awe......shes so happy
i like that ribbon on her head
she looks so pretty
she looks nice
Iruka's thoughts: She-looks-so-CUTE!
(looks at pic and passes out from the cuteness)
AH! So sute
That is why I hated her.
how can you say that about.....Wait. (looks at pic) I see smoke. This isn't someone practicing that skill that naruto likes to do so much is it?
She is pretty but evil and cruel,and real bea...
Sakura, you better become a good med. ninja.
all she ever did was shout for sasuke-kun and ask help.. anyway at least she got stronger. i hope SAKURA and NARUTO will end up together in the end! go sakura and naruto! hehe
naruto is the guy for her
I AGREE w/ u lili_x!
true... but i read like chapters 226 or so of the manga when they are like 15 or so and sakura still doesn't like naruto it's funny plus it's in color it was sooo funny x333
really? well. that's bad news.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Naruto's too good for Sakura! Naruto and HINATA! Pluz, Hinata loves Naruto and Naruto thinks she's super pretty... well, he does when she's dancing naked on a waterfall (not that he knows it was her, he's such a retard). I think he's a TAD perverted you know... anyway, I doubt Sakura (being the obsessed person she is) will ever stop loving Sasuke (ugly, loser, retard, freak and so on). She should go with... hmmm, lets see now... I like SasXSak, and SakXLee is just, well, strange. SakXShino?
shes a slut! shes a retard! she is....SAKURA HARUNO!
*agrees with dark_chii222* and add pink-lover to the list of bad qualities
she doesn't deserve sasuke. she doesn't deserve naruto. she doesn't even deserve lee! she deserves to be alone forever muahahaha!
To Kissed_by_Kakashi: when did this happen?? what episode? --> he does when she's dancing naked on a waterfall (not that he knows it was her, he's such a retard)
Go dark_chii222! I'm not alone!
yay! people understand why sakura sucks! to grim_reaper_desu:exactly! to Black_And_White_AnimeGirl: yay! we arn't alone!
oh cmon don't be so mean to sakura maybe you'll act like her if u wer in d same situation..no offense..but she's only human not like i'm protecting her or anything because i dislike her 2 4 being so annoying but your criticizing her n dats not nice u noe..
i shall and will NEVER like sakura,she doesn't evn have a situation,she has a nice house with parents,she has a crush on sasuke(more like obsessed)and yet,the only people who like her are naruto and rock lee,but she's rude to naruto and doesn't deserve lee! Just like grim_reaper_desu said,she deserves to be alone forever!Im not trying to be mean,but this is exactly what I will always think of her,and no one will make me change my desision.Also she's weak and always needs someone to rescue her
Im brand new whats going on?
are you sure
to haraheta: What you talkin' bout girl?!?! Thats like an insalt to say I would act like Sakura!!! So I say Again:What you talkin' bout Girl?!?!?! Huh?!
Sakura:I just let won rip
i said maybe! 4 doz pipol hu h8s sakura. wen a girl is addicted 2 a guy! sumtymz u myt act lyk her ok sori if i sed dat i dont noe any of u dat much eniwei.. i juz sed MAYBE..
To Pink Anime:Hey little sis!
ALL OF YOU ARE NUTS!!! she has more control over her chakra than any one else on her team. and in an episode she acutually saves every one else's ass! also she gets less obessed w/sasuke as the series goes on so there! AND ikura sensie does not think sakura is cute he's thinking wow she isn't as dumb as i thought she was! and naruto just gets perverted when he has Jiriray for his sensei... any one would with a super perv for a teacher!!!!
so what about the great control over her chakra,hinata also does!i tink :p .. yeah ur ryt eniwei dat she gets less obsesed bt how come she lyks pounding nar2..
here's the thing, she's weak, she sucks, she needs to die,i hate that man-slut,none of you will pull me into actually respecting her,no one,and to SakuraHaruno0:so what if she gets stronger throughout the anime,i still hate her,she has idiotic dreams compared to the people around her,she actually has a family thats been with her,unlike sasuke and naruto,she can't respect naruto,she needs to get over sasuke,and she acts like an idiotic bastard to me,thats my opinion,and no one will make me change that
To SakuraHaruno0:I agaree with dark_chii222!!
