The dust clouds up my lovers beautiful form.  But he's still hot.
I'm not just another fan girl. You may be his bride but he's a demon that has two lovers.
Sesshomarue's bride? No.. I'm the only love in Sesshy's LIFE!! I HAVE A REAL NAME!! SO.. I Rock!
You.. are the weird person here.. Why do you have to mention back rubs?!?  God... couldn't you throw a comeback?
This is a Sesshomaru picture, not a conference about.. *shudders* FOOT RUBS.
Have you ever had the thought of getting declawed.....
What's the worst  By the way.....SNIP SNIP.....off goes the claws
Shouldn't you be talking about the picture instead of foot rubs?
Ack! You people are all crazy! We all know he's mine anyway ^-^ BTW, hot pic =p...
I'm so used to hearing this. They talk about lord Sesshomaru like this all the time. I'm sorry big brother.
~twitch~ i remember those feet rubs well. However, coming into contact with sesshomaru is never a bad expierience...execpt for that one time
Hey Sesshoumaru, I'll give you a back rub! (gives Sesshy a back rub going lower and lower...)
Wearing a bandanna on his head~ im coming im coming. I just pulled Sesshomaru's polar bear fur out of the wash, i will be there in a sec...
Yeah. If she get upset Sesshoumaru won't be very pleased with you.... I can almost hear the thwack now.
Me love Sesshomaru
It isnt lord sesshomaru, its hand washed, as you requested ~bowing franticall, then runs off toward Rin~ -.- oh god i hate my life...
Can I pet the "fluff" it's ok if you don't want me too...
 lookin good... Sesshomaru I Luff Him :heart:
yo! demonic bride! for the millionth time you ain't his bride! I don't know why you keep saying he's your husband! the guy is heartless!!! even if he wanted a mate I'm sure he wouldn't choose you!  (and if your reading this 'A very bored sesshomaru',do ya remember 'sesshy's mate',the one you "killed" well i'm the same person!And i dare ya to go back there and read the next line i put for ya!!!!!!!! ...
You ain't the real sesshomaru 'sesshomaru' you poser! * Runs over to the poser and starts stomping on him* That takes care of that * brushes invisable dirt off of clothes* ( What does swoop mean anyway?)
i wanna kill all normal peaple
Um,uh,um, I don't know! This is so frustrating!!!!!!!
"swoop"came from that one candy comercial.and dont kill all humans make them slaves!!!dotty:man you are becoming so evil!!cool im proud of you sis!!dude dotty have you even seen any of the pictures of master sesshomaru yet??
I wish, I wish upon a star, Kill the Jaken and make me Glad! (Watches as a meteor shower hits Jaken)
What's it with you and killing Jaken, Camo?
It's fun! I mean, how many times in you life are you going to have the pleasure of watching a Jaken explode and die?
Can I help you destroy him, then?
Anywhere Anytime T_____T
no, I perfer to keep my work to myself, but... kill him when I'm not looking. (straps a stick of C-4 to Jaken and sets it off) oh... I love fireworks...
YAY!!! me too
darn it, keep it down, I'm trying to sleep over here.
but fireworks are fun  there so shiny and bright, and they make everyone happy, and oookay im done
fire works hurt my ears!i have supper sensitive ears!i had a cousin that was terified of lound noises.so we gave him ear plugs...
*screams in a high pitch* i just had to do that, not to bug you collie, just because i was bored
thats ok.
You know what is more fun then setting C-4 on Jaken? Recording Kagome's annoying screeching voice, sticking it on InuYasha's back and making him listen to it all day. Either that or recording her saying 'sit' and press play every time he tries to get up.
Sesshomaru is trying to sleep at 10:00 PM? *gives wierd looks* i always thought of you as a more nocturnal person...
*mutters* yeah, when he's sleep walking
hah!  good one. *throwing random twigs, leaves, and other such things into a raging bonfire*
hey if you throw jaken in one it burns a very pretty green and blue, then it explods
hmm...*thinks about it* kay! (tosses jaken in) O.o 'splodey...
new pictures that are some how so wrong.
