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She is so beautiful =)
She looks weird...
i hate her
she looks stupid in this pic...
she always looks stupid
HIMMEL NOCH MAL, JETZT REG DICH MAL AB!!! DO YOU THINK IT'S VERY MATURE TO POST ABOUT TWENTY TIMES HOW MUCH YOU HATE SAKURA?!! If you hate her, why do you look at her pics? To start a fight? And you call yourself sweet? You're just annoying. If you don't like her, then say it once, but don't post again and again that she's stupid/should die or whatever. That's just immature and very very stupid. IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT, THEN GO LEARN KICKBOXING!!!
you tell 'em talee hyro! oOo, well im not exactly a fan of sakura (because of her disliking naruto to the point of physical slapping) but i think she looks adorable here cuz her bangs look different somehow =o...=D
Die, sweetyumi!
yes die sweetyumi! UR NOT SWEET AT ALL!
I hate Sakura.
Her top bangs look long, giving her the sight of having a long head...
Omg thank you Ami! *hugs*
her hair is so pretty in this pic
tenshi.uve, you do know that I am allowed to speak my mind, right? And for the record I'm a girl. I just said something about the bangs. It really does make it seem theat her head seems a bit longer. I got nothing against big foreheads ever since I started reading Claymore. Teresa's my fav!!
Guys Seriously Stop Talking Trash About Everyone Keep Ur Mean Opinions To Urself!If U Have Nothing Good To Say Than Dun Say It At All!I Personally Think Sakura Is Pretty Cool Ever Since The Forest Of The Death!
I was talking about sweetyumi
I don't really like Sakura, but she looks cute in this pic!
She always looks good (my opinion)
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