LOL, Sakura is weak and she will never be with sasuke
To CobaltAngel: I'm gald that I'm a NON-SAKURA FAn
we hate sakura,because she sucks!
fine it's war. to non-sakura fans that r always saying bad stuff about her and especially to dark chii222(u may not understand this but it's a way of insulting u, but at the same time not shocking ppl):TU IDIOTA HIJA DEL MIERDA I DEL PUTA, POBRE ESTUPIDO SIRVIENTE DEL DEMONIO, MUERE EN LAS ETERNAS FLAMAS DEL INFIERNO TU MISERABLE INBESIL!!!ppl that know wat i'm talking about, DONT ,BUT DONT TRANSLATE IT!!!
bring it on CobaltAngel,SAKURA SUCKS MAN-TITIES!WHAT NOW!OH YEAH,AND I'LL WIN THIS WAR!SO,YOUR SO WEAK YOUR RESORTING TO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES HUH,what an idiot,sure i could yell at you in korean,or in japanese,but im stong,and i don't care what you tell me,and besides,i don't care if other people see this.just to let you know,its going to take a lot to break me down,and im not giving up,i'll tell you that right now!
*sarcastic cough* that's spanish by the way. And the way u r insulting Sakura sounds more like U!!!
one,i know its spanish dumbshit,two,actually you don't know me,so don't say shit
ok i will repeat. CobaltAngel, what do u lyk about sakura huh?TELL US!!! i like her for being good in chakra control n risked her life 4 naruto n sasuke ONCE ONLY but I DISLIKE her for being so annoying,A BURDEN..n 4 being so mean!if she wasn't mean to ino n naruto then i wouldn't probably h8 her 4 being a burden n annoying.
GO YUKARI1120! cobaltangel,as you can see,you can't win this,yukari1120 and i won't be beaten so easlily,we're both strong,and we both are ready to kick your ass anytime!
cobaltangel sucks right along with sakura!
That's ture very true
i feel black_and_white_animegirl,you,and I are the only people in the sakura pictures with sense
So do I
the video is true!
if u didn't notice everyone is annoying and mean. and no word can bring me down not even that stupid video
i happen to like that video,and bring it on,nothing can bring me down,absolutly nothing!
I liked that video and I really don't care want you say to me I've had worst happen to me like running onto the back of a car and go to the hosptle and got 8 stechs in my head
cobaltangel sucks right along with sakura!you both are weak too!
Yeah ya'll are also annoying and stupid
y dont we juz stop dz argument pls... how cud we atain peace if wer ol arguing..
i already told you,im not losing,im not giving up,cobaltangel has to lose or give up for this arguement to be over!
Same here
baka bakemono kisama! you shut the hell up!i didn't put the video there to hurt anyone,i put it there so my friend yukari1120 to see it!it shouldn't hurt anyone,sakura lovers liked the video too,so i was assuming you guys wouldn't care and would maybe laugh at it!if you have a problem,then leave,sure you can yell at the people who are acting about being girlfriends/boyfriends and the kiss thing though,so chigau,chotto,and damaru!baka!
I like it very much Dark_chii222
How about you shut the funk up and don't say those things about my friend.
Whatever I don't really care but if you really want war than BRING IT ON BITCH
Ok Bastard You could be a money a I wouldn't care one bit and if it has to last a month then let for i could really care less
Right... for something that was a cute pic, you two are just fouling it up. I'll spell it out for you: T-A-K-E Y-O-U-R F-I-G-H-T S-O-M-E-W-H-E-R-E E-L-S-E!
shut up Naruto556,you are a waste of my time,im going to give you a chance to shut up,but listen to my warning,i have,never lost a war on animegalleries,NEVER!if you so much as say anything to my friends or me in the tone your using,then its war,i'll win,im going to help yukari1120,and don't talk to kissed_by_kakashi that way,she didn't do anything,im not going to sit here and argue with a complete idiot,you have two options,ether you can stop this war and get a little nicer,or i can kick your butt in a war
To Drak_chii222: Arigatou gazaimasu And To Naruto556: Shut the funk up and there is someone who is more stuborn than you and that is my sister. I will never give up and I will beat u in this war.
had to go to hospital so i had to miss it all...huh? another war?
first,are you alright now CobaltAngel? two,bring it on baka kisama bakemono Naruto556 aka the killer!
