Well I really like how this ended up coming out. :3 omg Tori what if! Masa was in the forest and saw Taji hug anzu? >:] and shit. Taji's Hair wan't supposed to be black -.- when I did the watermark my colors got fucked up for somereason, :/
omg this is awesomness  and xD its o sometimes colors get messeded up things lik that suck XD and omg yessssss
Thankiess :3 and ik it sucks D: Rp?
sure ^-^
Anzu: *holding onto Taji with that shocked expression like in the picture* T-taji-san?
Taji: *was hugging he rlike that-ins "its ok" kinda of way* MasA: *had been scouting out in the woods ses them and eye widne slgihtly-not exaclty in their line of view* ....
Anzu: *closes her eyes lightly and leans her head on his shoulder* Thanks~
taji: *nods genlty* Masa: *agrivation makr feels ryo land on his sohuld and shake his hea dlgihtly*
Anzu: *same thinking about the entire sittuation*
masa: *walking by with the agrivaiton mkar ryo o nhis sohulder-i nthier view as he wlaks past* taji :*had glancesd up seeing him*
Anzu: *can tell that someone's there and looks up freezing when she see's it's Masa*
masa: *walking head down*
Anzu: *looks down again and burys her head in Taji's shoulder*
taji: *notices sitll in the hug wiht her* masa: *entire heart just feeling crushed form seei them hug*
Anzu: *thinking* [Theres nothing wrong with what i'm doing. it's a hug. HE broke up with me. I shouldn't feel bad. I won't feel bad] *trying to convince herself*
masa: *still wlaking off*
Anzu: *same*]
--late ron that day-- masa: *sitting in atree i nteh woods*
Anzu: *walking near by with Shunju who is in cat form*
ryo :*sitting udner the tree writing o n piece of paper-in human form*
Shinju: *sees Ryo and runs over all happy, Anzu hadn'tr told him about he breakup yet* Anzu: *bites her lip then turns around*
ryo: *looks up seeing shinjus smile soft-notices anzu adn hopeshe doesnt see mas ai nthe tree* masa: *half asleep in teh tree*
Anzu: *had turned around to leave becasue she had seen masa* Shinju: *rubs up against Ryo purring softly*
ryo :*pets him* masa: *smae*
Shinju: *glances up at Masa* What's up with him? [[mehee he should go after her and ask about Taji >=
(which HE u tlakigna about/? XD ryo? ) Ryo: he got no sleep las tngiht so i guess he on the verg eof passing out* Masa: *is exactly that*
Shinju: *looks concerened* Why didn't he sleep? [[Massa, and the fact that he's all tired then cause of his heart he might pass out and you know she wouldn't leave him alone]
(yessss >  XD) ryo: anzu didnt tell uwhat happened? masa: *still conciosu enoguh notices anzu and gets up~&
Shinju: *shakes head*..I guess not, what happened? Anzu: *walking head down*
masa: *jumps off the branch following after where she went* ryo: masa borke up with her...
Shinju: Nu-uh! what for?!! Anzu: *can tell he's following her*
ryo: i dont know, he wouldnt evne tell me~ masA: *smae -knwos she knows*
Shinju:...where did he go? o.e Anzu: *walking faster*
ryo :*glances up -sweatdopr* ooh geezz.... masa: *walks slgihtly fast to keep up with her*
Anzu: *sighs and stops walking still lookinjg down* What do you want Masa.
