he looks so hottt
shes pretty cute isn't she????
so cute...so hot...so handsome! PERFECT! wala ka nang hahanapin pa!
He look good but...
shes so sexy...
this sucks
SHE???  poor itachi...now he's a she...
he's a she and she's a he...confusing isn't it???
hug no jutsu
very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Garaa rulse
yeh i agree, gaara is nang, but so is itachi....an by da way....4u ppl who dont knw...HES NOT A GAL! u cnt mak such a gd lukin guy lose his dignity now can u!?
terrible people his a guy!!!!!!!!!!!
itachi is the hottest of all hotness !!! waiii....i love him sooo much !!! so cool !! and he's a guy, not a gurl, people !!
I'll kill him the next time i see him! ugh...but he is cute, isn't he?
Aiaiai... I lov him!!! and shikamaru-kun...-_-*
Itachi is hot,but my cousin is SOOOOOO IN LOVE with Itachi.She worships him...LITERALLY! Everytime when she enters her room or when she leaves the room she bows down to a pic of Itachi.She has a lot of Itachi pics.Itachi may be hot...but SASUKE'S SEXY! Im a Sasuke fangirl.
Yes... let's all smother Itachi with love...
i think that sakura is the hottest of all anime girls
I love Sasuke he's hot and cute I hope he ends up with Sakura I love Itachi too but mainly Sasuke
He is sooo hot!!! i'm a Sasuke fangal and i love him, but itachi too..and sasuke did end up with sakura
I can't see this pic  just when he's at his hottest too...
i love his bro!!!! Sasuke i love you!!!
Oh come on, Sasuke is a such a baby, After Naruto got stronger than him, he start whining and join the bad guys.......Anyway, Itachi > All you noobies
Sasuke is not a baby, he left the konoha because of the curse seal if he''s still stay in konoha his power will not improve, sasuke is the number one..........you just jealous of him, get away you moron!
I need info how did Sasuke end up with Sakura? I love him get away if your not a fan of him I agree Sasuke Tard
He's so hot !  But strange too !
Your body will be mine!!! Hahaha, I'll kill you like what I did to Sarutobi!!! And all Akatzuki members...
Itachi,u evil ninja!!!! why u kill yur parents?? huh? huh?
ok.you people are so confused!Itachio is a GUY,to clear things first.and Itachi is VERY strong,he is a member of Akatzuki,and orochimaru got kicked out of because he was TOO WEAK.  some of you people really don't know naruto,do you?  btw,I LOVE Itachi!I got plenty of (...) of him,Sasuke and kakashi that I bought in Japan and China this summer!  so yeah.talk to me about being obsessed xD
if u think neijis cute u should see me
Cute face, evil heart??
Hmm, this picture doesn't seem to be loading. Does anyone else have this problem?
Itachi you bastard you killled my family, and I will kill you if I get stronger! and for all the fangirls and boys, I am not gay  ! and I don't like itachi and all the men in Konoha,my love only for Sakura!! got it?
you all are such morons...for those who THINK they KNOW what really happened...Itachi did not kill his parents or anyone!!!(although he said he did..) it was really the fourth hoktage...yeh.. the story said he died already at the begining ,but thats not true..i know this is because i went to japan and got the final episode's general description..if u don't believe me..fine, i don't care,just trying to get some of you know what is really goin' on..and if u wanna know why itachi lied about that whatever..ask
Sasuke is the best out of all of them
most smexiest guy in the world...damn he is so cool
Orochimaru left the Akatsuki on his own, he couldn't stand the fact that there were people stronger than him..... Oh, and gender doesn't matter, I'd screw him either way
hothothothothot girl!she is so sexy
the large collar thing seems to run in the family...
dam! it wont load anyone know y??
I think he's like a girl
HE'S A (...)
all about me?!! oooh, dont you know if i'm handsome
Sasuke's so hot
Ooooo, I don't know him, but he is ssssoooooooooo hot!
