Lookin 4 sumton Sasuke? N e waize how old is he?
Uchiha Sasuke I LoVe YoU!!!!
hellp sasuke ;s is not real
to Sasuke08: He's 12 in the beginning of the anime, then turns 13. I don't know if he reaches 14 or not. I hope I've helped ^_^;;
girls could ya back of on Sasuke hes mine got that!
here he is taking note of how kakashi fights.i must admit that sasuke is smart.
sasuke's one true lover we dont care ur obsessed with a anime charater. he may be sexy but he's not real!
@sasukesgirl don't waste your time lecturing little girls.it won't help trust me  and yes he is cool he's my fave from the series but i do realize that there is a difference between 'reallity' and 'anim�'.as do you.
i think we all do, at least i know the difference between reality and anime. the only reason im such a sasuke fan is that he reminds me A LOT of... myself! (wow, no wonder he's so cool)
it would be SOOOOOO AWESOME if sasuke was real...*sigh*
To cookie: Yeah... I just found out. I was too busy listening to Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan and Good Charlotte... But mostly Green Day. Really wishing that Sasuke's really real! That would be the best. SASUKE is SOOOOO HOTT! Hot as in Elric or Mustang HOTT! Or is It HOTT as in Green Day HOTT. I think It's Billie Joe Armstrong HOTT!
I lov green day too!
me 2!
hide and seek I found you you basturd
this guy, kicks ass
how old is Sakura?
I like Sasuke the way i lyk Green day. All the ppl around me know how much i LOVE Green day. I am the biggest fan of green day in my whole island! Sasuke is my Green Day.. Sometimes... To the pple who love green day should check out www.xanga.com/PuNk_StAr08. Join XANGA! Sakura is 12...
sakura is 12 at the beginning but in the throughout the film she doesnt see naruto for 2 years so shes 14
to Sasuke's one true love : your starting to get really annoying! alot of people wish hes real and alot of people think hes hot,not just you got it! so get it through your head NOW!!!!
To sango222: Don't worry sango222, "sasuke's one true love" is retarded. I think she was sent to a mental institution the last time she posted.
im thinking that to.
To Cookie: don't worry gradually they all turn to 15,and naruto wearing a new sports gear! after trainning with Jiraiya four 3 yrs,naruto was shocked to realize dat of his genin or simply ROOKIE 9 is already chuunin,and neji-kun is able to attain d rank of jounin isn't that cool? I wonder what rank is sasuke,because he went to orochimaru to get some powers ,of course he can't attend d chuunin exam! we'll my info's are of research! gladly telling more! but I'm not an know it all! don't think of me as a jerk
I LOVE THIS PICTURE! I enjoy viewing and observing Sasuke fromthis angle, especially with the beautiful greenery for the background. I'm such a spying-ninja looking him following where he's about to go. When the instructor knew where he's position was, I follow his trace as fast as I could.
I'm the same person as cherryblossom.
I wish that you all see my myspace
Please post me! the last time I log ing was like 2 months age or maybe 3 months...?
For some reason I looked at this pic and I got "Dance, Dance" stuck in my head . . .*sigh*. . . I like the song, but it gets annoying when I look at the pic and it just pops in my head
Really? So that song by Fallout Boy is stuck there? Cool...same here! dance dance, were fallin apart to half time, dance dance, well these are the line you've love to lead, this, this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loves me...Wait...DAMMIT! NOW IT PERMANENTLY STUCK IN MY HEAD! Green day's the antidote!!!! Listen to letterbomb and American Idiot and Jesus of Suburbia! It works!!!
*sigh*will you kiss me sasuke-kun?!
Sasuke: No I will not... Baka!
go Kissed_by_Kakashi! now if only other people would get some common sense..
to Kissed_by_Kakashi:You are sooo funny! That was so random...it was funny!