Masa: *stay quiet for a moment b4 answering-had already stoped* .... i want o know why all of a suddne u a taji were hugging......? *saying it mainyl cu tji isnt mcuh of an open person*
Anzu: That's none of your buisness anymore.
masa: *one hand clenche sin a fist entire heart alreay feeling crushed-head tilted down so his bang his his face*
Anzu: *knew that would really piss him off and moves to start walking aain*
masa: *really agrivate dplsu teh otehr emotion mixinf xcuaseing the usual masa problem*
*Freezes hearing him fall then turns around quickly and runs over to him kneeling by his side* Masa... *sighs* [I can't love him anymore. I can't]
masa: *passe dout*
Anzu: *moves him gently off to the side in the shade of the tree's and sits down setting his head in her lab checking his pulse lightly*
masa: *pulse is quickened making it obvious why he passe dout*
Anzu: *sighs lightly and sit with him for awhile waiting for him to wake up*
masa: *outs of it for a while*
Anzu: *thinking between Taji and Masa*
(posting masa now) MasA:*same* ryo: *wlakig with shinju looking for masa XD*
Anzu: *sees them* Guys over here~
ryo :*sees them thinking~ and masa's on the gorund....?~-goes ove* hey~, uh... what happened to him?
Anzu: *sighs* the usual heart issues. Shinju: *by Ryo*
Ryo: *sighs* i really wish there was some way to fix that~
Anzu: *shrugs then realizes his head is still resting in her lap and blushes a bit*
masa: *still out of it* ryo: *sits o nteh gorund across form her*
Anzu: *sighs lightly* Shinju: *curls up on Ryo's lap*
ryo: *pets him* masa: *smae*
Anzu: What do we do?
ryo: *shrugs*
anzu:...*looks down at masa*
--lil whiel later-- masa?: *comming to*
Anzu: *had been talking to Ryo with Masa's head still in her lap*
ryo: *was still tlakign to her* masa: *eyes twitch lgihtly starting to hear tehir voices comming bkc to reality*
Anzu: *had been talking about how the sittuation affected her and how she blames herself, not realizing he was waking up*
masa:nnn... *had goes to his head eyes starting to open realizing wher his head is and eds up sitting up a bit to fast*
Anzu: *meepes lightly moving back quickly hoping he hadn't heard anything*
masa: *holds his hea dof minute-really hadent heard anyhting was to hazey*
Anzu: *stands brushing hersef off* Well then, i'lll be leaving I suppose.
masa: *looks over at her obviosuly deep down not wanteign her to leave*
Anzu: *catches his eyes for a moment and flinches then looks away*...
masa: *thinking~she stayed by me.....?~*
Anzu: *turns around* Shinju, get home before it's dark~ *goes to leave*
masa: *looks away from her*
Anzu: *walks away* Shinju: *groans*
masA: *sighs lghtly*
Shinju: *looks at him ccuriouslly*
masa: *gets up*
Shinju: Masa?
masa: ... what shinju....?
Shinju: YOU broke up with her right?
Masa: y-yeah.....
Shinju: then, if your the one who did it, why are you so beat up about it?
MasA: ¬ facing them* becuz shinju i didnt want to.... *walkign off now*
Shinju: * a bit frustrated* Didn't want to what?
Masa: i ddidnt wnat to break up with her.....
Shinju: Then why did you!?
masA: *flinches lsgihtly-obviosuly hold back tears* becuase if id din tsomeone was gonan hurt her ok?!
Shinju: *solem face following him* you should tell her, she blames herself. *knowing full well that it'ss Oni and plans to talk to Kage about it*
masa: i CANT... you dont get it shinju.... if i tell her and oni finds out inanyway possible he il not only kill her but due jsut as bad a thing to me....
Shinju: So you would rather see her with your bestfriend? *knows he's starting to go too far*
MasA: *stops wlaking for minute* shinju will u jsut up! u know i dont wnat that and u should realize its killing me so stop tlakign about it!
Shinju: *eyes glitter with a bit of malice* and what of her? [[I keep making Shinju seem like he is his own entity and he's not, he's supposed to be like a extension of anzu's emotions, so it's not really shinju being such a douche it's just the fact that the bond with Anzu makes him geel strongly about it and its something he can't change]]
(i knwo but masa just stresse dand tkaing it out on him cuz he stlkaign to him at the wrong time! XD) MasA: *squeezes his eyes shut and grips ahis han in afist* ryo: *walks over* shinju, dont....