Itachi is a god and must be feared by that weak little bro of his
1. Wut the hell is wrong wit you peoples?! ITACHI'S NOT A GIRL!!! 2. yea I agree wit those who apply: Itachi is the epitome of hawtness!! 3. Sasuke is the runner-up epitome of hawtness! So if Itachi were to ever die, Sasuke could take his place! There, now we're happy!?!?!
hijos de puta
No hablas espanol. Ingles, por favor.
nice site...in case u wanna know I LOVE U JAKE
Itachi is soo not a girl!!! he's sooo kawaii!! i like sasuke too!! <3 though haven't seen itachi before.. i was not able to watch the first epi.
i love sasuke soooo much! but i also love itachi. its kinda a problem as sasuke hates itachi and (i think) vice versa. IS THIS PIC EVER GOING TO LOAD?????!!!
LOL WTF. How could anyone mistake Itachi for a girl? You people are crazy. But, yes. he is hot. A bit unstable though...
yeah,that's true.itachi didn't kill his parents.he lied because he wanted Sasuke to be independent and become strong,and the only way he thinks that's gonna work is for sasuke to hate him.so yeah..
ok...ITATCHI IS A GUY!!!!!!! And yes hes hott,and WHY WON'T THIS FRIGGIN PICTURE LOAD?!?
The most dangerous Missing Nin ever known. Even Orochimaru is scared of him. Akatsuki has got it made as long as he's with them.
You guys are delusional! You only like him for his looks. If you must like Itachi You must like his very being!!!!! He's a murderer a person who has almost no heart! But Sasuke you have to understand the only reason he left you alive wasnt so you would hgave such a burden to carry but because he loves you! Sortta.......... anyways none of you could possibly know him well if you dont read between the lines on him...O.O OH SHITTTT G2G ;ATAS!!!!!!
Foolish little brother....
To:SASUKE TARD: Sasuke figures that he can't defeat Naruto without any help from Orochimaru, he want to abuse his Curse Seal, that's why he joined him.......If he can't get better, then why the hell did Naruto kicked his ass.....He has his Curse seal, Naruto has his Fox spirit, it's a even match!
What?! This pic doesn't seem to be loading!!! What happened?? No ITACHI!!! I wanna see ur face!!! By the way,he's HOT,right?  ?
i love itachi yet my love for sasuke gets me so confused who should i love the most?
hehehe itachi must die... kill him sasuke! ah... why must he be cute?
i kno y wont it load?
to nirini, no one becouse they are both mine!
SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! You have the cutest smile in the world!!!!!!! And whoever says he doesnt ill hate u 4ever(just kidding) but he does have the cutest smile EVER doesnt he?come on admit it!
I'm sry but...he just looks gay  (yeeeaah i really want to argue with you mwahaha xD)
itachi give me a call any time you can have a lot of fun with me i will make you said yessssssssss!!!!!! kiss kiss cute guy
to sasukelover4eva! : this is not sasuke its itachi
i love itachi, sasuke, and most of all, kakashi! ^^
I am confused is he a she or is she a he...
Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......Itachi? I thought Sasuke was th only hot one.. Wow... Sasuke and Itachi both hot. The second pair I know.
Itachi is the strongest ninja!!!  Go!! Itachi!!!
Die Itachi. Die. Die Sasuke, and die Itachi. Die Uchihas. Just die. Get a life, of cese to exist. That's the deal. Got it?
go naruto and sakura... sakura and sasuke ain't a nice pair... FOR ME ONLY.. anyway.. ITACHI looks cool.!
Itachi rulz *praises Itachi*
Question the Itachi fangirls: What is it that you adore about Itachi? This wasn't meant to be an insult, just curious is all.
he's pretty strong, but im afraid if he ends up having a wife and kids, he'll kill them, too.
Alot of things Sire Orochimaru. Everyone's different though. But come on, black hair, red eyes, confidence, power. What's NOT to love?
Why won't the picture load? WHY?  I want my Itachi!
He looks like Sasuke.
yeah Itachi is definitely on my favorite anime character list, I need a worthy opponent he'll do
Ladies, I'm not interested.
with so many fan girls??? not interested??than...you are gay...but yet HOT!! (gay and hot?? damn it!!)
well. . . well . . . well. . . so you all really are crazy. . . of corse hes not interested. . . he hasnt loved or cared. . . ever. . . for anything. . . . . itachi, watch your neck. . . my tail. . . a dragon tail. . . is long. . . strong. . . and sharp. . . . .
