u must really like sakura
Why you so bummed?
I think shes upset.
She is...in this ep she was telling herself that Sasuke will never like her bacause of her big forhead! Sasuke dose fall in love with her but...She dose hav a big forhead!
Sasuke shouldn't be so mean to her. Sure her forrehead is big but that doesn't mean that tell that to her...right to her face!!
He didn't!!! She was just thinking that Sasuke would never like her!
Her forehead fine,Sasuke does fall in love with her and naruto is her best friend what is she freaking out about?Well she better stop because its getting reeeeeeeeely annoying!
to Mrs.Uchiha:her forehead is huge,and sasuke does not fall in love with her
What  Then how do u explane the pic of sasuke kissing sakura up in my room hmmmm
*gets down on knees and looks at sky* Why!!! Why!!!! Why did this have to happen to me!!!
probably a picture someone drew,they don't fall in love,if im correct,sasuke never does have a girlfriend,SO HA,SASUKE+SAKURA=NEVER!
*gets up still looking at sky* HA! *puts both fists high in the air* TAKE THAT SAKURA!
ok you guys i have read all of the books and seen all of the episodes and do you guys want to know who is right......... mrs. uchiha is.. right before he fights Itachi (and kills him) sasuke gives sakura a kiss. then he smiles. also he finds a way to break the curse seal
To SakuraHaruno0:Who the heck asked you what happend? Besides just cuz they kissed dosnt mean they start dating and stuff!
to sakuraharuno0:shut the hell up,no one asked you
Down with Sakura
You all are mean and cruel people... and very stupid.. also, obnoxious.. very , very obnoxious...
Thank you cherryblossom_sakura and SAKURA DOES SUCK BY THE WAY
Sakura is the most intelligent out of the three, and this is evident from the very beginning. She's a talented shinobi, and should be recognized as such. The only reason one could truly hate Sakura is if you're jealous, or just want Sasuke to yourselves.
Three words....Sakura is gay
Um, how can she be gay? She has a major crush on Sasuke, in other words, WTF are you talking about? Honestly dude, if you are not a girl I would say you were a fag. But if you are a girl, I can see why you would put her down all the time.  And why are you telling SakuraHaruno to shut up? Stop being fags and leave
All of you stupid people, quit making fun of Sakura. Don't call her stuff that isn't true. Her forehead isn't THAT big!!!Leave already, damn!!!
Too bad
anybody know where sasuke gave sakura a kiss
I..I WANNA KNOW TOO!!!! >.< Hey SakuraHaruno0 tell me more plz i wanna know when Sasuke kisses Sakura  Please!!!!!or anyone please tell me!!
Sakura is hot but.....Ino is way hotter.
sakura better have it told 2 her that her forehead is big by sasuke cuz itz true and she deserves it...shes such a...
 that will only get u in 2 trouble r_l_i_s_s
Yup Yup you might want to review the last fight that was on here and I was part of it
Sakura smile stop lookin pitiful even though ur frohead is out there but u still are cute babes
Ok look I ended that fight like centrie of centries ago. God look at when the comment was posted so i don't get mad and start up another fight just baecause I could j/k but please look at the date of the comment
hello NF
hilo kari-chan
So what do you think is up with tht person up there. she brages in here and yells at me. What is up with that?
i have no idea
Same here
HELLO everyone
hello d
hi nee-chan
Good night gtg
g nyt
the past does tend 2 come bak and bite u in the arse...January long time ago haha
hi im new here. ^_^
Hi, me too.
hey there pretty, is this seat taken
Ugh. I never seen Sasuke and Sakura kiss. And I DO hate Sakura, but I've start to respect her more after I read the timeskip. Plus, SakuraHaruno0, you couldn't have read ALL the books nor watch all the episodes because they're NOT out yet. If you explain something, try to have SOME backup, because the chance is, no one's gonna believe you.
I think she's sad because I'm not with her!
Awww  Poor Sakura...she looks so sad.
悲しい (...)
ugh i dont like sakura
what annoys me is that people hate sakura for all the wrong reasons,i mean atleast i have good reasons for hating sasuke
Sakura is nor perfect, but actually no one is  . (Not even Kakashi... sigh. Or Lee...sigh. Or Hinata...sigh.)
or me sigh...
Right: (Or G...sigh.)
Yeah no matter what you do (or me) no one is ever perfect everyone has flaws thtas what makes us special
Poor Sakura  *hugs her comfortingly*
Sasuke: She's not that bad... Needs to gain some weight though. Get a lota cushion for the pushin' y'know? I like it better that way.
wtf's so funny?
lol man get over it  No big deal (sighs) Boys
I know boys can be so imature sometimes,but at least he does'nt hate her.
you people overreact of sakure is dumb
people do over eact sometimes, i do sometimes. -nervous smile- But i try to contain myself. Michiko-chan, please dont say that about Sakura!
