Hmm when I was 15...Which was just a couple of months ago XD But, when I just turned 15...I was surely not 5''3. I was 5''3 at the age of 13 XD At her age I was 5''7, lol....Yes I am a girl also, so its fair LOL!! Just, she's not real XD
Hm... These are centimeters, right? That's good since I'm German. So... let me see: When I was 10 years old, I was 155 which means taller than a 13 year old Sakura!  However, now I'm 21 years old and 167 tall. So I'd say: Sakura did grow A LOT in 2 years!  I mean, come on, almost 20 cm in two years?
you guys suck, im only 5'2 (sob) and i'm not getting any taller
I love this part! Shippuuden-Sakura tells her Naruto-Sakura all of the training Tsunade did to her. It's funny!
I hope Sakura has changed emotionallly about Sasuke and stuff....ITS NARUTO
Did you notice that her forehead is smaller now?
Cool, i thought i was the only german here  Btw: I love her new red headband
kool i like sakura she's kool
Want better and HEAPS MORE Shippuden Screenshots? Go to My bebo http://NARUTOtmSHiPPUDEN.bebo.com ( please leave comment on pics =] ) Tell UR friends too!!
i love this ep
what ep is this?
The first Naruto Shippuden ep...two and half years later than Naruto was set
Both are so ugly!! and the suckura old like fat o__o
Well, she did changed a lot! But, it doesn't mean she's ugly!
to reply to xKakashi_Loverx 's comment...it's very well possible for sakura to have only grown to tht height over those years cuz i'm 15 rite now and i'm only 155cm's >>
I LOVE YOU SAKURA!  I'll fight Naruto for her I'm bigger then him so I'll win for sure Naruto is what like 5'5 or w/e im 6'4
hahahhahahahaha im 5'11 and i'm a girl....lolz im a freakin flag pole in comparison to most girls XD
I didn't like Sakura when she was younger because she was all: "Ooo Sasuke-kuuuuuun!" y'know? Now she can actually fight, insted of watching Sasuke and Naruto do it....
yeah i remember wine me and my brother saw that seen we both just freakt out and we where just stareing at our computer and i was thanking....what the f**k
 ive not seen many eps but i think Sakura's cool...  i want to see the new Naruto Shippuden series...
im a girl and im 4'9  im 14
I'm 17,and only 5ft.So don't feel bad.
omg im 12 and im 5"2. o.o;;;
I know I'm very short,but my mom and dad are too.So I think thats why.
i think im pretty tall for my ago.O.O
Grr..i'm SO short...i'm 12 and 4 "8"
You are Kari-chan,you're very lucky.
 i'm 4 "8"
aww! DOn't worry Anna! -hug- You'll grow!
I'm right at 5ft.I can't wait til my birthday 1 month too go!
*hugI* I know i'll grow!
I thought it was in May. o.o
I'm not shure if I'll grow anymore.You'll never guess what youtube tried to do!
It is in May,I said one month because March will be over soon.So only April will be left.Youtube tried to remove my new video!
WHY? Which one?
They claimed I did'nt put the copyright properly.The video was Sakura Promise.
......i think i saw it.....
Yeah I reuploaded it,but with a different copyright part.Suzu,whered everyone go?
lol i was editing. Sorry!
Ok no prob.Can you believe what youtube did!
Yeah, actually i can. They removed one of Natty's vids too. ANd, they're removing anime from YT. It's been going on for a while now!
yeah! i made a bg plz check it out
Thats so rude! People work so hard on their vids,and they remove them!
I KNOE!!! And Natty's vid was funneh! I inspired her with a record scratch!!! And she used it in her vid! YT ish sooooooooo -breath- ooooooooo mean!
Jerks,I put that I did'nt own Sakura,and that she was property of viz media!
SHe's property of Masashi Kishimoto. Maybe that's why. You might have put the wrong disclaimer.
......i think you mean of Mishimoto Kishimoto and cuz u dsidn't put the right name they bashed u
Yeah stupid me I forgot how to spell his name,but I changed it to say she is property of All her respective owners.
do you have any of his manga books? I have 1-28 right now. -holds up book- It has his name on the cover. ^^;;;; Anna, i spelled it right cause i have his book w/ meh right now.
No I've only read it online,and a couple volumes at school from the library.
maybe if you go to a website store who sells that stuffs then click on it and look realllllyyyy close to see the name. It might work! >>;;;
Oh wait a sec it has his name on Sakura's wikipedia too.
okay...wow.....yeah, i deleted thet pic kari
yush, i knoe. I commented then you delted it before it was posted.. T0T
I'll make shure I get it from there from now on.I can't believe Sakura's birthday is soon.
OH **** THATS RIGHT!!! March 28th, right?
Yep she'll be 16.
YAY!!! Sakura's growing up so fast....-wipes tears- WAHHH! -hugs sakura- Sakura: O.O;;;; Me: lol im off to edit see ya Kagome-chan! It'll take me 11 min at the most.
I'm back guys.
hi kagome-chan.
 when i finlt got to talk to i leave
Ok anyone else wanna chat?
I've grown to 5''8' since my last comment, which was...2 YEARS AGO! O.O Wow time flies! And I don't think I'm gettin' any taller...now this is depressing...Hello winking person XD
Hiya call me Kagome-chan if ya like.
Is it just me or is Sakura flat?  *sigh* and tsunade was her sensai too.... i guess she'll always be flat
realy And dont starts fights sakufans you can say things about ino on stuff so we can do the same here
Very funny but she's still kinda young.Let her get a little older.
And i gueaa a lot of skinny girls arent big but i THINK shes need to grow a little more mature
i think its just the outfit,cause in some pictures when it becomes tight when she moves a certain way theres actually "bigness" there XD
i guess  but who cares but some draw her "like" tsunade. Its stupid 'cause they think that she trains with her Sakura will get big ones
lol yeah,unless theres a jutsu or something XD but yeah,i want her to be sakura,not tsunade
Im 5`7.....Scary tall >.> I dont wanna be model 0.o
actually Talee Hyro her bangs are wider more layered actually which I think is better for her whats annoying is Im about 5 foot 3 Im 13 and sakura is 5 foot 3 at 15
your not alone fire182 I'm 16 and i'm 5"3 i have'nt grown any taller in 2 years
Hey that's an awesome picture you got there http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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