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Yay hes smileing
we finally found our seat kakashi sensai
Yayness ^_^ [[goes to sit in his seat to sit down but ends up slipping on the next step, tripping the popcorn man and many other poeple on his way down and causing a human snowball and lands on court ]] O_O @_@ Xp
Kakashi! God, are you okay?! Sorry all you people!  (thinks: he had better not have hurt himself...)
*is under a mountain of people... including the basket ball players*
Ahhhh! Don't worry, I'll get you out of there! Oi! Get off Kakashi! *starts pushing people off him* (thinks: He'd better not have been crushed!  *worry worry worry*)
:: runs and helps moving the people asside :: Get of my sister um er brother er um whatever.
@_\\ help.. me
:: pulls kakashi out then goes into hiding for fear of being killed by the girls for touching kakashi ::
Oh Kakashi! Are you okay?  Thank you so much SesshomaruX!
Oh! My poor Kakashi! Are you ok!??
He's fine... no thanks to you.
I so agree with you... same here. It's makes me feel all happy...
oHMIGOD.....Stop saying my poor this my poor that....Aww...HE IS SMILING!!! THAT IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!
>.< who's the guy in the background?!
It's Shikamaru. Hey Shika-san, how ya' doin'? Hey Kakashi-kun, look, it's Shikamaru. *Kakashi waves*
shikamaru is such a weirdo, after his match even the examner said that, but he is a super genius, IQ 200+ :p
Awwwwwwwww! Cute pic!
Shikamaru is cool! Hes my 2nd favorite character! Don't you DARE call him a weirdo! He's loyal, funny, a great friend (just ask Chouji), and he'll do anything to protect his friends. If that's weird, I'll be a weirdo any day. Just 'cause he's a little... lazy doesn't mean anything! Everyones different, after all. Yoko_15, yes, this PIC IS SO FREAKING KAWAII! I LOVE YOU KAKASHI-KUN!
Shikamaru is my third fave character because he's so weird well not weird like Kakashi but he thinks everything is boring and all so thats nice... And Kakashi does looks cute when he smiles.. *smiles back at Kakashi
Is that Boom boom's butt?
who is Boom boom? And I agree with Kissed_by_Kakashi Shikamaru is cool.
 now that i have a second look at the picture..  (...)  sooo cutteeee
awwwwww he's happy
in these type of pictures he looks cute ^____^
He's sooooooooooooo hott when he smiles! *squeals then faints*
i guess he had a good night  which 1 of ya'll woz it now?
*sitting in tree stares at you lot * Ur SSSSSSSSOOOOOO upssesed *listens to ipod, starts to sing along* the internet is for porn....why u think the net was born...porn,porn,porn....
*sits next to Kakashi and stares and daydreams.......* Kakashi, someday I'll make you mine.....
Boom boom is Shikamaru..... the thingy in the back...is boom boom's butt..? O_O
Ughah..........K_B_K must stare at it all day.. .. ^^ Hahaha...Boom Boom has quite a nice butt...but not as good as...yeahhhhhhhh.......
kakashi's ????? kakashi: yes my ass is pretty good...... but no touchies.....
If I had a brother I wouls want him as my brother!
i have a younger bro and trust me.... there a pain in the bk side.... if there wasn't a law against it... he would already be dead......
that's true!
yep yep..... i smashed a plate on his head..... lol tat felt so good.....
i love when he smiles like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh look its kakashi and EEEEEEK ITS SHIKAMARU'S HAND AND LEG lol xD
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