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scuse me
Now, if it wasn't for that freaking hand, I would have worshiped this pic. It kinda looks like someone else is raising it's hand for him, 'cause he's to lazy to do it himself. And it's someone short, standing in front of him, with HUGE arms compared to the rest of the body. (Look at how the hand is drawn: thumb to the right)
yeah, his arm and hand are weird on this pic..
I don't think so. He's raising his hand to ask a question. And that question is: Seeing as there is only one winner, then is there only going to be one Genin made into a Chuunin? <not exactly what he says, but that's baisicly it.
He's so predictable. You can just hear him correcting the teacher, or saying something like "Might as well..."
Maybe his head will fall off.
Ah! OMG! I just noticed!! HE'S BLEEDING!!! *kisses teh boo boo*
shikaluver:hmm...to be honest that hand does look kinda out of (...) please!kibaluver:all right.shikaluver:*puts bandages on shikamaru's wounds*
he raises his hand to say he gives up because it's to troublesome to continue the fight against temari and his chakra is almost gone [didn't find a better word]
Shikamaru's so great. O:
y would his head fall off?
it loks like someone hand but not his
shikamaru:i wanna go home!this freak is hugging me! me:you don't like my hug?
Uhhh May i forfeit
is it just me or does it seem like that's not his own hand...
" i solemnly swear i'm up to no good...."
Shikamaru: Gaara is an evil freak, can I go home now?! lol!
karate girl, y r u so freakin random? even ur commentson other pics r random!
whats with the hand....... i still love you!!!!!!!!!!!
Umm why are people talking about me?
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