To thee of little faith Itachi shall not be thretened by such a thret from a person dating a 13 year old
Holy crap sooo many fangirls!!  I like Itachi too but not that much!! and what's with the dragon tail stuff
dont you dare call me a fangirl they all girly i am the opposite of those freaks
. . . fan girl. . . thou must be crazy as well. . . as far as the tail. . . i have one. . . . . .
u guys are crazy  u do know that rite?...i meen...come on! you are saying an anime character is hot!who does that  o...and ur all scaring me
. . . . . *tortures inuyasha_Naruto_1 till his death*. . . . .
thats better although i wanted to have him tortured for all life not some slow death thats just no fun.....clare AIM me at kinasha16 now thank you
btw.sasuke's_not to be girlfriend.im a girl.and im still alive!*sticks tounge out at you.laughs at you while you cant do anything about it cuz your locked up in a cage
why does this suck and u must not have read my comment because im dark not thinking itachi is hot
kinasha we all now you're dark you've said that about hundred times now old stuff... go get a life
it sucks cuz i like it wen ppl kill. and that would make Itachi better (to me at least) and how was i supposed to know u were dark? and i didnt meen that everyone here thinks that Itachi is hot
itachi is cute but i perfer neji
now...who is that? and does Itachi come out spisode 80? or hopefuly sooner! anyways...wat does he sound like? i hope he doesn't end up like haku...he sounded like a she! ah... and looked like one. hopefuly Itachi will be much better
It's taking so long to upload. ;-; Itachi!
Hey JuvenileOrionGurl,(my big sister) You're totally right about Itachi, but remember he's MINE!!!!
YOUR'S?! He's no one's. He's hott but he's NOT REAL!!!!!
I hate Itachi, but he looks really cool on this pic^_^
how can u hate Itachi  he is the best!
Hate Itachi? How is that even possible?
*drool hes so sexy... i want him!
-has returned from her death bed- sorry i was sick for a while but im good now and am hoping to become less dark by the way im trying
He's so bad but he's hot 2!!!man he doesn't deserve 2 live but damn he is just hot.But if i chose between sasuke and itachi,it would have 2 b sasuke.
I would pick Itachi.
I'm glad this picture is on the most viewed list. ^-^
yep itachi is kool.he could kick kakashi's butt with his eyes closed too.
He did kick kakashi's butt not with eyes closed
 i know.it was so funny.
Yeah it was
Oooh Kakashi's fangirls won't be too happy to see that... x3
I like Kakashi but it was still funny
uhhn why are people saying sasukes a she??that is sasuke right???oh well he still looks hotttt
...  Kakashi is sharing the first spot on my fanlist with Itachi. Alltough it was kinda good to see Itachi kick Kakashis butt. But it was a petty to see Kakashi in som mutch pain... Allright.. This time its my turn to buy a life... *Goes to the night-thingy-shop-store and try's to buy one* (I know it isn't funny...)
ok um... is it just me or does it look like itachi-kun gets no sleep? i mean those lines look like bags under his eyes... a rough night itachi? oh well, HES SOOOOOOO SHMEXY!!!!!!!!
neh, thats just a part of his face. Like Kakashi's hair..
Oh my god, so hot. xO -fans self-
-.-Itach-.-Big deal I can look at you to :shock:SeE!
FYI....itachi is mine
iTacHi lUkz beTteR aNd cuTEr tHan hiS bRo!!!!
itachi isn't really my type but, he's looks cute in this pic
wow..he looks pretty hot here.^_^ BUT IT WONT LOAD!!!!!!! \ /
it won't load on me either....what in the world is going on?!>_<i agree with all of u but....Sasuke is hot and Itachi kicks ass....I think u all can comprehend that....right....anyways Itachi did kill the entire clan....just to see how strong he was....Itachi didn't kill Sasuke cuz he new that only a person that had mastered the sharingan could kill him....don't complain to me read the bio in Absulte anime.^_^
Hey it wont load for me either. But I feel better now that I wasn't the only one. ^^;
Yeah and this is a good pic, hope they fix it soon.