Shinju: *looks at Ryo and his eyes shift back to the normal apple green and he whines softly* [[what iff Shinju went off with Ryon and they met up with Kage like where the bounty hunters are stating? then whatshisface could find Masa and they could meet up with these two >] Karei: *jumps down in front of Anzu randomly* Anzu: *screams lightly suprised* Karei: *laughs a fake laugh* sorry to just drop in~
masA: *wlaks off* makoto :*out looking for masa* ryo: *wlaks off iwht sinju*
Anzu: *shifts to her other foot* Listen Karei i'm really not in the mood to tal~ Karei: oh cmon I won't take much of your time. *no hint of smile behind her eyes* Anzu:. *gets a bit paniced* n-no I really have to go, Shinju: *jumps to Ryo's shoulder purring softly turning off the link to Anzu trying to clear his thoughts*
ryo: *pets him and wlkas with him amking sure he doesnt fall* makoto: *finds masa* hey... masa: *sighs* what do u want makoto.... makoto: somehitng tells em something bads up so cmon~ *twirls him and pushes him*
Karei: *smirks lightly* Aww it's not like i'm gonna hurt you~ *said in a mocking tone* Anzu: *dosn't have much chakra left considering she had been training before, and takes a wary step back* Karei..what's wrong with you?
mkaoto& Masa: *both running thru the trees followin what their trained to reconize*
Karei: All you need to know m'dear is that you need to be out of the picture, Anzu: *knows that without chakra she wouldn't be able to fight, and moves her hand on her sword managing to think straight* but we are friends..right? Karei: *laughs loudly noticing her moving to her sword then slams her up against a tree with ease* theres no way that you could even try and fight me with depleted chakra levels. *smirks* Anzu: *had gasped in pain not knowing if it was the tree or her back that had cracked*
masa& makoto: *had jsut gotten there right as she hit the tree* masa: *worried* ANZU! *jump sdown next to her maktoo: *glares at karei not bleiiving this*
Karei: *mumbles something about nucinces and throws Anzu to the side then bolts in the opposite direction* Anzu: *flinches hitting the ground hard bleeding from the shoulders where Karei's nails were digging into her skin* [[Masa should stay with Anzu and Makoto should go after Karei >  ]]
(duh! XD) msa: *leans by anzu-was gonan ptu his amrs aorund ehr to hlep her to sit up striahgt but afriad shed be mad at hmoe for that* makoto: *runs after karei*
Anzu: *eyes closed tightly in pain sitting herself up* Karei: *sighs and can tell that one of them is following her and jumps to the tree's jumping through them using chakra to go faster*
makoto: *is able to keep up with her with no trouble at all* masa: *helped ehr slihtly* holds til lanzu... *trying to hela her some liek his mom tuahgt him when he was younger*
Anzu: *opens eyes lightly* Masa... *trys moving but ends up gasping in pain* what the h-hell just happened, Karei: *glares ahead and stops abruptly turning on a branch to face him* this is none of your concern.
makoto :*crosse his arms* say who? you hav eno rights to understnad what area of time is part of my concern,,, masa: jsut hold sitll, karei jsut attacked oyu... jsut dont move...! *keeps stressing that at her cu e doen tlike he rin pain helaing her*
Karei: *laughs* this is my job. not all of us get to leave everything behind. Makoto-kun *said the kun sarcastically for some reason full of spite* Anzu: I'm fine. *trys to move again and swears under her breath.
masa: *stern voice* jsut stop moving and listen to me goddammit...! *is obvisouly worried aobut her and in already a piss ymood cuz of shinju* makoto: *eyes narrowed*
Anzu: *glares and mumbles* I doubt you really wanna help anyway. Karei:...*same*
masa: *mutters swears and shake his head-finishes healing her* ur insane to think id be compelled to hlep u wihotu actually wanting to...