*runs to glance at new pictures*
Lord sesshomaru there's this really annoying bitch in the middle some were, i put up a warning sign on the picture before her names appear  but she keeps saying "sit" and it's getting annoying, can you please take care of her. because i had a nevers mental break down back there and im getting a sour throat from yelling at her all the time
*wobbling back and fourth* ouchies! i need medical assistance!!! The Sit! THE SITTTTT!!!! AAAAAAH!!! *faint*
*pokes a fainted A/67* ^-^ Heheh...*steals her lighter* MINE!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! *drops it on self* Ouch! The flame buuuuuurns!!
this is a really hot pic!!!
give that lighter back or a/67 is going to hunt you down.
*forest-chan turns around to find A/67 standing right behind her* A/67: *beats her head in with a crowbar, killing her instantly* ^_^ that should keep her busy for a little while! *takes lighter back*
ZzzZzzZzz .... ZZzzzZZzzzZZzzz ... Yoko: -blink- What? This one isn't my fault. I used the rest of my powder in her last comment. *pokes Karame* Karame: ZzzZzzZzz
sesshy be hot
fan is gross
is name is not sesshy got it man this guy are anoying a mean girl
His face is so calm... it makes him so SEXY!!!
shut up you bitch! no one in hell imersonates songo! dotty:see what you started. i thought songo liked miroku anyway.
i tink she need a docteur
i believe she dost not know the term though she be right by the way i'm new
your not a fan girl are you? im colllie and i have a sister named dotty and a stupid brother called grave robber.
I like fire and i have a boyfriend named Michael. That's all you need to know. *gets stabbed by Michael* Ouch! Stoppit! *stab*
me im all alone expt for you guy and i come from quebec lol
no not a fangirl i realy hate them actualy A/67 my friend told me all about you she says you burn to much stuff though i cant blame you i do so as well but not here i mean at home long story short i got my fire privledges taken away  and nobody is alone here at least i hope not u know im the only person in my school to like anime! life sucks
Hmm...i don't burn that much! *entire country in flames behind her* Michael: *standing behind her ready to stab her* A/67: a-ha! *ducks out of the way and hugs him* ^_^
a/67 int that bad when she is in a good mood you should see her in her bad mood
not fan girl? gooooooooooooooooood...
yeah. *dodging Michael as he tries to stab her* ^_^
I have drawn this before but nothing beats the real thing. *sighs deeply* i wish i could draw like that.  I love sesshomaru!
I wish i could be made of metal so Michael couldn't stab me *sigh*
mabe but he would make you melt
Probably...but it's better than stabbing! *has Michael's hands taped together in a ball of duct tape so that he can't hold onto a knife* ^_^ *laughs at him trying to get the mass of tape off* Now I can hug you without injury! *hugs him* Michael: *head butts her and cracks her skull open*
you lost a nother peace of brain wich you dont ave much
I know...  i need to steal another one! AGAIN!
tri to find some one who is not an idiet like you
I am NOT an idiot!  *cuts her head off* i just am missing some cranial pieces!
*pick up head and put it back on neck* bah to me it's the same thing
I'm Sesshomaru's bride and only love!!!
And now you're dead! *blows up with flamethrower, then beats ashes with crowbar, then throws them off a cliff*
he he...did anyone see that one chick on Inuyasha that was in luv with Lord Sesshomaru? It was funny!!! when the flute stoped playing he was all "the flute!! it stopped!! no!!" *lol* but she was cool...and sesshomaru did like her, didnt ya? didn't ya? *pokes sesshomaru* O.o *sings* Lord Sesshomaru and Lady Saga sitting in the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!!! O.o oh-kay im done.....DONT KILL ME!! *hides*
 this pic is cool. by the way i'm new but i've read most of the comments. You guys are cool and by the way A/67 my twin brother like fire so much that when he got a puppy he named it Pyro
hello! im collie, and i get depressed very easly and ahve a split personality, hate people who write sick comments but your not like that are you?! *hands her a sandwhich*
O_o fire. ... EVGENIIIII!!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUU!!!???? *looks around* did anybody see where he went?