Oh, my god  I can't believe Itachi is cute as Sasuke  Now , I like both of them
i think he looks so much better then sasuke =/ and itachi is weird but...pretty cute i guess
I don't see how anyone can confuse him for a girl!  HE'S A HE...END OF STORY...GOSH HE IS SO HOT! YEAH! and all mine hehehehehe!  yeah I'm gonna have all he fangirls kill me for that comment...
theres aloooooooooooooooot of posts here......YAY
JuvenileOrionGurl : "Alot of things Sire Orochimaru. Everyone's different though. But come on, black hair, red eyes, confidence, power. What's NOT to love?" So... that's pretty much it though, looks and pride?
Waaah...Itachi-sama's so kawaii...I wuv him...  =3
Itachi is waaaaaay better than Sasuke!! Itachi should just kill Sasuke off, since Sasuke can't win against him.
Itachi is the more cooler and sexier......... but Am cheering for Sasuke
it take me forever to find this pic .......... and thats an old comment too ......sorry for making you wait
no i was lost to hehehe
I commented on another pic ......... thinking it was the pic you were talking about ........hahaha so what sould we talk about ^_^
well i practically had to look on pic just to find you it was whorth it
I wrote a comment in the Itachi eyes hahaha you should read the comment I left you ...... and lucky for you ...... you found one of my old comments ...... thats fate
you sound like a funny person are your friends yukari112 laiyo #1narutofangirl princess hanata and i dont remember the others and what is the perv dance
am just friends with yukari 112, anni-chan, wayne , Anime133 , ♥naruto#1fan♥ and your brother believe it or not ......... but your brother is a rude person I must say
he is an ass but my question is what is the perv dance
LOL........ you dont know ....... it's a dance we do when we feel like pervs ...... it goes to a song called am too sexy for my shirt ..... but YOUR BROTHER is a bigger perv than me ..... his pics never leave anything to the imagation .... they are dirty he is DIRTY
i think iam dirtier than my brother i went to a website of hentai
0_0 wow ...... you two are big pervs...... am a perv but am more of sexy than dirty type of perv LOL sooo oooo ..... why did you ask about perv dance have you NOT DONE IT ..... it is sooo much fun
no i havent can u teach me the perv dance
WE dance very pervity and we say " AM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT" and you continue to dance until you take off all our clothes off ........ *d plays music* okay here we go ........ AM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT ... *d takes off her shirt * now you try
i think i will have to practice the dance more
it's not really about pratice ......... it's more like the way you feel when you have that pervert feeling in your body ........ alright ...... you need to move more butt ........ shake it * d grabs his butt * shake is more like him *rubs butt and lets go * GOT THAT ^_^
well i always feel like a mega perv
that's good ........ move the butt area alot and have you arms like this ........ as if your slapping someones butt ....... now do you want to try it from the begining and this time you have to take off your clothes one piece at a time .... GOT THAT ^_^
starts taking off shirt and shaking butt and slaps somone elses butt this dance is fun!!!!!!!!!
you are doing well ....... *d takes off pants * AM TOO SEXY FOR MY SHIRT ......AM A MODEL AND I KNOW WHAT YOU NEED ^_^
ok starts taking off pants and shaking butt harder
Yo J take it easy. Hello D and J
oh this can only get worse now
what are you talking about ...... back stabber ........ just yesterday I knew he was your brother ..... when I found out I thought that you may be happy to know that we are friends ....... if you didnt want me being friends with your brother you should said so ........... I thought that ....... am SORRY J FORGIVE if I some how made you feel like I did you worng FORGIVE ME
LMAO the perv dance!!! On Youtube, there is a clip from Ruroni Kenshin with that music (I'm Too Sexy), it's HILARIOUS! xD And itachi1027, don't you have anything to say for yourself? >.o Gaara: Um, didn't he apologize already? Me: Aww shut up. I just love to hear people apologize. ^_^
I saw the Kakashi perv dance and copied it from him ....... I LOVE KAKASHI
Kakashi did a perv dance? o___O *must.... see...* Haha, I wish Zabuza did a perv dance. I would be so happeh. --^_^--
well the kakashi perv dance is called the perv dance its called Kakashi Striptease it's on youtube.com ........ it's the funniest
Lolz I'll be sure to watch it xP So... by any random weird twist of fate... o_O... were you the one who did that Ruroni Kenshin clip (with the "I'm Too Sexy" song)?