Anzu: *looks down* .........allot of things you do don't make sense. Karei: *eyes cold, completley different from when they were younger* are we done yet?
mkaoto: *mutters under his breaht- to think... i actually missed oyu...* masa: *sgihs*
Karei: *closes eyes and shakes her head* I used to miss you, then I realized *opens eyes* You left me anyway, the only one I cared for for years was your mother, when she passed on I lost myself and became consumed by training. this is who I am now. The care has been beaten out of me. Anzu:*try's moving up away from him but flinches and falls back* fuck!
makoto: you say that like it was my choice to leave.... *had muttered it softly-hearing that his mom passe don consideirn ghe didnt know cause da tear to run down his face* masa: *sigs- eye show nothign but worry*
Karei: heh, you didn't know tha- *realized he had begun to cry and stopped speaking eyes softening a bit*... Anzu: *can't look at him*
masa: *warps his amr around ehr ina gnetly hug-but wher eshe cna see his face* anzu... i still love you... dont ever think differently... makoto: *whipes aay the tear tat fell-trying to be tuogh guy like allg uys try to*
Anzu: *shakes her head shaking about to cry* th-then why? Karei: *moves to his branch the hostility down, and placed her hand on his shouder gently* She was proud of you,
masa: *stays quiet* Makoto: ... *was aobut to say soehting but i nteh distanceu cna hear-- Makoto-sensei!!! Ikuto: *on of hsi student running closer*
Karei: *glances over at Ikuto quickly moving away from Makoto* .... Anzu: *looks down tears leaking from her eyes silently*
masa: *amrs aorund her genlty* mkaoto: *jumps down fromt eh brnach he wa son-hadnt been obviosu to her cuz its un expecte dthat heas a sensei to 3 chunin* what is it ikuto...? ikuto: Anahi, and Saya are fighting agisnt and its gettien relaly seriosu!
Karei: *raises an eyebrow slightly ammused* [sensei? hmm..] Anzu: *shakes her head*
Makoto :*sighs lgihtly glancesing bakc at karei and back to ikuto-has no patientce for anyhitng right now* cmon... *runs off fiwht him*
Karei: *has the emotionless facade back up in a few moments and leans against the tree sitting on the branch and closes her eyes, knowing he'll be back* Anzu: [thinking]
masa: *smae his arm aorund ehr-starts to let her go*
Anzu: *looks up at him not pulling away with a slightly blank look* Karei: *just reminiscing about when she was younger*
masa: anzu i relaly do still... *was gonna finsih his sentence-but hears oni comming*
Anzu: *looks down and slides away from him propping herself against the tree not talking can tell something was wrong besides the curent situation*
oni: *wlaks over* masa~ masa: *obviosuly depressed sighs stnading up stiaght*
Anzu: *eyes kinda blank* Karei: *same*
(g2g night@)--a lil late ron-- makoto :*wlakign thru the woods scouting* masa: *wherever trying to eb away from oni*
[[kk]] Anzu: *trying to sleep early to sleep off pain but keeps thinking and making herself more depressed* Karei: *sitting on a big rock overlooking a pond watching the sunset, alone as usual*
maktoot: *walkign trhunthe woods sight t ohimself tlakign to himsefl as well* so shes really gone..... *shake hsi head gnetly*
Karei: *same* [...should I just drop the mission? the pay's great...but if I stay for too long he'll get to me... he almost did before]
makoto :*wlking near by muttering things to hiemself*
Karei: *can hear him and tenses up*
makoto :*sighs as hes walking just scouting ahian*
Karei: *glances over not saying anything*
makoto: *glanicng aorund -yawns s;oghtly*
Karei: Gonna say hello? *monotone voice looking rather bored*
makoto: *stop heairng her- glances up where she is*
Karei: *blinks almost daring him to talk to her*
makoto: *stares at her for moment*
Karei: *same*
makaoto :*turns his ehad away and keeps walking*
Karei: *shrugs sitting back to face the water* Anzu: *waking up*
masa: *off triangin wherever*
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