Huh what did I do I'm confussed
im never talking to you again so dont bother trying to and your not my friend anymore either.
I'm sorry whatever I did am sorry for it I don't what to break our friendship
to late bitch.
But I don't even know what I did and what in the world did I do that made you so mad at and I'm so so so so so sorry for whatever I did and you were the frist friend I made on here and I don't want to break that friendship so I'm so so so so so soooooooo sorry I really hope you forgive me I don't like to fight with my friends So please please forgive me for whatever I did that made you so mad please and if you decide to never to speak to me again can you at laest tell me what I did that made you so mad p...
never bitch.
You don't seem like the realy Nia I know and you know whats wried is that on the last coments thing it said Naruto556 so I'm not sure if your the really Nia
you got me im sorry i was just trying to get dark_chii222 out of the way so i could ask you to be my friend i know this was very wrong and im sorry for being mean befor i was havin a cople of bad days so would you please be my freind i understand if you say no yukari1120.
You should have just said so and yes of corse i would be your friend I don't mind at all and I forgive you and why did you want to get Dark_chii222 out of the way she's an improtant friend of mine
because i hate her shes mean to me and i dont even want to talk to her i no thats partly my fault but se more harsh than me. i would mabey of been her friend and said sorry to like i did to you but she gets into so many fights ive looked at other fights and shes mean ifshe would stop being so harsh to people mabey i would cosider being her freind thats why.
Well I don't really like to fight but I will fight if I have to. And she isn't that harsh and she really funny and nice once you get to know her so try asking to be her friend I'll try to help anyway I can
right thanx.
Your welcome and I'm gald we're friends your really nice
i sent you a message please read it. ps: your real nice to.
arigatou that's Japanese for thank you
Okay... I don't hate Sakura, but I don't like her, either. I don't have any emotions for her whatsoever, positive OR negative. Okay, it does always annoy me the way she fawns over Sasuke and is mean to Naruto. She just needs an attitude- (and a style-) change. But guys... I don't think she's worth fighting over. ^^;
is it me or dark_chi222 went soft on me on that question?
She just feels bad that you are confuussed that Sakura is great when she really really really really SUCKS
she so stupid she must drink stupid jucie every day
Lol Naruto556 and she still SUCks alot why can't you just get it though those stupid heads of yor that SAKURA SUCKS
dose any one hear love sakura cause i think she sucks
say ur comments, but i still like Sakura
You do.
Whatever I don't really care but SAKURA SUCKS
Your right SAKURA SUCKS.
Exactly she does SUCK Min2134 understands
Yes, Sakura is a DISGRACE to all girls who wear black and enjoy male bashing and fights and violence (such as myself XD)
Huh I don't get that
me neither.
quit making fun of sakura, she isnt ugly shes cute
oks then first CobaltAngel,i had a bad day so i went soft on everyone. to Naruto556,ummmm how did you do that?that wasa kinda....odd and scary.but,yeah when i have to fight,i fight,but im really a nice person,i only seem harsh because im usually fighting,maybe if you go by the sasuke pictures you'll see i fight alot,but when i have time im a happy person,now we shall all go hyper,bwhahahaha! so yeah,my name is nia williams,and it is a pleasure to meet you.
Hi Nia it's nice to have you back from nowhere
Yay hi Nia!! *hands out chocolate for hyperness*
I love chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yaaaay!!! *does the chocolate dance* Gaara: Umm... "chocolate... dance"? Me: Yeah!!! *evil grin**pulls Gaara over to dance* Gaara: Nooooo dancing AGAIN!! Pick someone eeeeeelseee....
*joins chocolate dance* Gaara you sould be happy to join the Chocolate dance
I dont get it
The Chocolate dance is a dance for chocolate and Gaara doesn't like to dance
ok... weird...