*smiles* thanks but i usually try try to stay away from human food. *takess a bite and hiccups a huge fireball*  see what i mean *gives sandwich to Pyro who barks happily* WTH *looks around for a second confused  * has anyone seen my chainsaw. *Spots twin brother running away with it*  i'll be right back * goes full demon and flies after brother baring teeth*
new friend! *wags tail* and no i haven't seen him
chocolate!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeee!!!1 chocolate! hahahahhahahah! mmwahahhahhaha! hurrrraayyyy for chooooclate !
weeeeeeeeeeee! here have sooooommmmmeemememe chocolate!!!! weeeeeeee! sugar!!!!!1
*takes chainsaw parts and uses them to build a flamethrower* chainsaws only cut things. Flamethrowers utterly destroy things. >=) *uses new flamethrower on a patch of flowers* BWAAHAHAHAHA! Okay, now i need to find Evgeni: *starts burning trees* nope! not behind that one!
0_0 Derrick: what an idiot*gives sister a swift kick*  OMG  if you don't stop acting like a STUPID BABY i'm gion g destroy all of your anime pictures  Abey:  *turns demon and snarls* if you even go near my pictures i will totally kill you  *tries to tackle brother* Derrick:*steps to the and hist sister in the back of the head* this is getting boring i am so out of here *starts walking away* OH AND BY THE WAY YOUR ALL FREAKS:!: *smirks and takes off* Abey:0_0
*thoughs rock at abey93s brother* you stupid a$$hole! we are just enjoying life! unlike you! here abby93 have some chocolate! ^_^
 YAH CHOCOLATE *kicks brother body into portal leading to the deepest pits torture* Oh and A/67 i think he ran that way *points to her left while munching on chocolate* thank you collie
you are welcome!
Thanks ^_^ EVGENIIII???!!!!! *burns a giant tree and finds him behind it* There you are, you silly man. *giggle* Evgeni: O_O *twitch*
Yoko: Metaphorically speaking though I assume... I mean who would want to beat the *shit* out of someone...*KABOOM* Karame: Oops my fun gun slipped ~innocent face~ ... Yoko: ~cough~ I'm ok... Karame: really  Yoko: Yeah... *beep...beep...beep...beep...KABOOM* ... Karame: how about now... Yoko: *cough**twitch* x_x'
FYI my brother Derrick is being sent to military school after starting yet another fight at school  so he won't be making any more stupid comments  could things get any better...maybe *grabs bag of chocolate chip cookies* now it perfect. you guys want any  *holds out bag*
mine! *takes a cookie* mmmmmmmmm coookie!
MINE! *steals whole bag and runs up a burning tree* Evgeni: (in russian) O.o chocolate cookies. can i have one? A/67: *spitting cookie crumbs as she talks with her mouth full* huh? you love me? I lurve you too! ^_^ *finishes off bag* Evgeni:
hahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhah hahahahhahahhahaahha *gasp* ahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahah hhahahahhahhaha *gasp* hahahahhahahhahhahahahah
wuts going on did tsume try to get you to give me a engagemant ring from him?? and you think its funny oh breanna j. sys she wasnt lying and she did turn in to a mermaid *drings a mix of almost every alcohol drink to calm nerve* motorcycles...
