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it's ok i'll make it getter
Gaara loves teddy bear mwahahahahaahha
awww...he looks so sad someone give him a hug
awww....poor gaara.
That's depressing
look at his eyes.like panda right
he's so cute with his teddy, little Gaara is also cute
he looks uber cute in this! i realli pity him...he does not have a bad personality actually, only he was isolated...sometimes i wished he would be just like naruto, only much CUTER, HOTTER, BETTER and more POWERFUL...sighs, he is a KAWAII kid..i LOVE him...
I HATE gaara's parents!!!!!Look at what u did BASTARDS!!!!!! apparently the only one who will pay attention is his teddy...no wonder he hates his brother and sister so much! If i was there i would go strait up to him and hug him...i kinda gots a crush on im'
Gaara's so hot! But he's cute when he's little. I acually have a teddy bear just like that. This pic makes me wanna huggle him ALL day!
He's so sad.......I know how he feels sometimes, I just wish he didn't have to feel that way too.
poor gaara he's soo cute when he was a lil . and who ever hates is parents is idiot. exept his dad i hate gaara's dad . well my main point is u guys should hate gaara's mother cuz she's died
*gives gaara another teddybear*
i think all gaara needs is someone to look after him and be his friend. i feel sorry for gaara to have an evil dad.poor gaara.
I'd be his friend... Too bad I don't live there
yeee!! is not his fault he is so cold know!! is his father fault!! and all the people that hated him!!poor gaara!! we are here gaara..smile for us!!
give him some room, i think he wants 2 be alone, but yes we r here for u
OMG Gaara!!! awwww thats soo sad, I wanna give him big ol huggggie heehee he was so cute when he was little, but now he's hott
If you're all alone, a teddy bear w2ill make everything all better.
awww.....poor Gaara. He really had a miserable past.
Poor Gaara! He needs a hug!!! -hugs Gaara- He's like the teddy bear in his hands... SO DAMN CUTE!
i agree with sasukemma sometimes i wished he would be just like naruto, only much CUTER, HOTTER, BETTER and more POWERFUL lol Garaa-kun do you wanna be my freind? i dont have very many because i watch your show alot
awwww gaara is so cute
little Gaara is so cute when he was little. Especially with his teddy bear.
aww!! gaara is so cute if he needs a friend i'll be there even if i really dont know him i'll understand...i also dont have no friend i guess you can say iam alot like you in some ways but i have a tebbybear with me all the time so its all right...go gaara!! and try to smile sometimes it help even if it doesnt feel like it later it well... i wish we can meet..
youre so adorabow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (propably 1 of da last things he wanted to hear right now.) i feel so sorry for him.... he looks so lonely... and i also have a teddy with me sometimes... poor child.......
hey is cute
OMG! I would so run up a hug him right now....POOR BABY!!!
aw so cute <3
Gaara here reminds me of someone i once knew....
i just saw ep 76 : ....all i can say is...im out of tears!....yes megumi_18,he only had his aunt yashamaru and his father. yashamaru tought him how 2 heal a wound of de heart,love. turns out she always hated him and tried 2 assasin him by orders of his father,so she did.he thought that she was de only 1 who loved him,but she didnt.(she was just a *bleep*
Oh my gosh. During the parts where they showed Gaara's past, I must have cried on at least 4 episodes in a row. Ack, it was so sad. I felt so silly too because it felt like my heart was breaking and it was all for a fictional character. :\ But it was just so sad. I kept telling myself on the next episodes, "Ok. This time, I won't cry." But I did anyway. Now I can't watch those episodes unless I'm home alone or else everyone will think I'm crazy.
Awww... Poor Gaara. *hugs Gaara*
poor gaara...he's so cute!!!
O my gosh u cant say that if u saw him at ur doorstep u wouldnt let him in he is to cute for his own good
Ya know,I feel for Gaara.Ihave to go through almost EXACTLY what he does!I LOVE Gaara!
Did he always have that thick eyeliner even when he was little? Hehe still holding the teddy bear
That's not eyeliner. His eyes look like that because he can never sleep or else the demon inside of him will take over. Basically, he is just really tired.
O0oh ok
so cute when young..but so physco when older
I hated him at first I thought that he was mental and ugly, but once I saw why he was like how he was...I understood and I thought that him as a kid is so cute!!!!!
AWW........poor garra*so cute though*
It'll be all right Gaara *hugs* Stupid Yashamaru look at what you've done to him you bastard! P.S. Yashamaru's a guy
^o^ too cute for words!
From an inoccent kid to a real monster
burn in hell *sasukegir15* i wanted to say that ... poor gaara :/ BIG HUG :]*
I'm lisening to Mr. Lonely on my CD player and it's making me cry! Gaara is Mr. Lonely!
wat the anime is devilcat ?
i love gaara
Awww! Gaawa need a huwg?
WTH is wrong w/ that people? How can someone exclude such a cuuute lil' thing *-* ... there there Gaara-kun... come here... I'll confort U *Hold gaara in my arms* I'll give U some luv lil' baby... Ooow so CUTE! ... and when he's older I'll just take him to my bedroom and do some things that I bet he'll like >]~
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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