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eva_asuka118.jpeg  eva_asuka048.jpg  eva_asuka007.jpg  eva_asuka101.jpg  eva_asuka023.jpg 
Rate this picture (current rating : 1.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763672 / 5 with 46 votes)
Picture information
Album name:Asuka Langley Soryu
Rating (46 votes):
File Size:68 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:71847 times
Favourites:Add to Fav
Beto [Aug 29, 2005 at 01:37 AM]
i wanna eat that melons! sabroso!...
CTG [Sep 05, 2005 at 07:32 PM]
: Takes out his Omega Cannon: BACK OFF TWERP! SHES MINE!
Boned [Sep 19, 2005 at 05:05 PM]
Can't we share? Cool
Kissed_by_Kakashi [Nov 26, 2005 at 01:06 AM]
I'minlovewithkizna [Nov 27, 2005 at 07:17 PM]
for heaven's sake people, she's only 16. Back off.
Anquietas [Dec 21, 2005 at 02:48 AM]
1) Asuka is 14 years old, just like Shinji and Rei. 2) I really hope that those first 3 comments where just sick jokes because other wise they are just plain disturbing.
Terrents [Dec 24, 2005 at 06:41 AM]
Hey this show is the best for me cuz im 14 to and btw 14 year olds dont get that big tits but im not complaning Surprised
MizuKage13 [Dec 30, 2005 at 11:30 AM]
You can all go to hell cause she's all mine. and as for as her tits, the artist can make her have tits however big he wants. But I couldn't imagine someone having tits like those at 14.
jeremy prichard [Feb 22, 2006 at 04:58 PM]
I'm 15
Miroku The Cursed Monk [Feb 24, 2006 at 02:30 PM]
well the truth is that in shows like this the girls come out to be either 14 to 16 and they have bodies of like a 18 or 20 year old girl
MattDark [Mar 31, 2006 at 10:12 AM]
You should see some of the 13-17 year old girls nowadays, with all the makeup around, you can never tell how old they are. Especially now that they seem to be developing quickly in the chest area...
Hanyounin [Aug 20, 2006 at 09:55 PM]
yet shinji has the physique of an 8yr old..haha ah, Very Happy that's messed up
Hentai King [Nov 30, 2006 at 09:40 PM]
sasuke's #1 fan [Apr 25, 2007 at 08:34 PM]
my older sister is jeolous of me and she is 18 and has small breasts and min are like as big as asuka's and i am 15 well mine are bigger then assuka's x2 Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Razz
cyberpnk [Mar 13, 2010 at 03:07 AM]
Let me have just ONE pull on the zipper.....
SushiChan [Mar 19, 2011 at 04:40 AM]
Fantastic pic you have there!
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