Sakura looks Chibi-ish in this pic!.......oh well,*joins the happy chocolate dance and grins*
of course she is chibi-ish they are in the academy
im merely going to exercise my 1st amendment rights to show how obsessed with Sasuke... here i go. Sasuke: *whistels as he walks* Sakura: SASUKE-KUN GO OUT WITH ME PLZ. Sasuke: O_O *runs over to some random girl and hugs her tight groping her butt* the girl(me): ahhhhhhhh perv Sasuke:shush im using you to try to get rid of sakura Me: oh shes that bad now Sakura:OMG SASUKE HOW COULD YOU*runs into the forest to make plans to steal sasuke* Me: shes obsessed Sasuke yeah *gropes her butt tighter* Me:O_O
Dear God, hasn`t the woman ever heard of frizz control? Her hair looks all dried out. She kinda looks like one of those crazy cat lady`s...
yes but does ino know that it is not Halloween so she should take that ugly mask off oh wait its her face EEEWWWW INOS FACE BURNS MY EYES*starts to get burned in the eyes from inos horrid face*
I got some ranting to do ( about superNarutootaku1292). Rant number one: Learn proper English conventions skills. This entitles capitalization, punctuation, you know, the baby stuff. Second rant: Relevance dude!! Ino is not even in this picture! Please keep your comment cohered to the photo. Thank you and have a nice day.
You think that the fact that you`re on the computer makes it alright to totally abolish all conventional skills? What are, some kind of redneck slob? You should always present yourself in an intelligent and admirable light when speaking to others. Right now, judging from your temper, irrelavance, bad convention skills, and choice of behavior I` m guessing you`re about 12 years old.
Look Narutootaku how about both of ya'll stop. I might be in the 7th grade but I know better than to go and start a fight. And yrs I know I started a fight here in the Sakura pics. but I did stop. Now both ya'll need to make a truce. Fighting is and ugly thing. Nothing good comes from it . Just pain and sorrow.
I`m going to follow yukari112`s wise words and stop talking to you, because you`re not worth the energy or the time. You are the one who started it and I`m the one who`s ending it. Now show us you`re a big girl darling and end it here.
He's not a girl he's a boy.
Oh, THAT explains it.
lol That's funny
a rather posh and controlled fight. now that does trigger a little laughter!!  if u read narutootaku's other comments, u'll know u wnt win
I already do
the thrace dude needs 2 do research  4 his own good
Yup Yup
Let me just state that I am a girl, lest we create even more confusion. Now, if you don`t mind me asking, how does one win these "fights"? This type of setting only pertains to a small amount of human interaction, so physical strength can not be measured. Since we can only interact by typing, it seems logical that style, wit, intellect, and maturity are what can be used to "fight". And so far superNarutootaku1292 has shown none of those qualities.
lol Well you have a good point there but I think we shouldn't even fight in the first place. It just takes up a lot of space that could be used for a better cause.
Thank you for seeing my point. Let`s use this space for good!
Yup op and I promise to TRY to get Narutootaku undercontroll
hey luitenant thrace if u read my comments then u will see who will win, oh, I also think u remind me of a teacher with your Nagging and u also speak like a teacher and u r the one who started the fight! I am not starting anything just informing u thats all!
so posh! even me bein from the UK dnt talk that posh! "Let me just state" and "intellect and maturity"  ur not in the courtroom thrace
good one anni!!! hi i missed u
hey, how u been! (its midnight here, im takin a risk being on now)
i think we should stay and talk oh and i saw what that chronic masterbater star strike wrote so i told her off .
Guys, I have a confession to make. I started this whole argument on purpose. The reason, you ask. Well, the answer is adolescent psychological research. It`s stated that 1 in 4 adolescents is diagnosed with Adolescent Conduct Disorder (ACD). Children with this disorder violate the expectations of society. I posted an offensive comment to see how many would respond and how many would respond visciously. It worked and the adolescent was superNarutootaku1292. Thanks for help on my research.
lol That's sooooooooooooo funny Thrace. I'm gald Narutootaku and I could help with your reseach.
yea riiiight
Hello OYO
KARI !!! howz it goin, uve seen starstrike still followin me then. i wish she would just piss off
GUY what's this about
Don't feel lke it!
hey Kari, where did ya go.....*looks up*  oh no not again, sum1 should rele shoot that retard
lol I was at lunch with my dad and sis. I'm on his laptop now and it's super slow!!!!!!!!
oh no. i keep 4 gettin the time difference. im 5 hours ahead of u, im havin dinner in a min haha
lol That's funny
thats y i can neva come on wen J is on. he comes on late like midnight 4 me
am in shool what time is it there........... it's 1:29pm
6:30pm....hi again D
WHAT???? your kidding
It's 1:34 here! D, what state do you live in? I live in Georgia!
