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Kankuro defines UGLY!!!!!!!!!
u said it girl....
Mmmmmmm... well, we never see his without the face paint.
the face paint resembles something about... cheer or something
KanKuro may not be the best looking sand nin there is but he's cool but for once I just wish I could see him without his face paint
he saves kiba so you shouldent be so mean
yeah, I think he mustn`t be that bad without the face paint..anyways, the appearance is not the only thing...he`s strong, that`s a point for him
And Puppets rock man another point, plus he isnt that bad looking. Well i didn't really pay attention to him at first but i really love puppets especially marionettes then i started to like him and then i thought he looked a lil cute  My friend sais in the manga u see his real face. She said he looks kinda cute... i ono maybe. I guess im just weird. meh w.e
it's true u do see his real face in the manga and he doesn't look that bad
milaofthedesert- i feel the same way as you i think he is cute
what does ^^ mean bad or good?
It means good. I dunno what other people think.... but for me its good.
He's MINE!
Yay for Kankuro love!
Heh....after reading a few of these comments I was gonna say
Hey!if ya'll don't claim him I WILl and then pull him closer. but i see i'm not alone...
he rocks without the face paint
Kankuro's not cute!  He's sexy!
XP NO!!! HE'S MINE BACK AWAY!!!! XD Just because Hayate is in my username it means that I honor him!! SO KANKURO IS MINE!! XD ...Okay fine I'll share...But I want his head! XP Kankuro: Uhhh....*runs away* HELP ME!!!!! Me: Sorry...
You're funny HayateMoon!
hello, im new here i also love kankuro, i thougt i was alone, but you guys are really cool
Kankuro is smexy...him and Gaara are the best looking characters...in my opinion
Nah, Kankurou and Neji are the best looking characters in the whole anime.. and Kiba
I love Gaara...did anyone realize they look NOTHING ALIKE...?! Ain't that weird? Maybe Gaara's adopted.
Kankuro's not that bad. In the manga when he doesn't have the paint on he looks really cute!!!! I think he's cool looking personally.
Kankuro kicks a lot of ass ^_^
When I visit Youtube, the clip that I loved most is anything uses 'Sand Siblings' on the name. The three are cool!
if you go to google video then you can see some awesome naruto videos
Harpygirl91, YOU define Ugly! xP >_<
yeah he so ugly
sure kankuro doesn't have the best looks but he's cool. i like him.
Kankuro although not as strong as Gaara kicks ass
Pretty Kitty!!!!!
Nawww he not ugly he cute. You should see him without face paint.
I only like him with it.
I like him in a lot of ways
I like him in a lot of ways too, but he's straight. Oh well I have Itachi...
What an ugly dude XD lol
Kankuro: I wonder if Family Guy is on tonight...
Lol i only speak the truth
Well,you shouldn't!!
i dont think hes cute with the markings but without them...o lala!!
in the shippuden he gets poisined (sp??) and you see him without the marks or the hat  He's SSSOOO CUTE!!!
I know! It's Poisoned... and This is my sister's profile and she decided she didn't want it any more so here I am, Kankuro obsessed, called Zabuza's Girl. Kinda funny!
kankuro-san is the hottest brown haired anime guy i have ever laid eyes on
i know,but he's mine so all fangirls back off!
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