Thats not true she happens to be the smartest one!Out of the girls anyway.
lol i try to ignore mean remarks, like the ones above us, not you tenshi.uve or Mi-chan, even though that was very mean what yew said. I mean Mi-chan, not you tenshi.uve.
Well you know me I jump to Sakura's defence every time.
i dont, if i do i try to be calm and nice about it, i dont like it when people get into fights, especially when they involve me, and beacause i dont wanna make any enemies.....cause i hate being mean to people....
i dont get how some people dont like sakura.................
i do the sme foor ino and karin but lol i try not to be meen to her cause i use to like her and Sasuke and sasusaku and naruhina . . . . . But I dont now
what happened, tenshi-chan?
Sakura's my favorite character so I don't see why people hate her.
me either, but i do see why some people do hate her.... what about sasuke? I hate sasuke....
shes not my fave character, but i dont hate her ( unlike other people)
im at a tie between sakura and ino for my fav, i guess i have two favorites!
Sakura's my fav hands down then Tsunade.
For meh I've outgrown my hatred for her. I don't like her or dislike her now
HI NATTY-CHANNEH!!!! So, you dont have any recolection for sakura at all?
Sakura's amazing now that she has Tsunade's powers.
well for sakura she got to me and after watching what she did to ino got all like "Wtf she helps you and this is how you treat her and over a boy that who theat you like shit" sasuke well he is just another Itachi edit; i forgot sasusaku and naruhinna dont look like love to me!
Mew! -^w^-
Sakura did that to Ino so she could try to prove that she's the best.Their fight was a long time coming anyway.
Lol i like both couples, but i can dream.^^ Sakura and Ino seem to be friends again in shippuden. I guess with Sasuke gone they ended their rivalry.^^HI HOSHI-CHAN!!!
Yes they get along much better now.
Lol. tenshi. I like naruhina and NaruSaku and Sasusaku. They're all cute! HI KARI-CHANNEH!!!!!
Yeah, but i dnt like NaruSaku, but it has a good chance in shippuden. WHAT'S UP???? lol caps...^^;;;
I like the SasuSaku couple best,but Sakura would do better without a boyfriend.So she'll stay focused.
I hope Sasuke gets his nuts kicked in Shipuuden. WHOOT! NOT MUCH! JUST SITTING HERE WATCHIN NARUTO!!!!!!! I love caps lock! XD
i love nejisaku then again i hate nejiten cause i love leeten
lol Hoshi-channeh!!! Kagome-chan, yeah she would do better without one but she cant be lonely forever! I love sasusaku so much that i go to DA to read fan fictions! Safe ones, mind you. NO lemons! Bleh! I HATE lemons!
I like the SasuSaku couple best,but Sakura should do it I hope she does.
i love lemons
recolection? 0o
I KNOW!! After what sasuke did, omg he better not come within 5 miles of meh! I will kick his heart out! He's so selfish, thinks only of himself! He hurt Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan and he doesnt care! URGHHH!!!!
I read lemons all the time. My friends got me to do it. -.-''
There's no way you can make me even click on one...>o<! Natty-channeh, recolection means like, feelings for her or even acknowledging her.
I read everything .___, yaoi, yuri, lemons.. O.o I guess I don't for Sakura
Sasuke's an ass!
I read yaoi sometimes yuri but never read lemons.
I got my friends into them
I try to stay away from perverted stuff.Inuyasha's not perverted thank goodness.
i dont i go to the yaoi
My parents would kill me if I went near any of that perverted stuff.
i like yoai but i dont read it i see it but i dont read hentai and whats yuri?
girl on girl. I read hentai yaoi but not yuri
I go to teh yaoi cuz I'm like that. My mom says its better then health class.
O_O;;;; oh hell NO!!!!! I'd never read that! I have seen it before by accident though....Oo ewww....im a little perverted at heart, casue i like yoai!
Lol! *high fives Yatta-chan*
Thats digusting.What kind of pervert would write that.
. People on DA who write Hentai -i look at the comments not the story- in the artists comments they writed sometimes: DOes this sound perverted? I feel like a pervert, am I? And people say thier not, but they say it depends on teh story...
well don't please it's digusting.
Me! XD Its cuz of what i saw when I was 8 that made me like this. That or the time I smashed my face into the piano when I was 3 and ended up getting stitches on my forehead.
...?  lol scarlet!
i will cause i can
I read but I'm too nervous to write them.
I wouldnt write them cause my Grandma likes to read what I write, plus, she whispers when she reads, so if she saw, she would have a heart attack.
Ok,but you won't catch me reading it.Thats for shure.
well my friends just read it
You have a pure soul Kagome chan. You have a pure soul. XD
my friends/family read my funny stories!
theres nothing wrong with yaoi
True that, Scarlet.
sakura gay well haven heard that joke yet
That's a nice picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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