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I remember that espisode it was so funny XD
I've only seen 1 ep. My friend Black_And_White_AnimeGirl just barely told me about the show...about a week ago. This isn't the ep I saw though.
More like...A 3 weeks ago!
is she retarded?
yes....yes it is(it=sakura)
Sakura:I LIKE MILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would you please stop saing those things about sakura. i am not going to be rude with you(at lease i will try). if you dont like sakura what the hell are you all doing in her gallery? and plus: i think you all hate her becuase she LOVES sasuke-kun! she is not obcessed like you(sorry being rude i know) she really loves him..like you see in the episode 100!!! please i beg you on my knes dont say those things about her!!! thanks!!!
im here because there's nothing better to do in my life,i hate her because she's obessed with sasuke,but thats not everything,i hate her guts,i hate her weakness,i hate her,and i wish i met her so i could personally kill her.(im not trying to be mean or rude to you)
to AnimeScooterpiePrincess:What would I say in a time like this?
to dark_chii222 : yep girl...i know i are not being rude..i just wish that could be peace between us, ok? lets to fight because of this...i love sakura..i hate her..well i think i can live with that..ohh and..she is not obcessed with him...she BLOODY LOVES HIM!!.lol! kiss
ok,now if you excuse me someone just declaired war,and i want to participate
if u r taking 'bout me then YEAH BRING IT ON!!!
-_- stop! You guys are weird
no,i shall not stop,because i'd be giving up,and there's no way in hell im giving up
Same here
sorry my bad i didnt mean to say to fight but :lets NOT fight..i really hate this things ..so..peace girl!! ...
again,the only way im stopping,is if cobaltangel gives up
Same here
not giving up,NOT EVER!!!.unless u want to give up first...
im not giving up,but really i guess i am going easy on you CobaltAngel,but only because im busy fight with someone else
YEAH BRING IT ON I'M NOT BACK DOWN To Dark_chii222: Who u fighting
naruto556 and Grlcryz,the biggest bakas in the world
To dark_chii222:u should give up first.
Oh yeah...Sakura saw Sasuke's "severed head" on the ground. When Sasuke just said "...Sakura...", she screamed and fainted...XD
that was hilarious...Sakura was all like "AGGGH!! Sasuke is just a head in the ground and he's talking!!!!"
Yeah I know, she thought his head was cut off I think.
even so she should helped him up and not fainted, alot of help she woz
yo! easy does it 'rock_lee_iz_super_sexy '.....u dnt wonna start summing now
lol Yeah
yea totally lol
what is that espisoide is it
She looks like she's having issues
笑い 笑い
omg its frankensteins wife
you peps are so funny! and what is Nejis_Gurl_XD saying?
this is Sakura after she found out how many people love Sasuke
I'm an ugly girl, my face makes you hurl Said I have it, I should bag it! Acne everywhere, unwanted facial hair! I'm a relation to Frankinstein's creation! You're a dog and a troll Were you hit by a train? Don't come near me 'Cause your breath is stanky! HA HA THAT IS SAKURA"S SONG!!!
neardeath666, u r retarded
she looks funny 'I'm an ugly girl, my face makes you hurl' heehee good idea for sakura
Grr Tenshi-chan meanie! Don't be so mean.
Oh Noooeeees!! Bad hair day...wait, she always has bad hair, nevermind (the pink is tacky, sorry, but that's it, it looks good otherwise)
sakura must die!! shes so freakin retardeddd
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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