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I like
XD well i aggree with all of u ppl!
 um i see a hole lot of crack the un good kind
mmm im jerkin to this
I'minlovewithkizna why the hell are YOU looking at this picture if you are so righteous? I thought so, be quiet you hypocrite.
anime_lover that was tmi  ...I guess i will too
Anime lover loves anime a little too much.
gee..too good to be true.
....jerkin off.........geez man now i'm for freedom of speech butt, so am I...i guess
Um..."HMMM" I'n not looking at the pic, I'm lookin at your comments. I go find pics like this so I can read the comments and give my opinion. Hypocrite? hm? interesting you say that becuase that word means one who says they are one thing and act another. I never claimed that i don't struggle with this kinda of temptation nor did I say that i never had. When you throw a word around like that, people will see how ignorant you really are.
Rae rae. I thought the bad kind of crack was the yellowish-white rock stuff that people by from my neighbor? I guess your parents teach you different because they didnt want to seem like bad people. :p Anywho! What a horrible time to get your picture taken! It happened to me once. My little brother done it then sold it to the guys at my high school. I was SO angry! But I got back at him. I took a picture of him wacking off and had it put up all over his school.  Showed him. hehe
Who is this I'minlovewithkizna? He/She, whoever, is everyplace. What gets to me about people like that is they get pissed if someone voices their likes or dislikes and opinions saying we are cramming our standards down their throats.....While on the same hand they are doing the exact same thing trying to tell everyone else how to live and look now that is a real hypocrite
I agree with I'minlovewithkizna I only look at these pics to disaply my opinions to all you people who look at it for whatever reason you do this pic is sick and wrong and should not be on this site
ha ha...big butt so what!
ok looking at picture thinking... hmm nice, but not my style... thats al... you know why boy... becous its fiction... and sure sometimes that can be enough for one to drool but not this picture... not even close
you guys are prevs  props to anime_lover  .now i have some unfinished bisness if you know what i mean
uhh you think thats a big butt?ok then sure...
I dont care  I wish I Was there
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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