why do you think it was me? ........... am not telling ........... GO RURONI
AhHA, so it WAS you x3 Gaara: You can't go accusing people like that!! You don't have any proof!! o_O Anyway's it's not polite. Me: Crushing people with sand is not polite!! >.< Anyway, I wasn't accusing. I was just asking... Just an innocent question... 9.9
Sorry it wasn't me but why did you think it was me
Meh, I don't know... my logic is too bizzare for me to explain (Gaara: She doesn't have any logi--OWW!! >_O *receives a faceful of basketballs* Stop abusing me!! *shakes fist* I thought I was your (third) favourite character!! Me: Yesh You are!! Don't you know the hidden meaning? I love (a.k.a. want to hurt) Gaara. ^^;;
soo gaara is inside you or something
Nope, he's just a stalker. ^_^ *Gaara sizzling in annoyance some way off* Gaaara: Grrr 'stalker'... How dare she...
awwwwww that is so cute ...... Laiyo want to be friends *d offers a friendly hand shake* so what do you say? Laiyo
Sure!  *shakes hand* Yay friends! x3 *Gaara still sizzling in the background*
*hugs* call me D. We are friends now .......... mahahahahahaha @_@
you traidor
am not A TRAIDOIR ............ you and your brother need to take a CHILL PILL ......... you never told me that your brother haterd you ......... I want to be your friend and your brother ...... WHATS THE PROBLEM WITH THAT
he is an asshole thats his problem
so I cant be friends with both is THAT WHAT YOUR SAYING
no its just he hates that i have same friends as him
I want to be your friend and your brother .......... this is sooo sad ........ why can't J be more accepting ...... J YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO LOSE YOUR FRIENDSHIP @_@
and i dont want to loose your friendship
*hugs* he is being selfish ........ TT_TT
*hugsback* just dont listen to him.
I know I shouldn't but he is still my friend .......... my jerk face friend TT_TT
but he will do whatever it takes to brake us apart
I can't believe that............ but I have no choose but to ...... we really shouldn't talking about him because he may pop out of no where with a chain saw ........ ^_T
my brother just you a bitch
what? did you call me a bitch
no my brother did not me
he wont because he hates me being your friend
he wants me to stop talking to you but i wont stop talking to you
me too ....... i'll send you letters ...... did you get one today by me 0_~
no but i have to go but ill talk to you tommorow on this pic and the zabuza pic bye *hugs*
*hugs * I"LL MISS YOU ....... and maybe on other pic ...... I hate writing on pics that have so many comments on it ........ SEE YA TOW ^_^
It makes 'im look younger, NOT LIKE UGLY OL SASUKE THOUGH!
are the lines comming down from his eyes wrinkles or simply how his face is constructed? If it weren't for those he and Sasuke could pass as twins.
Itachi is awesome....and sooo sexy
Itachi is different. Let us just leave it at that because almost everyone in this show is sexy, hot or perverted.
Imagine if he was at your sleep over, you... like... get to do your nails, chat, and eat ice cream all night... but I think chocolate ice cream makes Itachi want to kill... and he'll be all like...
And then Deidara would run over, asking if he could join.
Itachi put up the sign "snake people GO AWAY!" and Ororchimaru cries.
This character is becoming increasingly more intriguing. Even though I've only seen him in three episodes.
I think he is hottier maybe because he is hottier ^_^
hott hottie hotest hes all the sexy words in the world
i miss you D
sorry bout my name but i like to pretend that i'm in the show, and i made myself sasuke's lil sister.so anyway my bro is not hot yo!!  and sasuke's marrying sakura so back off! and fyi itachi is all yours.but not sasuke!
this think is long
i agree
No 230th. ^^; Wish it would fully upload...soon.
I shall kidnap Itachi and make him mine forever...
where are u Itachi
XD you guys are so funny <3 but seriously T_T is someones appearance all you people care about? sure, Itachi's a hawt guy - but he killed almost everyone he knew; everyone who cared and loved him (except sasuke ^_~ i see a relationship in those two), just to see how strong he was. if that isn't heartless, i don't know what is -__-
Heartless it might be, but oh lord he's so cool. Not just the hawtness. But I have a real thing for the heartless in anime. They are often the best characters. And he is still so cool. Even if he weren't hawt *touch wood*
i actually think sasuke is hotter than him but hes cute i love gaara him sasuke and naruto theyre all hott
well maybe u should start a fanclub! your first and last memeber is you! hehe j/k
i can f*** itachi all day and forever! itachi is so MINE!