no.... no he didnt....... *continues to laugh because of all the sugar shes consumed* hahahhahahahhahahahah ahah ahahahah ahaha ah hahahahhahahhahhahahahha ahahhahahhahhahahhahah aahhahahahha ahhahahhaha hahahhahh aahhahahhahahha ahhaha hahahhahahhahah ahahahhahahha ahahahhahahhahahah ahahahhahhahahahhahahhahaha ha ha hahahha
*in russian* whyu did I come to take over the world here!!!! *in english* oh andrea here is a chcolate nilk carton from japan (i put in extra sugar)
ahhahahah a ahhahahahhahha ahhahahahahhah ahahahahhahah ahhahhahahha ahhahahhah ahhahahahha hahahhahha ahhahahh ahhahahhahahhahha ahahhahahhahaha hahahha hahahahh ahha hahhhhahahh ahahah aha hahahha hahahhahhah hahahhah ahhahahahha ahhhaha hahhahahha ahhahhahhaha hahahhahah ah hhahahha a hahhahhah ahaha hahhahahahhahha h ahahhahahah hahahhah ahhahahah h ah ahhahahhah hahahhahahha ahhahahh ahhahhah ahhahhahaha
cooooooooffiee! sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeee! im bored
Evgeni: i'm back and i can speak english now thanks to some random teacher! A/67: Yay! *hugs him* now i will be able to know your most inner thoughts *squeeze* Evgeni: get off. A/67: what? you lurve me? I lurve you too! *squeezes harder* Evgeni: -_-.
Wow. I love him.
I love HIM! *hugging Evgeni* this man right here! We're soul mates (sigh) Evgeni: why me? -_-.
you dont see me going gah gah over a dude like that.
O.o you're so cute. Evgeni: i know. sadly.
look whos full of him self...
*kills huge group of RFG**covered in blood* Ugh this stuff reaks... Albel: You don't have to tell me. Take a bath before you make me hurl... Karame: Oh come on it isn't that bad *takes big whiff* @_@ ... *barf* Albel: Oh come on I just bought thoses shoes... Karame: *runs to the bathroom*
*has eyes glazed over*
*is sewing animal body parts together*
try to kill somthing
You ARE full of yourself! mmm...but still hot. Evgeni: again, i know. (eats fish sandwich) A/67: ^_^
sandwhiuch?! *takes evgvies sandwhich* tuna t-u-n-a tuna! *eats the sandwhich*
I'm bored! *starts setting random objects on fire*
Evgeni: That wasn't tuna. (eats another sandwich) A/67: (puts out her fires) I'M THE FIRE STARTER HERE!!!! >=( (lights the fires again with her flamethrower)
to bad! i say it was tuna! you hear me t-u-n-a tuna! and if you say different ill rip out your entestines and majkke you eat them1
*stands in front of Evgeni protectively* grrrr... those are MY intestines! Evgeni: um. i think they're mine. A/67: it's the same thing. ^_^ Evgeni: O_o.
Umm Fire is my demon power so why can't we just go on a fire starting rampage together and call it even
add mit it! it was tuna!!!!!!!!!!
Argh. fine. as long as i am the veteran pyro of the group i don't care... Evgeni: first it's fire, now it's my intestines, god you're posessive. A/67: I know. (sigh) ^_^ I can't help my evil. (starts poking burning building with a crowbar)
yes it was tuna!
man and IM oseveive! *hear the sarcasim*
O.o shiny... Evgeni: oh great. Just what she needs.
 Well she likes fire soo it might keep her happy
Evgeni: (comes back an hour later completely covered in soot) >=( A/67: i TOLD you not to stand under that tree! Evgeni: ...
*is asleep* zzzzZZZzzz
*is bored* hmmmmm *turns into dog and chases after random people*
*throwing foam balls at people who move close enough to aim at*
*dodges several of them*  missed me
(throwing rocks at people close enough to aim at) Evgeni: OUCH!
*gets hit in head with rock* WHO DID THAT  *ses rock in A/67s hand*turns into a huge black panther and bares fangs* Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
... (throws another rock) ^_^ Haha! I like rocks! Evgeni: (throws a rock at her head) A/67: Ouchies! ^_^ that hurt!
*wakes up* party! yes! collage party! wait wr are not in collage..we'll breakin and throw a party!
