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hi Anime-po-po-tan,want to be friends?
Here i am resting,*yawns, i am so tired after that test, and dont remind me about the score...ill study..eventually....*oh shut up luna*hits luna
after so many years...the show became old,and sucky.tsk tsk tsk how sad.no 1 comments...cuz every 1 is at naruto galleries,....cuz that show ROCKS!!!!! ^_^
Very pretty.
In this scene, Usagi is writing a letter to Mamoru. I own the cel of this scene. I'll be uploading more images shortly from my high quality subs.
Who keeps uploading all of these pics? It's annoying and Saeta...some if not most people already knows what she's doing you don't have to tell us
I uploaded one image which appears to have been placed on this page several times. I'm not sure why it was uploaded several times as I only hit the upload button once. And Tish, instead of trying form a good insult, your time would be better spent learning proper grammar
Who do you think you are? Telling me what to do?! I'll admit, I aren't that good at english, never have been and probably never will be! If you're going to get clever, you'll notice my name does not begin with a capital 'T', it's a small one. By the way, I wasn't trying to insult you, you get many people like you who give out the story and it's annoying! If you want to start an argument, I'll gladly join, but that isn't what I was trying to do.
This isn't Usagi at all, though. This is Princess Anne. She appeared in an episode of SuperS that was based on Roman Holiday. She looks a lot like Usagi but she's not.
hm pretty
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