Ohh Sexy
That really is a Fan Art...See the name at the bottom, Druihd? She drew that, I've seen all her pictures, If you don't belive me, She has a AIM SN, Its Druihd, Also you can IM me, I have the link to her stuff, AIM SN is the same as this username.
^-^ Hmmm....what could they be doing? Lol
come on now the monk suposed to be in her place lol  j/k
uh ....what???....__Bran__ you mean HIS place right...not her place...otherwise it would be Inuyasha and Miroku
...have you never heard of yaoi?? <_<
now y r they in the grass and not in a house some one could just sit in a tree and watch and any way inuyasha is hurt u can tell by the bandges hey maybe thats y lol
By the way, they were sleeping, if you look, Kagome's lower body is covered in.. uhh... I think InuYasha's robes.
Hey COIN BOY! I've heard of yaoi. They do yaoi with Wolf's Rain on some stupid websites. I hate it. I'm a really big fan of Wolf's Rain. Check out my name! But, really Inu and Kag belong together! Half of me wishes that pic was real...
I hate yaoi, i wish i was inuyasha in that pic
Lucky inu bastard
This is so romantic.Kagome is soo lucky
oh i wish i was kagome in that pic with inuyasha
^_____^ Yes Kagome_San, I think every girl wishes that. LOL~ XD
You do not have permission to post this. I am notifying the artist.
This image was stolen from Druidh, it should not be here. It is a piece of fanwork that was no doubt posted without her permission. I am notifying her as well.
To bad that is a fan fic, I got all excited there for a minute, thought it was a screen shot
if i imagine i was inuyasha i would fell loved (that goes for you killer claw)
i heart yaoi. say it load say it proud!!! druid is a really good artist!!
I thought Inuyasha has white hair...
how stupid could flossy be? Inu is turned HUMAN! duh
yeah yeah!!!
These are the pics that just make you want to cry.Just kiddin'.Nice drawing by the way!
Wow, this is true love...well...if you consider waking up with a demon in human form and you're naked...then yeah, that's true love!  Sorry I said that but I may be right...
be heaven to be in Kagome's position. Why do guys in anime and manga have to be so damn lovable? Not fair...
nice pic she so lucky
this is hot and i just wish it were real and i'd love to trade bodies with kagome in this pic
i love this pic, inu and kagom look so cute together, don't they ?
i love to trade places with inuyasha yeah but they belong together
Um.....well..this pic is kinda nice..But ....eh...hem..hu is Druihd?
God so cute
i would give aneything to switch with inuyasha. aneything! i can olny dream...
I think this pic shows much emotion, but it does need to be put up with the artists permission first.
no fair i want to be in inuyashas place  , hmmm could that really not be fan art
gomen nasai but that is fan art from druihd please remove it.
under 18 years old....please move....  ....why would they be doing that......??...i don't like kikyo....but what if kikyo sees them....?  ......by the way..i hope it's not a fan art.....they are really in  love...
this is nothing bring more action
Damn your lucky Inuyasha
"WOW"  ...  they do belong together
wow.....damn romantic
 wow wish i was inuyasha what a lucky bastard way to go inuyasha you da man i never knew he had it in him..
It was meant to be, but why did someone have to disgrace it like that...couldn't they wait for it to REALLY happen in the 5th movie or something?!!! Don't get your hopes up though, I don't think Rumiko Takahashi would like this and I don't think she will make this part of the story. Anyway, she has some dignity at least  Also, if it does happen, I think Inuyasha should be hanyou at the time WHY HUMAN?!! Humans SUCK!
is it over
god damnit that should be me
*Saves Picture*
i wish that i was inuyasha
you sick perverts but cool  still, that is pretty cool, if that's real, ugh
Kikyo Who??
Deeeeemmmm  ....... I want a kiss too.......
i love you! inu is only mine
full of emotions...
who wants to be inuyasha
*gasp* oh my god!!!! that's awesome...i love it...great job. (it's hot....*wink wink*) i wanna be that kagome......