i live in England, hehehe expect no less
Am living in CANADA, oh canada.... something something and something esle......... I can't remember the rest
London. i do believe we britts r known 4 our poshness in the USA  i watch the animes
We Canadians are very PEACEFUL PEOPLE
kool, wat do u think of the british accents. american accents r cute
i think Brit accents are sexy  well hey Kari,anni and D how r u guys and i didnt know D was from Canada and that she was goth like me!
i am alright do u know where kari is i havent talked to her in 2 days !
she comes and goes, she sed everything she has been doin above. she got knocked out
oh ok so hows everything in London?
messed up, winter has only just sorta finished. a few days ago it woz freezing and now its boiling.  the weather needs help
wow it is boiling hot here too and winter just finished!
Winter finshed like maybe 3 months ago and summer is really close.
but 4 the UK winter normally ends end feb mid march
Dang that's late. It uauslly ends here around Jan. to Feb.
yeah, well thats just 4 the winter weather 2 clear off. winter does end same time as u
awww sakura looks so cute  its a good thing that she becomes more powerful in the manga, instead of ppl always saving her. doesnt sasuke trys to kill her in 309 in the manga ?
sakura always seemed weak in the first episodes but she gets stronger, i like that ^-^
i wonder if sakura will ever like naruto in that way. i mean He lOVES her and saved her ass a couple times and she wasn't even looking when he fought gaara
 ....uh oh........i told my friend to meet me here but...its too crowded!...hey salmontostado if u r reading this meet me at the next pic.
to:yukari1120 if u hate Sakura sooooooo much why are you looking at her pics??? just wondering
to Sasuke's gf: understand that the comments from yukari1120 r very old and she has apologised many times
pfft! sakura thinks she looks cute right there!!!but ur not!!!BLAH I HATE SAKURA!!!!!!!DIE
Shinobi_XX, please don`t bring other characters into contrast in the solo albums. Ino has nothing to do with this picture, so why would you mention her?
shes got a point.oh and SHUT UP SAKUNAI!!!
This picture is about Sakura but... I like Iruka more! Hehe..
...-_-...u now,there r iruka galleries.i think....after ep 98 sakura bcomes a slut AND a b**ch...
hey hey hey now Iruka! dont go checkin out your students! you'll get in trouble
lol! thats so funny! she looks 8 in this pic!!!
Sakura looks so adorable in this picture, the ribbon is so cute.
I love sakura ( not like smoochin love!  ) and I love Iruka!( like smooching love!  )
i like sasuke,but hes a bastard.a hot hot bastard...lol
^__^ Shes Kawaii
kawaii means pretty right?
kawaii actually means cute, but whatever. Same thing, sorta.
I'm back pplz!!
Yuck...I hate Sakura.
Sakura. Is. A. Bitch. until second arc anyway.
I totally agree, i dont like sakura she is a bitch! Eh shes better in the second arc.
yea I dont like her too but your reallydont like her do you
Yes i dont! (wait does that make sense?)
yeas it does (does that make sense?)
Yay! Happy Sakura.
i'm so sorry, but why the hell is your name hentai king?!?!
. . . sakura is a pretty weak ninja lets hope shes a better healer
yea shes a betta healer but she still sucks tho
かわいい そして 美しい
. . . ill pretend i know what that means
i love the ribbin too
i love the ribbon
How can anyone like her?
awww... she's so cute ^_______^ -kisses her cheeks- i love that cute ninja girl so much <3
what does XD mean?
She was so cute with that ribbon...
shes adorable!!!!awww!!!!naruto dosen't like hinata,and im not sure they will end up together..well actually..in the manga,sakura kisses naruto..she made her move  you guys are all jealous that shes prettier,not to the one that likes her though!shes cute!!cuter then hinata!!why is hinata in the movie anywayz..
sakura-chanz really cute... but looking at that ribbon makes me feel sad that ino and sakura arnt friends any more cause ino was her 1st friends and best....  untill they started that TOTALY STUPID FIGHT over sasuke cant u learn to accept sasuke may b totally HOT  but he doesnt like any of uz and hello friend ship is way more important than sasuke!  p.s any pplz here from auzzie /victoria????
