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my type of outfit
yea..mine 2
I'm more emo but thats cutei
ur welcome!(gai stance)
YAY*hugs Yatta-chan*
Just My Shorts, I was gonna do Gai stance.....You're Welcome KazeKage chan (Jiraya stance)
(hugs kim-chan back) JIRAIYA STANCE!!!!
 yeh that stupid daning he be doing
lol alright man I'm a MAD FREAK (freaky laugh with Arashi)
OH YEA*hugs Imani-chan*
(laughs like a crazy maniac) did I ever told you about my dream?
 can't..not enogh air (No I don't think so Yatta
I had a dream when I was murdering people with a huge knife!
oooooh cool with Bankotsu's sword would be awwwwwsome...Do you like Riley from Boondocks
KOOL,I MEAN OMG*still hugging Imani-chan tight*
yeah it was bloody and someone cut my eye out and I was laughing like a maniac! YES I LIKE RILEY!!!
ME too Riley is funny and Houy
what?  well i had a dream last night that sasuke left the villge kill orochimaru came back and had the 3rd form of shariagn
that dream sounds awesome! riley and huey is da BOMB!
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