What episode is that
I guess He couldn't wait to do that to her but it happened.
 why would they want to do that now.kagome 15 and inuyasha like 100.
poor kikyo, but that is sooo cute.
i dont want to know your name, i just want bang bang bang, on the train train train.
well i really like their love team.....
f u inuyasha::scraches of kogomes name off of a paper:: only got sango left
I'm with Miranda
they really meant together i wish in the 5th movien they actually do it or at least in an ova or somethin like it
hes wounded and in his human form, Kogame must have Hypnotised him!
ok thats just nasty
this pic is soooooooo sux!!!Yuck PUI  !!!
I LOVE INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I WISH I WAS KAGOME...
*huff* you don't know how f****** irritating this is. We all know this will NVR happen and it's just some Inuyasha fan's wet dream.
thats cool theyd be a cute couple
they are made for each other!
i wish was in inu's place i would ride kagome
i wish i could swich places with inu
aww, i wish i cud b kagome and give inuyasha mah virginity.. all have him all to myself
That. Is. So. Flipin. Fanart.
Other, Obvious**
wow, i did not know that was a fan art. its good
really i think inuyaha is the best why am i saying it im not sure
thats really cool man hot and coo
this was bound to happen. if this was a screen shot, it wouldn't be shown in the states! darn those buttheads at cartoon network!
Yeah! They took off Outlaw Star! Damn retards.... But they're showing Naruto so YAY!
Is it real
 Thats just carrying it too far.
Inuyasha is SO lucky...im jealous
I SO envy you Inu-Yasha
thats soooooooooooooo cute!!! (I want to be kagome!)
funk u should b jealous cause i'm cooler than cool
they are so cute they should do this on t.v.
why dont they show kagome all naked?
hello hottttt inuyasha  stare
kogome will die by my hand then i'll spit on her grave she will die. inuyasha will be mine and he will love me and we will be happy  . so kogome can go to hell
inuyashas so hot i wish i could be kagomay
God kagome why arnt you riding inuyasha.*huff*  move b**** ill ride him then.  hey guys yall sux inu is mine. hey jessica whats yor last name?
olmstead why. by the way he's so hot why dosent kogome tell inuyasha she likes him  if i were her i whould teel he every day. i hate her
you guys can have inuyasha- i want sessy!
inuyasha is choosing kikyo i mean come on kagome has to go to her own time sometime
If he is hurt....Why would she be on top of him naked...They havent even talked about their relationship!
this is a really nice pic ^^
I hate Kag/Inu.He should go with Kikyo.And I love yaoi!
f**** him kagome!!!!!!!
*Pokes Inu* Is there something you want to tell me? Hmmmm..? *taps foot* I cant believe him *sob* How could he do this to me?!
Wooo yeah!!!!  That's awsome man but what the hell's that crud on their hair....dandruff?
Druihd(or however it is spelled) must do great work, because it look's like the real thing!
They're out in the open O_O
It looks so realistic . . like it's not fanart. Maybe the person just took the photo and stuck he rname on it
Yaoi is alsome and how ever thinks other sould die DIE!!!!!! And I hate Inu yasha! Yah
I think this picture is really good - it's hard to believe it's a fanart, it's so screenshot-like. Congratulations, Druihd (whoever you are  )! I'd really like to see them doing this in an OVA or movie... I hope they'll do (I would be glad even if they just admitted, and kissed real, not like in movie2, that was touching, but not the same  ). Oh well... KAGOME AND INUYASHA ROXX, KIKYOU: GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Awwwww this is really sweet! I wish it would really happen  or not but they make a really cute couple  !Poor kikyo!It will probably never happen but it would make good viewing if it did!  haha oh well !
Kikyou already died... I thank Naraku for doing that.... U know that when you add "u" to "kikyo" it would sound like "Kick You?" So happy 4 Kagome! So lucky to be with InuYasha!!!
hottie...what's that site u were talking bout
This is just cool. they are both at there most uncomfertable state and all they see is eachother
Speaking from an artistic point of view, I'd say that this pic is so good that i wouldn't be surprised if Druihd helped make the show itself.
no fair  i want to be in kagome's place  inuyasha is too hot  but they r a match made in heavan
You got that right holy trinity. I would much rather have Inu & Kag togehter then any one els.
WOAH go kagome!