Er right...hm...ANYway, Itachi rocks, lol
O_o; i don't think itachi belongs to anyone but masashi kishimoto
Lol, Fuu-sama! But yeah, you're right. For some reason Itachi strikes me as the hottest character of Naruto. I'm ashamed of being attracted to a 2-dimensional drawing, but it's the truth. -__-
meh, he's not bad i guess XD kinda a love hate relationship for me =w=;;
Me: (in my room) I wonder what it would be like if Itachi was real...  POOF! *a cloud of smoke appears* Me: WTF...  *Itachi appears in front of you* Me: Itachi?! For real?!  * you hear a huge rumbling noise and the floor starts shaking* BANG! *murderous Itachi fangirls knock your door down* Fangirls: ITACHI!!! Me: I WANT TO LIVE!!! *jumps out of second story window* Fangirls: *drooling* Itachi... Itachi... Itachi... Me: *yells from the ground* SORRY ITACHI! Itachi: Oh sh**...
I think Itachi is very hot, so is his younger brother Sasuke!!!!
LOL!!!! nice one Shizuka_fuya!!
Nice Shizuka_fuyu! Lol
It won't load up for me..
me neither T-T
hes got the same sneer as sasukelol! they are pretty similar
wont load for me neither. GaaraFearsMe~ yep i noticed that. its boring to scroll down here...  LOL Shizuka_fuyu!! and for some of the people up there, ITACHI IS A BOY! okay? Itachi is really cute but i like Sasuke more cuz he's the same age as me.
itachi is so strong and has pretti eyes
he is pretty damed hot
itachi is a boy.. lol
she!?!??!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I WILLL KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vampire's and Ninja's 16 youre soo right
Ay Itachi eres el mas guapo en todo los hombres de Naruto!
yeah he's hot, too bad he's not a real person
if he was real then he would have killed hes familie like som psykopath, been loked up in a jail and probably be sentence to death or somthing like that -.-
Oh Itachi you are so fierce, and awsome! You can kill Sasuke any time you wanted!
um...Wow! I'd give it a perfect 10!
Why do people mistake him for a girl? It's a guy...Kharlu and vensu...get the facts straight, he doesnt even look femine..-.-
He looks so cute here
LOOKY ALL THE FANGIRLS!! OMG!!! Well, we all have a right to drool. -drops dead-
ITACHI IS A GUY... i thought only haku had that... "problem"...
Itachi is the (...)
OMG it's my itachi  !!!!!!!!(run over and gives him a big kiss and hug then faints from his hotnes)
Iyy ej rea igo maqv goboivukz oicdevdog. Ldr qir vdo qiho vdukz efog ikn efog? U'h ivgipvon vee Uvipdu vee, xav jeg nujjogikv goqekq. Can any of you read that language I just spoke in? It's extremely rare. Vdikq! ^_^
nope.....hey itachi says "congratulations. uve been selected to receive a free apple iphone" isnt he sweet?
dang soo many comments on this 1 pic.... an ppl damn hes a guy what the helll ?!!
itachi is a gay bastard
He is Hot and he is not a bastard! maybe gay but hot!
Sorry hunny I forgot! NIK IS SEXIER!!!
That is more like it.... ^_^
He is a gay bastard!
gawd! Itachis a He dumdums(and i dont mean the delishous lollies either)! Sasuke sucks and i think their not relly brothers. itachi loves Kisame
you must be a crazy bitch thinking my itachi like's kisame naruto
He is hot but he's also a fag and needs to stay away from Sasuke
Itachi and kisame R gay right
wow, he has great hair
Chi-chan! Pretty "girl"
You gotta love how he stares in the pic
yeah....he looks very sexy
i'm not gonna say sexy, I'll say cool. I'm a dude
sexy  hm, it�s itachi-kun, he�s always sexy
I love Itachi. Not because of looks, not because of how strong he is, but because of how noble he was. Turns out he wasn't the heartless bastard most of you guys thought. I always knew. I had a feeling he wasn't really evil.
I don't care if he evil or not I love him
me too :p
i had the theory about that he wassnt evle befor i read the manga  i would say konahona owe itachi hes gr8 life back  he did make hes own life to a hell for the konahona vilage
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