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he he silly sakura
Ha!! HA!!This is when sakura saw Sasuke in the Ground! She thought it was a talking head!
"NOW HIS SEVERED HEAD!!!" -Sakura Haruno...XD SO FUNNY!!!!
xDD that was such a funny part of the anime
Heh  funnyface jutsu
She looks like shes ready 2 fight!! LOL Please add more comments on the Sakura pics you ppl!! On a lot of the pics, I was the last 1 2 add comments. So, PLEASE add more comments!! Peace out homeys!!
Sakura: Thats what you get Naruto!!! *Naruto is wimpering in the corner with a lump on his head* Naruto:WHY DID YOU HIT ME!!! *rubs his head and stands up* Sakura: Remember?!? In a difern't comment you hit me with a rock!?! *Naruto has mean look on his face* Naruto:THAT ISN'T MY FALT!!! Black_And_White_AnimeGirl made me!!! *sasuke was sitting at the bottom of the tree near by the whole time this was going on* Sasuke: Reatards. *clunks Sakura and Naruto's haeds together* Sakura and Naruto:Ouch!! HEY!!!
Have you guys ever read the comic when sasuke thinks his clan is from pokemon?  Well he explanes the whole thing then naruto says that hes not from pokemon.Then Sasuke says "then how do you explane the pokeball on my back" ? Naruto says that its a symbol!Sasuke screams and says"AHHHH I HATE FANARTISTS"!SASUKE STOMPS OFF AND STARTS PUNCHING THE FANARTIST.
that part was when sasuke got stuck in the ground it was soo funnny.. i wonder how he got out later tho...
he did i dont know how tho i just remember sakura waking up with sasuke hanging over her.
I will now finsh what I started 3 comments ago! Sasuke:You people are reatards! I'm getting out of here before you 2 kill each other over a rock! Sakura:I'll kill him for you Sasuke! Sasuke:looser.
soska:sakura will you mary me SAKURA:  ????????????????
Dana,  I have no clue what you just said...
who is soska???
TO COBALTANGEL:TAKE A WILD GUESS DUMBSHIT! to Pink Anime:ummmm,wouldn't it be the other way around?
Oh my god. Her eyes are about to explode. Get the washclothes it's going to get messy.
lol, and I thoguht i was weird, liking pics with SASUKE BLOOD!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! srry about that
HAHAHA SAKURAS EYES!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAA THERE EVEN MORE BUGED OUT THAN MY Rock Lee-san *muah* i love you lee! Rock Lee: i love you too *winks hearts and makes pucker-face*
Bug eyes hey? This totaly reashures me that Sakura has no sence of reality whatsoever. Lame. At least she has a good heart though.
XD Sakura-chan's got the funniest face I've ever seen.
^^ Sakura is like WTF?
Mind your step.
XD This is probably one of my favorite pictures of her. So funny.
笑い 笑い
 hah this is funny!
Sasuke:Sakura? Sakura:AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! A talking head!!? Sasuke:WTF?!i aint no talkin head!Sakura:*faints*
Eh. . . Sakura. Bad names popping into Hao-sama's head ><
Sakura: omfg a talking head!!!!!!!! Sasuke: for the last time, i not dead!!!!! Sakura: EEEEEK IT DOES TALK!!! *Sakura faints* Sasuke: dang, now what? (how did he dig himself out, anyway???)
Sakura is so funny!
HA she looks like a bug, I should squish her, or she should serve shino, SERVE SHINO DAMNIT HE IS WAY BETTER THAN YOU!!!
Wow o__o
she has alot of expressions
Yeah she can be sweet or tough.
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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