ARRRRRRGGGGGH!!!!! someone fight me!! SAKURAS A S**** Bag!!!! WuaHAAAAAAA!!!!!
.... Sad. >>
Sorry I dont mean that I just want to chat with someone im new
I think she's just a bit too excited for her own good
Yeah so true  so what are you doing here i came here to make new friends
SAKURA-CHAN IS SOOO KAWAII HERE!! Hi Alone hope206885!!!
Hi Shreddes spirit!  Hi Alone hope!  Making new friends is always a good idea. *reaches out hand*
Yeah im so emotional  *also reaches out hand*Yay new friends!
Exactly!!!!!  Thank you Ino_535!  Want to be friends?
Here are my favorite couples: Naruto+Hinata and Sakura+Sasuke! 
Oh, and, Sakura haters, why are you here and posting comments on Sakura? Well, I'm trying to say that you're looking at Sakura pictures, so you like looking at these pictures if you're here!!!!
yeah we like sakura so leave this album alone! Hate sakura somewhere but here! Like in your head or something is that to much to ask!!!
i think shes to good for sasuke cuz shes not a ugly,retarded,perverted,idiotic,stupid person who is obsessed with something.GO SAKURA!
Well I only did that because I was able to get under peoples skin. It was fun to sit here and watch as people blew their tops over a simple stupid inslut. You should try it sometime. It is very entertaining.
thats just it, its like watching a monkey yelling at an elephant for a peanut, or the girl you hate getting a face full of mud, it's entertaining, funny, and you wish it could happen again
lol Yeah sometimes I do wish it would happen again. It was fun to make people blow their tops then you yell at them in a totally diff language lol
eh, that was all cobaltangel, now that i think about it, she would go crazy an talk in spanish, then i would tell her to stop and she wouldn't listen, so then i would yell in japanese, just to make her mad,lol
lol it was quite funny.
she was crazy, watch her pop up trying to pick a fight again..-_-
lol Yeah. Now that would be funny. Kinda like we just poped up. I am glad I made an impack before I left the galleries and went to the forum. We are like living legends here now. I am apparaently the koolest person someone knows on here ^-^
i've made a reputation as the meanest on here, but its fine im getting ready for high school, and besides, my friends know how i am, and thats all i care about
Sakura looks like an animal here!XD
lol I am getting ready for high school too. Going to be a 9th grader taking 10th grade class. How wonderful, huh? J I thought you like Saruka
i think she is okay, not hating her as much as before, who is jj, and crazy isn't it, high school
Yeah and J is supernarutootaku
heh, thats a cool name, umm hi person! my name is nia, nice to meet you
lol And you alreadt know me
if i didn't know you i wouldn't be here, cause i don't wanna be a loner, besides that would suck if i didn't know you, all the fun stuff would have never happened
*she laughs and shurgs and acts like a brat* Well like...like there can like be no like part with like out me
aish, brilliant, cause yeah, your like totally a like legend.*then looks brain dead*
*she laughs and smiles* Good little minion puppet
*bows* its a role i was meant to play
lol I bet it was
o_O nice to meet you nia...Sakura is cuter with short hair, when her hair was long it looked frizzy....
oh yes, a mindless puppet with no intentions of anything cause im an idiot
lol Well the sig I did for you has Sakura with long hair
Nia: well we all are idiots in different parts of our lives
heh, it probably was, couldn't tell, well look on the bright side now she might have a better chance of getting guys
yeah I know
yah, just be like, i fought orochimaru and this is all his little minions did to me
Yeah but her hair doesn't look like a wig in the sig...it rhymed!
lol Well good. I put the sakura petals in. The sig is pinkish.
