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mmmm....Shikamaru-kun's ass..... XD
Yes, now growl like tiger. You are BOB-CAT Grrr! Yes yesYESNO NO NO!!!
Shikamaru: *sighs* How troublesome having all these people making fun of me....
be funny to find out he's actually running from Ino
Lmao rawr baby shika shake it!!!!!
I would run from Ino too... like he said, she's a troublesome woman. Scary too.
Wow, Shikamaru's ass.... just made my day o.o
Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... I am in a room full of weirdos! I'd never think anything like that... *guilty evil thoughts*
he has a cute bum
No it is not! Weirdo...
Nope, this clock it wrong. I was on at 6:30 PM, at most. I don't even get up that early, except to train for sprints.
His bum is ugly. Kakashi's is better. Hahaha. Look...he is cowering in fear of me.
 Well his butt is cute
SHUT UP KG! I love Kakashi-kun, but if you insult Shikamaru one more time, my jounin foot will kick your academy ass.
I'd like to see you try.....but uh...I stopped insulting Shikamaru. Can I call his boom boom? It's much easier.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is actually pretty funny! Boom boom! Hahahaha! *exuse my purile mind*
Okay then, it's offical. His name is now boom boom to me.
*sniggers* That is just funny.
what an cute pic
I know... kawaii!
I love him he is the only anime character i love,the others i just like. :oops:just like my cosin xeeno-chan as she calles herself here
Wow,his butt.So Kawaii,NOT!It's just Shikamaru!Weirdos!
@KbK - Scary doesn't even BEGIN to describe Ino... lol
Uh poooooor guy!  INO-PIG
Ino should go with Kiba...
she is little crazy
kibaluver:  *twitches*ino with kiba eh?not on my watch...shikaluver:*wakes up*  s-shikamaru-kun...?
lmao his bum ish hott XD
When I first saw this episode, the first thing my eyes went to was Shikamaru's...uh...behind. I was like  when I saw it...and another thing I kinda like about Shikamaru is that he has as a slim figure (look at his stomach)
chances are, the person throwing rocks at him is now like "OOOH Opentarget. >:3"
I love Shika... aswell as Kakashi. Damn it, I can't choose. I love them both!
Shonen Shoujo Kid your right he is skinny  I like skinny guys XD
The first thing I thought when looking at this picture was: "Hm. Wonder if he's gonna get buttraped."
LMAO!! *read crazy's comment* lmao, that wasn't a bright idea Shikamaru xD
Shikamaru: KISS IT!! xD
Sure Shika... sure. Scratch what I said 'bout Kakashi... Shika's the only one.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was running from you, Kakashi's girl. If I looked at you, I bet I would run too!
*snicker* That's adorable!
he looks as if he has just given up runing and he thinks he'll stay on the floor and whoever wants him may not see him  unlikley lol
look at his ass XD
Shikamaru:DUCK FOR COVER!!! .......FROM INO!!!
Hiding from Ino...lol. Ino has both him and Chouji so whipped. But than again, a princess needs to excercise her authority, don`t you agree? ^_^
what is he doing.....FIGHT SHIKA!!!
i love itachi gaara kakashi shikamaru kimimaro naruto sasuke kiba neji yondaime orochimaru and iruka.....too many hotties to decide from......though... i DO love this picture
Sooo sexy!!!!!
...lol...  What eppi was this? I think I missed it  Someone plz tell me!
rolmao!!!!!!shikamaru hiding from ino.i wouldn't blame him though.ino and kiba together!? *twiches like mad*and well i guess i have to admit i like shikamaru
lol, I can't remember what episode this is but it's just before his fight with Temari in the final chuunin round. He's been forced to train ( by Asuma ) and hes just dived behind the bush so he doesn't get run over by a rolling Chouji. Ino isn't there at all ( though I wouldn't blame him if he did hide from her ). Yay Shika!! ( oh and... KibaxIno?! Hell no! Poor Kiba, I'd never let that happen! )
Heheh...he looks funny. Looks like he's practicing one of those retarded atomic bomb drills. Now, he just needs a desk above him...
Yaoi attack! If only Neji were there with him.
Watch-out.He may be ready to throw a fart too
who else hates ino and sakura? SO ANNOYING:-x! and lol shika is SMEXY!
shika, nice ass "smacks ass"
ok who said ino should go w/ kiba!!?that's just not right!i think she has the hotts 4 shikamaru anyhow,i mean did u see her cheering 4 him when he went up against temari in the chunin exams?she totally likes him!  doi!
awwww, he farted
(in a steriotypical army voice) this here is how most men perform in a combat situation you just gotta remember not to STICK YOUR BUT UP LIKE THAT it can get blown up (hehe sorry ive been reading starfist
*smacks shikamaru's butt* *licks lips*
i se ya shika shaking that ass shaking that ass hey a new song WOOT go me!!!^^
Shikamaru: What a drag!  I'm getting dirty, while Ino's tring 2 kill me, & Chogii's tring to use me as a chair! What else could go wrong!
Asuma: See! Shikamaru knows what to do in case of a tornado! A hundred gold stars for you, Shikamaru!
You should spell it "idiotic"! Ass for the picture...hmmm...I don't know...fine for me.
COME ON SHIKAMARU! face choji like a man! beat that fatso!
hey look shikamaru's picking up his balls
Shika-kun..........what are ya doin?
Shika: Kick my ass, please!
shikamarus has a nice dam ass
Wow I've never seen a brave hero with his ass in the air like that!
it looks like he said "NOT THE FACE!" two minutes earlier
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