PARTYYYYYYY!!!!! Evgeni: (throws more rocks at her) A/67: you wanna fight!!?? (throws rocks at him) (Huge rock throwing war begins)
*falls asleep again*
GARRRRRR! (tackles Evgeni and the rock war turns into a wrestling match) Evgeni: Stop pulling my hair!!! >=( A/67: you stop pulling MY hair!!! >=(
*watchies fight with amuzment!!* I love a sissy fight!!! *gets pop corn* Envy E. do you like potatoes?? Envy:Why me? why do I have to be your brother???
Evgeni: OUCH! No biting!!! >=( A/67: You can't make up rules to fighting!!! (bites him again) Evgeni: Ouch! (kicks her off of him)
Evgeni: (trying to get her hands behind her back so she can't move) A/67: Garrrr! (kicks him between the legs) Evgeni: O_O (slumps over in pain) A/67: >=D VICTORY!!! (dances) When all else fails, hit 'em in the groin. Evgeni: I..hate you. >=(
*stabs A/67 in back. then takes a knife and carves out her heart and leaves it for the rats to eat*
Hm..i wonder where that heart came from. it's not mine. I never had a heart to begin with. (watches rats eat it) O.o cool.
*kills A/67 hater* Go these hater are so stupid *cell phones rings* I'll be right back
^_^ yay! Someone is sticking up for me! i feel special. (gives Demonic Angel16 a bar of chocolate) . okay back to giving dirty looks at my hater. (hands on hips) >=(
*eat chocolate while crushing cell phone* I went over my killing qouta again  But like 6 were actually 2 people that just wouldn't say dead
Hm...i'll have your plan changed! (goes to Kill-company and has policy upgraded) ^_^ there! Now you have unlimited killing on nights and weekends.
intersting  My bf got me his really cool set of tags for our annicverery that say Angelica Davis - A Deonic Angel If Caugt Call : 1-800-666-Evil - Now is that a cool gift or what
Yay! Now you're upgraded with style!  (helps crush cell phone) stupid piece of machinery! >=( (takes own cell phone and chucks it over a waterfall)
I have a cellphone....somewhere! *looks around messy room* Maybe I should clean it......maybe later. *love to protrastinate*
hmm...(chucks self over waterfall) Weeeeee!!! Just like at Disney Land! ^_^ Evgeni: ...(sigh) (calls paramedics)
Hey jumping off waterfalls is fun  I should know I've done it tons of times  *Gets a running start*
*flies over the top of the waterfall, coming over the edge* *looks down*  don't look down, don't look down.....
Fluffy! *takel hugs Evgeni*
Evgeni: Aaaaaaaah! It's bad enough with her tackling me every 5 seconds now i have to deal with YOU!!?? A/67: Fluffy! *tackles Evgeni* ^_^ I wuv you. Evgeni: *curses them both in russian*
Inuyasha's nowhere for me *boots him out* Sesshomaru's my second fave white haired spook, first being Youko Kurama,
Evgeni: (severely disgruntled) >=( A/67: (still squeezing him) ^_^
Yeah, he's human but he's a Russian! And they're so tough they're virtually unbreakable! Evgeni: (smirk) yeah, i'm amazing i know. (CRUNCH!) A/67 and Evgeni: O_O.
OoO what was that
Evgeni: my..rib. (now bent over in pain) A/67: oops. O_o; (calls ambulance)
 must hurt like the 9th level of hell  Nice place to vacation
I like the 9th level...(sigh) good times.. Evgeni: (being loaded onto stretcher) A/67: ^_^ (pats his head) he'll be fine. Evgeni: i'll get you for this...
hmm haven't been there in a while. Should visit soon.
Somehow he look sad on that pic...haha iono!..still looks cute i think?!0.o
WOW *faints*
So dreamy!!
I agree with ~*Miko-Kikyou*~ he is OMG i cant stop thinkin about him
Thanks for sharing this picture http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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