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he,he...look at her legs!...oops, im getting perverted
are you ok sakura? u lk dz
your cute
Sakura is kinda good with chakra
F.Y.I!!!!!! Sakura is being annihilated!!!!
really? i thought it was an illusion or somethin like that
i dont get wats happening to her.
I hypnotized her XD
dunno wut's hapenin 2 her...
Sakura looks like ur lightheaded is Sasuke near?
Kakashi's genjutsu effect is so cool n_n
Hey ppl!! This pic is...odd. Don't you think so?!!
Well...almost...If Sasuke was there in sted of Sakura...It would look much better! Of course...Sasuke looks better than anyone in "Naruto"!
to Black_And_White_AnimeGirl (AKA)My BEST FRIEND!!: u r so obsessed with Sasuke!! when will ya realize that hes an ANIMATED character!!
I know He is a fake ppls...BUT I DON'T CARE!!! GO SASUKE!! GO SASUKE!! WOOOO!! *odd wispering voise* sasuke...
you scare meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
scaring people is fun
Isnt it
I love scaring little kids...Its fun to see them run away! I know I sound all evil now but it is fun! You ppl shuld scare a little kid and watch them run!!
Sakuras ugly... and like ppl are sayin that she and neji make a good couple... pfft yea sure.. sakura barly even fights...
Exactly she is ugly and she barely fights and I hate her
wtf people say that? Sakura X Neji nooo they dont match stinkin ppls
hey u know what Shia chan u dont like someone cuz they fight u idiot u like them 4 who  they r and in real life people dont do jutsu  so if u r startin a fight then u must suck cuz u started off really badly  and Sakura is really pretty u r the ugly 1!
sakura must DIIIIIIIIEEE
Rock Lee MUST DIIiEEE!!!
why slag off characters? wat they done 2 u? huh so why say they must DDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE
people find it fun 2 bitch about anime characters, fans go crazy
I posted that comment along long long long long long long long longggggggggg time ago
wat comment, i talk about every 1 who likes 2 bitch, especially me!
lol I was telling J and STG
oh sori hehe
i think its wrong to b**ch about characters it gets fans like me ANGRY. and it starts fights...*but i like internet fights*hehehe *evil smile*....-_-
I know what you mean, all these Sakura haters piss me off. I hate them. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!
lol! seriuosly.stop hatin on sakura,she Bcomes cool.
what do all of u have against her? so wut if she cant fight good thats no reason to h8 her besides I doubt any of u could take her!
Bulbasaur, Pedal Dance! Not on her! On Sasuke!
wow. that was the episode where Kakashi burried Sasuke so it looked like like his head was disembodied...[laughs menacingly.] or maybe it was that illusion where he's by that tree, with a whole bunch of shurikens stickin' out of him... (i'll admit i thought it was real too...)
lot of comments...
yup its kinda boring in here tho. ..
not much to talk about,eh?
lets find a way to start a conversation... im new to this so... ooh now that i really look at it that pics really nice and sweet i just wanna hang it on my bed room wall... its so sweet... = . sakura...
Welcome, Lil571 (Sorry, I needed some kind of nickname for you - your username is just too long  .). Well, I wouldn't call this pic sweet. I find it scary  . (Not Sakura, only the pic.) It made me shivering when I saw that episode  .
ADD ME TO YOUR MSN MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS.... [email protected]
I agree with you Talee-chan (I think your really cool!  )
That looks really cool ^^
sakura's cooler in shippuuden
Wow you really must have quite the crush on her.Sakura's my fav character on Naruto.
I think this Sakura is better then Shippuden saku
Honestly i agree with the above, Sakura is a little valley girlish, understatement of the century but watever. I never realli liked her, maybe cuz shes a self-centered ego maniac but don't flame me for that
I am a sakura you bitches lolz.........and I agree kagome and sakura rule
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