I wish just inuyasha was in that pic!I hate kagome for some odd reason shes always somehow annoying!Yes when kagome dies I will put a lily on her grave to represent the joy thats shes gone!Oh but I love the art!!
i sense a little jealousy there.......
jessica Oh btw jessica, Kagome does tell Inu that see likes him, In some episode after the one were Naraku sends a giant soul collector after Kikyo kagome tell him how she feels or somthing, I only just remeber it.
cool i like it.......
get away from him kagome!  he's mine!!!!!!!!talks to inu*errr hi.well if you think about it they do look like a good couple!  ii'll just take kohaku he's hot and my age!
i thought this was quite shocking when i first saw it but i actuallt think its kinda cute
i hat kagome. her voice is so damn high, i do like the art
GO! GO! GO! LOL j/k .....anyways even though i don't like Kagome its still a very GOOD fanart. Keep up the good work artist person!
SOB!!!!  Kagome naked and by Inu sama!But the pic is very good and yet cute
THIS IS NOT A FAN ART THIS IS OFF THE SHOW EPISODE 13 THE NEW MOON AND BLACK HAIRED INUYASHA  PLUS ANYONE CAN LIE ABOUT THIER ART THEY SEND IN ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS COLOR PRINT AND THEN WRITE YOUR NAME ON IT!And Inuyasha choses Kagome Not Kikyo I know because The 3rd movie during the speical footage it shows the last episode of Inuyasha and if you read the subtitles it says "Inuyasha do you take Kagome to be you wife" and inuyasha says yes.GO INUYASHA
inuyashasbiggestfan i have news for you he may be the black haired inu in that episode but i own that episode and that does not happen, man i should slap you for thinking your a big fan when you obviusly do not know that much about it.
i personally think it's a fan art *hides under the table* so... i agree on what kakashi's lover and hlfranklin said... but i know you don't care about what i think so go on and do what you like... hehe... there are many talented artists out there who can easily copy Inuyasha's art and well, draw something that never really existed... okei im saying non-sense... i'm going... hehe... but still, nice art you got there....
omamma omamma omamma omamma omamma omamma �� 
that it awsome, I LOVE IT!!!!!!
omg what the hell what happend i cant belive it omg
Jesus this pic is popular!
Wow, this pic is really sweet! Inu and Keg really deserve to be together! Though thier relationship would be a lot less painful if it wasn't for that damn necklace!!
This is a fanart but Druihd-san said she's okay wid it
i so bet inuyasha is having fun
bet so  I wonder if inu was good at it?
well at least it is kagome and not kikyo
they make a cute couple
Better Kagome then kikyo
anime angel lover, whats disgusting? Thats a very nice pic as far as I'm aware... Sorry if your scared of seeing a little flesh
its really good drawing, all of hers are good. I wish this would happen but we'll probably have to wait awhile. Alas...
what episode is this i want to see it hehe
they really had me goin' there for a sec.
well is good that it not wit kikyo or im pissed nice pic
i love it!!!!! i always new they were meant 4 eachother
Omg..you all get turned on by something thats is a cartoon?  that is sick!!..Jesus it is just a drawning ..go find real people and don't melt a way for something that doesn't exist
But sesshoumaru is betah =P i just like the series but not in lovee..like the most of you
very romantic i guess!
dam shes hot
Wow, this comment line is long...
isnt inuyasha's hair white not black......
ya this is notr fan art its... PORN!
OMFG!!!!his human its so........OMG!!!!
I thought this was a scene from the anime at first. It looks exactly like the animes art, but after a while I saw that is it indeed a fanart. It's a really good one though.
if they made an episode out of this every on whould watch it tofind out why and wats the ocasion!!
i think this is gay.fanart.veoryn87 is right if you look at it ina different way then you would see that it's fanart.but i think it's pretty good too.maybe they should have  yeah right
inuyasha seems to enjoy it.....  i never new....
