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OO; who's the guy Misty?
Misty:Just..some guy..*blushes* named Kyle
Misty:yea mom..u should have seen him,he was so sweet,he's really strong..he's everything a girl could want
But does he love you?
Misty:yes...we both love each other so much..he even asked me to marry him,last week..but i just wanted to see Hiroshi 1st and talk to him about it..he looked so surprised 2..
Shadow: Oh... Well, how did Hiroshi take it?
Misty:i didn't told him about the marrying part yet,i only told him about the i love Kyle more part..and he looked surprised
Shadow: Well, why don't you tell him now?
Misty:hmmm...will i bet he would say it's ok,but then we told each ither that we love each other and after these 3 years years he still does..but i don't anymore..yea i should tell him now,so he could find a better person 2 be with
Shadow: *thinking* this sounds so wrong...what happened to "OH! i just LOVE Hiroshi-sama!" ...? *** Um..yea...you sure about this Mist?
Misty:i know what u're thinking mom..but ppl change..i'm not a little kid anymore..
Shadow: Yea...i guess not Mist...
Misty:so when can i have the wedding?
Shadow: Talk it over with your father, i bet you haven't even gotten his promission. (when is engaged to Hiroshi? later? need to know where i'm at @-@
(^w^ okey-dokey after Kyle dies) Misty:ok mom..DAD COME OVER HERE!!!!!!!!PLZ
(dies? OO; ) Haseo: What Mist?
*yup Hiroshi kills him* Misty:when can i marry Kyle?
(ok, since you already have the story planed out, does Haseo say yes?)
(i skipped some parts -____-'...like this 1..so u decide)
(eh, i'll let him say yes, that way Hiroshi has a better reason to do it) Haseo: I...Kyle...? Um...Fine...
(ok) Misty:YAY THX DADDY!!!*hugs him*
Haseo: Heh...too much love. -_____-; Shadow: You better go tell him. Haseo: *thinkimg* <confizzled> wth?
Misty:ok but when can i have the wedding?
Haseo: Uh... Shadow: whenever's sutible..
Misty:i'll ask Hiroshi 2 pick the dat 4 me...will..i'm off 2 see him anyway..BYE!*runs to Hiroshi* *do u want to be Hiroshi or Misty now?*
*uh..Mist* Haseo: Bye?
*ok lol poor Haseo XD* Hiroshi:*sees Mist comming at his direction*oh hi Mist-chan that's up?..oh and nice joke earlier about that dude..lol
Mist: Are you talking about Kyle? Oh, that reminds me, Hiroshi, when the best time for the wedding?
Hiroshi:*stops laughing*oh...u mean u weren't joking 0.0
Mist: Hiroshi, i'm dead serious, so when should the wedding be? next week? that should be enough time to get everything ready right?
Hiroshi:....i...yea next week will work...
Mist: Oh, ok! Thanks Hiroshi. I hope to see you there! <runs off to meet with Kyle>
Hiroshi:damn Kyle..damn Mist damn every1..
(ok, what now? XD )
*bring kyle over*
(ok) Mist: Hiroshi! See? This is my husband-to-be!
Hiroshi;*looks blankly at Mist then the person next to her*who are u?
Kyle:my name is Kyle..nice 2 meet u Hiroshi-kun*sticks out hand* Hiroshi:*thinks*so this is the Kyle that Mist couldn't stop talking about,he doesn;'t look all that,or even looks atriong 2..what a loser*shakes Kyles hand*nice 2 meet u..loser Kyle: Huh?..Hiroshi:i said kool Kyle..person..guy..Mist:i knew u 2 would get along (there XD )
*LOL i knew u were going 2 do that at some point ok...what next*
(<shrugs> your story. OO; )
*nope our story* Hirohi:*grabs Mist by the arm*Mist...are u sure about this?
(who's playing Kyle?)
(idk...i'll do unless some1..else wants 2) Hiroshi:mist?...
Mist: Please let go of me Hiroshi. (you can, i don't know his attitude)
*will..he's acting nice in frount of Mist but he knows that Hiroshi loves Mist so whenever Hiroshi and him are alone he starts telling Hiroshi that's he's a loser that he had he's chance 2 be with Mist and ask her out,but now that it's 2 late..he'll die alone and scared with no1 by his side*
(That jerk! Haseo shoulda said no!) Mist: Hiroshi, i'm ready for this, the quesion is, are you?
(yea) Hiroshi:no...Mist plz don't marry him plz
Mist: Hiroshi, it's already in progress, my Dad said yes, and the weddings next week.
Hiroshi:on a friday then...plz
Mist: <annoyed laugh> Hiroshi, i told you, i'm ready for this.Isn't that right Kyle?
Kyle:yea dude..what's wrong?.. Hiroshi:what's wrong...u're wrong u don't belong here...GET OUT LEAVE!!!! Kyle:are u in love with Misty as well?.. Hiroshi:HECK YEA I AM!!!more then u will ever be.. Kyle:misty your friend is scareying me...can we leave
Mist: Um, yea, i think that'd be a good idea...
Kyle:*waits 4 Mist 2 leave then turns around 2 Hiroshi again*look u ass...if u get in the way of our marriage again..u..or her will get it.. Hiroshi:what is that suoppse to mean?.. Kyle:u'll only see if u get in the way of course.. Hiroshi:who are u?... Kyle:your wrost nightmare
Kyle:just watch out Hiroshi..*looks at Mist8uh..YEA WAIT UP!!!*runs 2 Mist*
Mist: <in BG hugging Kyle's arm and talking about random stuff as they walk off>
Hiroshi: i have 2 tell some1 about this..i know her dad..but if i tell some1..mist would really hate me and would never talk 2 me again
<athome> haseo: Wth was that about? Shadow: <washing dishes> What was what about Haseo? Haseo: <sigh> Nevermind.
Hiroshi:i..oh man..what 2 do?...HASEO SHJADOW MOM DAD ANY1!!!!!!
Haseo: I'm callung naruto about this... Shadow: Oooh, your talking ab~ haseo: <gone>
Hiroshi:*runs in Shadow's house and knocks really hard on trhe door*HELLO ANY1 PLZ ANSWER THE DOOR PLZ!!!!
Shadow: <opens door> Oh, hello Hiroshi, whats the matter?
Hiroshi:*out of breathe*....Mist..mi-mist is in...really big trouble..
Hiroshi:ca-can i have a glass....of water..plz
Shadow: Sure. <runs into kitchen then back again with some water>
Hiroshi:*drinks water fast and starts coughing*..
Hiroshi:i'm fine..Mist is really important now...Mist is marrying the wrong guy...he doesn't love her..he's making fun of me 4 being lonly and that i used 2 have a chance to make Mist fall in love with me and stuff but idk why he wants 2 be with Mist but i'll find out soon..and once i do....he's dead...
Shadow: .....?
Hiroshi;did i meantion that he told me if i get in the way of the marriage again me or Mist will pay and i did..now 1 of us has 2 pay...
Shadow: Hiroshi, i know your mad about this, but is it really nessasary to put yourself through hell?
Hiroshi:....yes..i guess it is
Shadow: I'm sure you have it all wrong...
Hiroshi:THEN WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!! he told me it right in frount of my face
Shadow: Uh...i think Haseo went to go meet the boy...just calm down Hiroshi...
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