Really? Ha, thanks.
sasuke!!!!! you hiding from me?!
i have to admit,even though im not a major fangirl(note: im barely a fangirl for that matter),he does look cute in this picture
i love my sasuke', he is my perfect boyfriend
im not that weird! im not no stinkin obessed fangirl ether,but i will admit,i am a small fangirl.bwhahhahahahahaha
Sasuke is so hot
To Cesy_R:No i never thaught of that.(Sarcasm)
to Mrs.Uchiha:i hope your not being rude
Sasuke . . you have to be the best Hider In Bushes i have ever scene... heck.. i still canit find you... ::scratches head::
well, that laugh lasted a -1000000th of a second...
sasuke's_girlfriend:I told u 2 times be4...but I don't think u herd me...so I'll say it again: don't start claiming Sasuke or I'll cut your head of. Not saying u are claiming Sasuke right now but befor u start thats ur warning...after that u can say goodbye!
after sasuke..goes to orochimaru..you'll c hm agen l8r in episdes 165+ n hez eyez luks scary n he's stndng besyd orochimaru..orochimaru is a jerk becuz of hm we won't be able 2 c sasuke often.
wuz up
hehehe,you must be drunk mrs uchiha
..............are thoses fangirls gone yet?
Alas I do not think they will ever be gone.
i agree fangirls go crazy over sasuke...but i go crazy over sombody else........
I LOVE SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sasuke#1lover would you give him some sake and/or vodka then gim him some cocaine? wondering.. just cause he looks high almost all the time, and you keep bragging about your his #1 lover, what term of lover did you use anyway?
sasuke is so cool i am new so can you tell me what to do around here i have no idea and you should not hate sasuke
TRU!! NEVER HATE SASUKE!! just go round posting comments easy
I don't "hate" Sasuke, I just dislike him passionately. I mean, he abandons his team and goes to train with Orochimaru after Sakura BEGS him not to go. Of course, he's a little bas...jerk and just leaves. Then he comes back and looks/is dressed almost JUST like Orochimaru. I can't stand his snobishness. I'd like him if he wasn't such a baka and didn't leave his team.
Oh just another note. I lerv Shino...and Lee.
if ur a girl and u dont like sasuke u suck! just saying sasuke is staring at me and going holly crap
Helllo!!! long time no see! people I haven't been on since like ever!!!
Sasuke what are you doing?
he's looking at something...
awwwww he looks so cute peeking out of a bush like that
Yea he does  ^^
o.m.g FAN GIRLS!!!
Hes Uglii fo Sure Yoo
thats not very nice...
. . . . . . you should be nice in the sasuke chat room, there r a bunch of fangirls in here who would probabally get really mad if som1 insulted sasuke
He's Gay! that is sooo cool!
yes it is mad cool that sasuke is a HUGE FAG  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not mrs. hat and clogs again. by the way what is with that name  . i mean CLOGS
i agree w/ u sasuke/shadowwolf4456,what's up w/ that name dude?...or,uh,dudette...mrs.hat and clogs?that's the best u could come up w/?
thats a pretty sad name but i think its better than all the sasukes_girlfiends of sasukes_sisters or aunts or brothers or sasukes cat or sasukes naruto or
whatever else there is
yea there r alot of people who think they're married to Sasuke or realated to him...(those people need help...)
shock therapy?
let's go w/ that
 ill do the shock part u two can do therapy
no way i'm not listening to someone whine! i wanna be the one that shows 'em the blots of ink then tells them everything they see is wrong! then u can shock 'em dragon! what do u want to do shadowwolf?
........torture them by scraping a fork on a plate.........it makes high pitched annoying noises
lol we're the theropists we're suppose to help them (tho i don't mind if u torture them)
i'll make em talk
hey either of u got finals this week (or did your quarter already end?)
it's the begining of the 3rd semister at my school
i'm entering second semester at my school
2nd semester? were already on the third (well really soon anyway) does your school go through the summer!!