aish, i don't like that color, the only one who likes that color in our group is paige, but she gets into so many arguements with nicole, its hard to tell if she's in or out
uhhh, sorry that was me going on about nothing
ah okie dokie
nicole is slacking again, aish
ummm....good for her? lol
oh sorry, see she is supposed t ask her mom if she can come with me friday, but she keeps slacking
oh well tell her to get on it
she's probably at round table with everyone, i don't know, gotta call or text
lol okie dokie
sorry wii was slow, wouldn't let me on this site
I wish I had a Wii!! And no the site went down for about 10 minutes
ohhh, well then thats good, i messaged my friend, and i don't go on regular internet i just log on wii style, i would give you mine, but my brother would be mad
lol awww oh darn it. Well I am going out to eat in a bit and I need to take a shower. I have been in sweats all day because I can look good in sweats. lol jk anywho. Probably be on either after I take shower in 30 minutes or after I get back from eating
ok. bye bye
We're allowed to say what we want , stating our opinions
Ok Okk. Listen. I cant say im mad at the Sakura haters. Cause i hate Kikyo from Inuyasha. But i don't go and look at all Kikyo's pictures and put mean comments on it. If you guys hate her so much, Then why come on her picture page and insult her. Sorry! I dont mean to be rude >.<;;
Well. Please look at the freakin dates of the insluts. Second we stoped ages ago. Thrid don't insult me or I will start back you. Nice to meet you all have a nice day ^^
Hi! Im Akiko. I forgot my password. Were you talking to me? Im sorry..I didnt mean to insult you..Sorry..
Sorry >.<;
Oh n.n Sank you! I dont wanna make Enemies..
Oh thats good!! Im new here!
You can call me Cry :3
hi tasha
tasha!!! *hug tasha*
Hi Tasha love!
hi suzuka i made an elfen lied comic
............nothing.........um ill look Jaime. Hey Tasha love.
hiya! me gonna be on almost all day wed. so it awsome
hi i uploaed more pics
ok ill look
She's cute! ^O^
Yay sakura! And to all you people who had fights ages ago, plz don't fight anymore i read sakura comments everdy, and i hate to see people write stuff like that. oh, by the way,i'm new here but, i commented on a lot of sakura pics.some of them are curses  . I don't like to curse but, sometimes it's fun! oh and to that thrace girl who was here years ago, you're a big nerd.
hi...ok peoples first of all sakura doesn't suck...INO DOES.
Ino dosent suck
yea she does! thx for saying that lilybao!
she needs some hair gel
wtf xD
I will say Sakura was an overly obssessive fangirl at the start of the series and well into Part I, but in Part II she has greatly grown in skill. I still dislike her greatly, however.
Her hair due in this one reminds me of the Lion King
she looks cute with the ribbon!
Yeah Ino gave it too her when they where kids.
omg i love this
Hey, I'm new. Hi Suzuka-chan!!
hiya! how are u?
Okay! I just got home, and am doing random stuff.  How about you?
lol i'm talking 2 you, and watching my dog jump up n down
Hi is Sakura your favorite Naruto character too?
to Suzuka-chan: Sorry, hehe. My dog just came in jumping up onto my bed. And she refused to get off until mom came in. to kagome and Sakura Rule: Are you talking to me? Not to sound dumb or rude.
Yeah I'm only curious.
Hmmmm, I like her, she's not my favorite character. But... she turns out to be a great medic nin. I would ask you the same thing but hehe your pen name says it all.
 Yeah your right!
I guess Sakura's my fav cause she's pretty,and very brave,and a fantastic medical ninja.
I see, I like certain qualities about certain characters. I don't really have a favorite. I guess if I chose the one I like the best it would be.... sorry I'll come back later with an answer.
lol i like Sakura, but Hinata and i share the same personallity
same here.
Yep. We're both shy and easily blush XD (in my case my face gets red but yeah*
Me very shy when I go to some new school and quiet (I still am but yeah)but I don't blush!
XD i do. I'm like really shy, but not that much
I play with my fingers when I have to talk in front of everyone in my classroom.
me 2
Has anyone realized that that ribbon she's wearing is the one Ino gave Sakura, but ISakura gave the ribbon back to Ino...so how is she wearing the ribbon in this episode?
This was before she got her headband she just passed the genin test right there she gives Ino the ribbon back like the next day
aww what a cute little Sakura!
Huh. I don't even remember this one. But then again, she was extremely annoying back then. Almost unworthy of being remembered.
This was when she and everybody else had to do a clone jutsu.
 yeaaaaaaah Shes ebil...lol but she is pretty ^_^ (Those who hate sakura if you even think of replying by saying shes ugly and stuff..Well..Suck.It.Up. -_-)She is mean and snobby but shes Kawaiiiii C: Sakura-Chan~~
It's not clone jutsu...  It's transforming into Iruka-sensei
That's a neat image you have there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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