! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKUUU!!!! DX Nue. If you glomp him, he hugs you and sping yew around. XD
Kaito: I HAVE MORE FANGIRLS! SMEXY! Harry: Hoshi....*hugs*
XD nice Kaito!
XD i know
Harry! X3 *huggles*
Harry: XD so....how are ya baby? Me: The hell did that come from young man!? Harry: I'm the same age as you Anna
OO; Hope Kaito doesnt do that to Kaminari! XD
XD me either
I thought u were makin progress!
Well i have a few but...they arent good enough! XDDD
XD then do ini mini mini mo!
Ooooh....!!!! Im still gonna look JUST in case! XD
XD k
ooo, he's smexy now X3
XD hi bex
Hi Bex!
hi XD
Me: *blush* XD I'm just fine thankyou! *kisses his cheek XD* Hi bex!
Whats wrong Suzuka? BEEEEEEEX! Sprry felt like yelling someones name!
XD Harry: Hiya sweets *kiss* Me: O>O
Me: *faints XD*
Harry: HA Me: O.O! um harry, here comes the Royal Betch (the stuck up girl from my pic. The blonde ino) Harry: *starts singing i don't like that bitch* I don't like that bitch, i don't see her, bitch bitch bitch Me:O.O
-catches Hoshi- Woooooooooow...OMG NOT YOU! XD
XD he's talking to the ino blonde betch
Me: I feel.....so happeh.......X3
XD Harry: I do too
(I know!) -looks at Hoshi- You should be!
You all copied me....O.o
You all copied me....O.o
XD yes we did Harry did it 4 u too
Harry: U WEIRDO'S ARE SCARING HER! Me:  sryy harry
XD Sorry! XD
Harry: *calms down* it's ok
Dayum! He sexy. o.O
Its ok Yachiru! XD I know he is Kairi! X3
^-^ Im like a tape recorder! XD
Me: Kairi? Kairi: Oh heeellllll no. Shuichi ish smexy!
Da smex! XDDDD
I'm still looking for a Sasuke pic. DX
For Shuichi?
What pic did yew do it on before yer nana deleted it?
I think it was a pic of him from the first openin. He was smiling/smirking
Then find the same damn one. o.O;;; Lol xD
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