.......i gotta small attention span an' talking about school on 2 pics is boring!! so shadowwolf answer dragon so we can talk about somethin' else...........
i guess shadowwolf isnt on today
yea she said she wouldn't be here over the weekend....
so its just us
yea i miss her...not that i don't like talking to u dragon
 yeah itd be nice if lost obito came on too . . .
is he ever getting a new account?
i'm back  did ya miss me........at all.......
na not really......j/k! it was wierd w/out u
hey peoples my name is mrs.hat and clogs because they call my man(kisuke urahera from bleach)mr.hat and clogs
wtf u got problems
yup  alot of problems
hey shadowwolf i missed ya (and lost obito might get a new account but his computer is havin issues)
i miss obito even though i barely know him
 thats wierd
...yea how can u miss some1 u don't know?
lost obito says that shadowwolf misses him cause he knows hes awesome  thats typical lost obito for u
Obviously a bond has jumped up that's invisible... nvm I think that was one of my speacial randomness
neo chan
What's up
Nothin I have lost my weridness....I am now calm......
. . . okay then
SUP PEOPLE!? I LOVE LIFE YAY!!!!!!!!!! =^-^= =^-^=
. . . -_-" u ok rednin?
. . .
. . .you're scaring me *pats rednin on shoulder* r u ok?
Sorry just so happy isn't great to be a live!
. . . sure lets go with that
. . .i suppose. . .at times. . .for some ppl. . .
. . .
what r u " . . ."ing about?
. . .
hey drake_dragon your pretty cool  !
Him cool....... I guess so
grrrrrrrr*shows fangs* u again mrs hat and clogs  but u think drake is cool but....i'm watching u
detation sucks I got detation today DAMNIT!!!!
I think that Kiba, Shadowwolf, Drake_Dragon, and yes u 2 red ninga, r cool!!!
thank u I think your cool too!
did i just miss somehting here nin?
no nothing
we are all awesome  in our own way
yup. Even my psycho friend!! ^_^ (shes not really psycho, just a little annoying and irritating)
chill sasuke/shadowwolf4456 i have changed and i need help destorying miss_murder(she makes fun of sasuke bad and i know who she is  )
 everyone here thinks im cool. . . what about you kiba?
hmm. . .? what about me? and i side w/ shadowwolf about u mrs.hat and clogs!
ouch. . .  i think that miss_murder has issues. lotsa issues.
weve pretty much coverd that shadowvixen
yeah drake_dragon you are mad cool and as miss_murders neice i know she does have problems
. . . . .hm. . . .
 im startin to like mrs.hat and clogs anyone who calls me mad cool is definatly not a bad person
well i think you deifently know what you talk about and you have good comebacks to anyone that pisses you off
 yup definatly like mrs. hat and clogs
lol diddo, but what's up w/ her being the niece of miss_murder. . .@_@
......i still don't trust her....i mean after all of those horrible comments and now she wants to be our friend  confusing and a bit suspicious
i just want some freinds that kick ass like you and i reilized sasuke is cooland my aunt made me write those things
 good enough for me
yup i guess so, sooo now what
i'm bored. . .wtta?
im eating fried chicken
im eating pizza!
cool beans
wat bout u kiba?
crap I'm hungry.....
me too Red Ninga  crap!
I want a icecream sunde
i want ramen
mmm. . .ramen is good
meso ramen is really good
I want ramen............again..........
so hungry . . .
u know what i'm gonna cook some meso ramen right now
guys i think drake just starved to death and we are just sitting here talking about ramen
. . .oh, well. . .i'm still hungry, what makes him so special?
i didnt no sorry  but you guys better eat something
i want McDonalds
Wendys is better
i only like McDonalds bcuz they have the best fries!
even though those fries have more fat in them than they wiegh
look woman, school was cancled bcuz of bad weather, so don't hose my bus. besides idc i love their fries anyways
I luv mcdonalds!!!! don't u diss it either!!!!!  I don't eat there often but I love the fries, burgers, and milkshakes!!!!!