u guys its really fan art because im a fan and i seen like every epoisod. and it as shown nothing of this clip
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!i hate kagome
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!i hate kagome
this is so friggin sick >.> I hate kagome too...she's good for nothing
*sigh*if only thaT happened
I kind of wanted it to happen naturally. Look this is my theory: Inuyasha and Kagome did 'it' in this picture right? Well what if Kagome got pregnant?! In this picture Inuyasha is human because of the new moon right?Would the baby be half demon or human?!?! Inuyasha and Kagome are going to end up together in the end ( like it or not all you Kagome haters) and I think they should wait until they get all the shards and kikyo's dead and use the jewel to turn kagome 1/2 demon so they can have a lot of kids
ummm its not wat i was looking for
HOLY CRAP!!! Inuyasha looks soooo hot!!!! Kagome however looks like a slut however!!!! Also stut up Lady Clarissa u don't know nothing bout love do u?
Is this yoai? uz everyon is talking about it!
yaoi is...um wiki it but its realy gross unleas your a girl or homosexual
oooohhhh ive seen that pic before
yo, i hear you kids are admiring me and kago-chan. come on, is this that embarassing?
This is a common type of pic. this dose't surprise me
man i wish this would actually happen.it would maka a great episode
that lucky B**ch
The show is going to end like fma did just so that all of you out there wanting them to hook up can spend hours in the bathroom cutting yourself and crying about them not hooking up
they don't hook up  oh well i always wanted her to be with koga anyway. also i think that inuyasha's mr. manly man is small
i am so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best fanart ive ever seen...
Heh, Inuyashaswife, would it really be so bad to have a bunch of little quarter Demons running around?
I hate Kagome, the world revolves around her little bitchy ass. Seriously, is she not one of the most ugliest girls you've ever seen?
meh! I wanna trade with kagome!  Inuyasha is mine!
IT IS FANART, PEOPLE. You're pretty dim to not know that. -___-
I know!
1. It's obviously fanart. The texture and the style isn't as a polished as in the series. 2. There will be no more ova's or a 5th movie. The series is over.3. If your going to say this perosn should have gotten permission from this Druihd character then you should also say that Druihd should get rumiko takahashi's permission to draw fanart of her characters.4. Kikyo rules but i guess kagome is ok .5. I'm straight but yaoi still rules.Great pic for fanart. Personally would want 1/2demon inu instead of human.
I dont believe you drew this more like you ripped it from the mange then scanned it and colored in by computer
inuyasha and kagama?????
We all know they like each other but that is going 2 Far just imagine if Kikyo came in!!! But it's cool none the less!
wow  wait isnt inuyasha like 68 because he got pinned to the tree for 50years
Praise for InuYasha!Nice one!Totally awesome!Go Kagome! All InuYasha and Kagome H8ers can go to Hell! I cant tell if this is real or fanart,But Hell it dont matter!About time somethin' like this was drawn!
OOOOHH Kagome is so lucky and Inuyasha looks sexy
autoboy, you are a bitch why would you say that they shouldn't be together!
InuZasha you are so right I would do anything to be Inu right now I really hope that they put this as a scene in the fifth movie
Die Kagome!!! Go Inuyasha!!!
you guys know wat der doing
yes we (hopefully) no wat their doin!
Fantasy is nice but you should trust god too help you find truelove. Also that artist has awesome skill I thought it was a screen shot At first
ur right scar.308
I agree scar.308!
Oh Kagome I'm so happy for you.You,and Inuyasha are the perfect together.
This is soooooooooooooooooo romantic  .......They r made for each other
I know! Kagome is a beautiful priestess,and Inuyasha is a handsome half-demon.It's a perfect match!
Hidan please =_= *hidan covers my eyes* Hidan: I don't see why don't like this Imani chan  Me:  Hidan: Ok Ok know need get like that
Oh la la  but i wish that was me >=(
omg you frikken idiots
it that really not a fanart??? then which episode is it from??
Its fanart. The artist's signature is on the bottom of the picture, its so obvious.
what the F****??? wat anime is this? they both look the same and the guy looks lyk a gurl.
you've actually never heard of inuyasha?
inuyasha is so cute!!!!!!!
Im officially jealous
Look at these fucking Kagome haters, jealous of her. Jesus Christ. Respect the fact that there are Kagome fans here.
I wonder if there are anymore similar pictures http://www.gorgeousanime.com
Careful, Kagome! You'll get an STD!
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