ohhhhhhhhh shes so hot
*In an Austin Powers voice* That's a MAN baby!
woah, calm down
Nice Job NaRuTo BuT ReMoVe ThaT FoG It WiLL Be MoRe BeTtEr
 how funny
that's definitely the highlight of Naruto!lol xD
XD O.o
That's his sexy jitsu. He's did like 5 times in the first two episodes.-_-;
Good ol ninja center hold/Sexy jutsu
AWSOME so sexy man! *wooooooowie*
Ultimet nosebleed
uhhh. ooook.
heh now it's time for the guy's to drool on something (instead of those little girls always drooling on sasuke)
LOL that looks funny XD o.O
It did it five times in episodes one and two? WHY?????????????
sexy-jutsu. . . .disturbing.
GOD this is great!! ^-^
My eyes!! I'm going blind!! Augghh!! Why is life so Cruel to me!! Good by cruel world!! *Passes out on floor, later found dead by Lee and Kakashi* Lee: No! She's dead! Live girl Live!! *starts doing CPR* Me *I'm liking how this is turning out already*
(reads above post)  (looks at picture again) AHHHHH!!!!!!1  (runsaway)
i'd like this better  if i knew it wasent naruto
Ninjas can be so weird..
That is one of his most powerfull jutsue. it can make anyone puse for a sec and that is dagerest.
My eyes! HELP! I'M BLIND! Where's Jiraya?
its kinda disturbing to know thats really a guy.........
wierd.... hot though, but wierd....
12 year olds go thru so many changes!
noperv just a anime lover
hahahahahahahaha wat a pic!
 He kinda looks like Sailor Moon.
2xLee+Kakashi, he soiled the spring time of youth pretty bad, eh?
 When i Showed this to Jacob (my Friend)i think he for got he had a girlfriend.
Gah... i think Naruto is cute but i hate it when he turns into a girl, i get unsure if he's a guy or girl  even though i KNOW he is a guy, just so immature
It's a trap!
I hear that after the timeskip in the manga, Naruto changes from prankster to pervert having trained under Jiraiya for two and a half years.
In episode 3 or 4 Naruto taught the Hokage's grandson sexy-jitsu, he also uses the Shadow clone Jitsu and combines that with sexy jitsu
yeah Bushido it's called his harem technic
haha, naruto is a guuuurrrrrl
MY EYES!!!!!!! IM BLIND!!!!
I have a question. When Naruto performs his sexy no jutsu, his body briefly transforms into that of a woman, right? So... if someone were to do "naughty things" with him during this time, could Naruto conceivably become pregnant?
Uhhh... it's possible.
no possible.....in ep # 192 he seen peeing standing up while tansformed to ino, so tat mean he still has it wen transformed. good suspection tough! ps: sry about me english...i getting better promise!!!
behold, this is wat his sis would look like if he had 1....  ...im gonna shut up now
she remindes me of salior moon.... weird...
Listen to General Ike. It's A Tarp!
she loks like britney spears -  awfull
you gotta admit, its a unique jutsu. and it gets the job done. cept for with jiraya....i think he's u sed to it or sumthin....*mutters* dum ero-sennin...
Get rid of the smoke!
! For one He's a guy if you haven't noticed!
.........wtf?what kind of jutsus does he come up w/?
i like when boys r perverted it's sexy
serius ?  do you really thinkt so fumio-san?
Fumio san how old r u? *big sweatdrop*
i'm 11, ^^, uh yea i think so....why?
why?! bcuz that's beyond disturbing!
I'm 10......
i'm 12 and i don't say things like that. . .
its not that its disturbing, its just strange for a girl especially a young girl to think in that way (11! why do i keep felling older and older here TT_TT)
lol that's ok G kun u aren't ageing, and yes that is disturbing. . .
sakura:THATS JUST WRONG!!! sasuke: AAAHHH!!!MY EYES!!!!!
naruto is so weird
Jiraiya: *Wolf-wistles* *Thinks for a while* OMG its Naruto
omg i love the show  but i hate naruto's sexy jutsu its like so totaLLy disturbing  u-u-u-uh the thought of her with no clothes u-u-u-h gross
Sexy No Jutsu. Classic.
i wonder if i girl would do it, i bet they would turn into a fit guy now that would be awsome but there still technacly would be a girl so  .
i wunder if he has ever removed the fog before?
 man naruto make me sick when he do that jutsu  for god sakes stop doing that jutsu before i die
For Cyndell12: Latter he does this jutsu in front of Jiraya, where it was no smoke, but before that...I don't think so.
Sexy Jutsuuu! Naruto:"Transformation!" ghaaaaa! my eyes! *swirlies* Kabuto:*slaps mess out of me*"wake up! wake up"! me:".....zzzz"
Cool jutsu Naruto you're the best you are unique cutie.
samu: my naruto-kun doesn't need this dumb justu anymore >D
This is sexy jutsu, but in my book(vol1) this is called nen-jutsu conter-fold!
he taught that jutsu to some kid and then when he came back from training he said he had a new perverted jutsu, but he didn't use it cuz Sakura smacked him lol
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