mmm milkshakes . . . i think ill have one now
no fair why do u get a milk shake? that sucks ice
grr lucky
all u do is put melted ice cream with milk in a bottle and shake it!  lol!!!! yummy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! rofl *looks up, sees pple staring. um, ahem. uh I think that this document that we're typing is absolutely funny-er-mam.  * my thought. oops.
i don't have any ice cream
i'd mail u some, but it would prolly melt. ^_^
well duh it would take at least a couple of days..so when kiba got it it would've been moldy
then i wouldn't eat it
duh  that would mean no milkshakes for kiba
moldy icecream? can icecream get moldy?
unless kiba and i live in the same continent, country, or even state.
even so, it would still melt. . .and i wondered about that too sasori. . .
now i feel like eating icecream but were all ou
yummm cookie dough icecream is awesome
yea, especially when u get a huge choclate chip...mmmm
yes icecream can get moldy.....trust me i do the dishes
yuck. i like cookie dough ice cream, but moldy icecream is yucky. I have french vanilla and dutch chocolate icecream.
vanilla bean icecream is good i like phish food too (its a tpye of icecream not actual fish food)
ice cream?vanilla is my favorite...but why are you talking about it?
i like ice cream that's called trash can,it's called that bcuz of all of the different flavors,it's really good
mmmm phish food has chocolate fish in it with carmel, chocolate and vanilla
I like vanilla bean icecream too. ^_^ it's tasty. that phish food sound disgusting. oooh i 4got to say that I've had squid soup b4 and it tasted good!!! ^_^
 phish food is good but that squid sounds nasty
c'mon. it tasted like chicken noodle soup. of course i wuz only 4 at the time. . .
squid isn't that bad but i can never seem to get past the texture
>_< eww squid?!
my family said that it tasted like rubber.
not the kind i had
yo sorry i havent talked in a while ive been mad sick
 ive never had squid
well i was forced to have it so i guessv it is hard to try at first. the kind of squid i was forced to have was called coconut kalamari
i'm bored,is there anything else to do?
oh great u just had to say u were bored........*dead*
*grabs a stick and pokes shadow*
u really do that way to much
well im goin to leave and go to the next pic *starts to walk away and accidentally steps on shadowwolf* umm i'll just leave before she wakes up *runs away*
*wakes up*....ouch someone stepped on my face..
*shakes head* Oh, boy, you guys sure are something else.
*yawn* im bored *shadowwolf faints* i guess i'll just follow sasoris lead *starts to walk away and accidentally steps on shadowwolf* *runs away*
Hey...NO, bad Sasuke!!!stop looking at the women in the bath house!!
 Jiraya won't be happy knowing that you're giving his name to someone else
 bye forever(maybe not if i get another computer)
 please get another computer!
Sorry about all the crap i ever said about u in animegalleries until i fund out how mad! cool you were  i take all the crap isaid about you(mostly inthe tsunade pics.)
we'll you should! Shadowwolf please get another computer! I'ts so boring without you
unfortunatly i don't have another computer, but i have my cousins computer that i might be able to use about once a week  keep your hopes up. my mom's getting a job, which means money, leading to computer  don't depress yourselves
will do. We miss you though...
sasuke looks cute in this pic....BUT HE OKAMI'S!!! hes throwing kunai and shuriken at fangirl that arent okami, and guys that try to steal her from him! he very overprotective like that
i miss u drake and kiba
um sasuke in the night. all the dark comes over the light because he is sasuke uchiha melody of the night.
Yay! Its fun to hide isnt it Sasu-wasu?
....are you guys fangirls of sasuke?
most likely...Though Im curious Chrissi! Wat does ur phrase mean?
hay sasuke one true love he's mine
lol yours and 1000 other obsessed fangirls.
i love him but i am more like itachi WTH AM I SAYIG?! I LIKE SASUKE AND ITACHI
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