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naruto_kabuto0059.jpg  naruto_kabuto0027.jpg  naruto_kabuto0024.jpg  naruto_kabuto0041.jpg  naruto_kabuto0071.png 
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Picture information
Album name:Yakushi Kabuto
Rating (12 votes):
File Size:42 KB
Dimensions:640 x 480 pixels
Displayed:17678 times
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Hana_chan2230 [Jan 05, 2006 at 04:49 PM]
*pets hair* fluffy... LOL XP
Kawaii_Koneko_Rina [Feb 20, 2006 at 12:32 AM]
Anime_Alanna [Apr 21, 2006 at 01:52 AM]
i think kakashi's more fluffy
kissed by kabuto [Jul 23, 2006 at 08:44 PM]
i hate kakashi but yah
virginanimelover [Jul 25, 2006 at 08:26 PM]
*gasps!* How could you hate Kakashi?!?!? Confused Anyways, *slaps Kabuto for the 79th time* Damn it, Kabuto! You tricked me again! This time in the manga! Argh! Whose flipping side are you on?!?!? *grabs Kabuto's shoulders and shakes him furiously*
kissed by kabuto [Jul 26, 2006 at 12:42 AM]
i'll say it 9999999999999999 times i hate kakashi and if u lay 1 more hand on my baby i'll kill u lol Laughing
virginanimelover [Jul 26, 2006 at 07:33 PM]
Egad!! 'Hate' and 'Kakashi'? in the same sentence??? Shocked I didn't think it was possible. :\ ...and...please don't kill me. How about if I do this? *slaps Kabuto -lightly-* .... *sighs unhappily* Sad That just wasn't satisfying. *tear* ....*quickly kicks Kabuto when kissed by kabuto isn't looking* Very Happy
kissed by kabuto [Jul 26, 2006 at 08:29 PM]
Mad now i am going to kill u Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad
virginanimelover [Jul 28, 2006 at 06:18 PM]
Shocked Please don't kill me. Here. I'll give Kabuto some bandages to help heal all those wounds I gave him. *wraps gauze all the way around Kabuto until he's covered from head to foot, then -accidentally- bumps into him, sending him rolling down a cliff* Oh my gosh, Kabuto!! I'm so sorry! I was trying to help, this time. Really, I was!
kissed by kabuto [Jul 30, 2006 at 01:04 PM]
*gos to botom of clift*hes ok hehehehehehehehehehehheheheheheh Rolling Eyes
virginanimelover [Jul 30, 2006 at 08:18 PM]
*still on top of the cliff* Dang it! ...O.o I mean, oh, that's a relief. But just in case, let me throw you some medical supplies. Watch out kissed_by_kabuto!! Just leave Kabuto right there. *throws a medical table off the cliff* *then throws various sharp medical equipment. i.e. scalpels, knives, needles, bonesaw, anvil, etc. in Kabuto's direction*
kissed by kabuto [Jul 31, 2006 at 10:53 AM]
*quickly grabs kabuto out of the way* nice throw val he is still ok and why the hell whould u throw an anvil Question
virginanimelover [Jul 31, 2006 at 07:07 PM]
Woops. Was there an anvil with the medical equipment? How did that get there? Confused Silly me. And I've officially apologized to Kabuto and I'm not saying any mean things about him today. Aren't you proud of me? ^_^
kissed by kabuto [Aug 01, 2006 at 03:47 PM]
yes i am val
virginanimelover [Aug 01, 2006 at 08:11 PM]
Great!!! ^_^ But I don't have to be nice to him anymore, right? Right?!?! .... GOOD!! Very Happy *magically takes an anvil out of my purse*
Yamato no Orochi [Aug 26, 2006 at 02:24 AM]
Yay, finally, someone else who hates Kakashi! *High-fives Kissed by Kabuto* Kabuto >>> Kakashi in all aspects, at least in my opinion.
virginanimelover [Aug 26, 2006 at 07:31 PM]
Wha?!?! Oh dear goodness not another one. O.O Kakashi is the epitome of coolness. Seriously. I looked up the word 'coolness' in the dictionary, and I could have sworn I saw Kakashi's picture. Kabuto's picture, on the other hand, was underneath the word 'devious, back-stabbing traitor. Stay away from him at all costs.' I know that's a really long word, but I could swear I saw that too. Neutral
kissed by kabuto [Aug 27, 2006 at 12:45 PM]
hey dose that mean *since ive been like him since birth aka a back stabing jerk acording to every1*that never mind
Kabuto & Kakashi's wo [Oct 10, 2006 at 10:04 PM]
Yamato no Orochi [Dec 10, 2006 at 11:09 PM]
Aw, but I loves me some backstabbering goodness. ^.^ Kabuto's evilness and betrayal fill me with warm fuzzy happiness, like an inverted cat buried in hot sand.
Neokura* [Dec 10, 2006 at 11:11 PM]
Are you ok Yamato no Orochi?
Yakushi_Kira [Mar 28, 2007 at 09:02 PM]
I love all the naruto characters.... except Shizune... SHE'S TRYING TO STEAL KABUTO FROM US! *plots to kill her*
orochimarujes [May 20, 2007 at 09:31 PM]
Why hate Kakashi Confused Question Hes cool Cool
m-girl [Oct 05, 2007 at 04:09 PM]
what do you mean Question shizune is trying to steal kabuto away from us Yakushi_kira
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