Kakashi's attitude is "hip and disturbing" but very cool
kakachi is cool and sasuke too
i threw those stars at him and he caught 'em as he's reading his book  nice....
hes smart -smiles-
[[still reading]]
hey just wondering kakashi.....what is make-out paradise?....i mean what is it about
make-out paradise is his book... Kakashi- QUIET! it's gettin' to the good part, no more throwing spiky things!
He is so cool! Catch's those little weapons without even looking! You'll have to do better than that, Naruto!
Hey! (catches all the suriken) Don't do that!
*misses one and stabs kakashi in the eye* OMFG!!! WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!
I'll kill you Sleeping-Pills! *grabs Kakashi by the shoulders* Oh, thank god it was the eye that is covered by his forehead protector!
-Kakashi takes off the thing on his eye, showing the sharingan-
Right... what exacly are you gonna' do now Kakashi?
I don't know what he's gonna do...
You guys are completely insane XP
(in very tired voice) He's not your fionce. How long will it take you to realise this. If Kakashi married all the girls who say he's engaged to them, he'd have a harem by now.
That is cool...Reading and fighting?
i agree with kbk and u know LBK u did steal KbK's nick and how could kakashi be married to u when he's totally SINGLE and sweet...  some ppl never learn...
I know.
He knows how to break people.
Yeah, he does. Like when they are following him to see what his face looks like... that was the funniest episode ever!
kakashi kicks serious butt
sexy  i love him lots
I think it was episode 101... I THINK. I'm not positive though... hmmm.
no it was episode 6 or sum thing well it near the begining of the seires i saw it  well were was i * pulls out HIS make_out paridise book and reads *
What are you talking about? I mean the episode we where just discussing, not the picture. This pics from really early on.
near the beginning of the show ....but ofther then that ...ok then
*yells I love you, then runs b4 sasuke sees me*
*sighs* Sasuke fangirls... so crazy.
yes..cheating on your bf..very wrong..not to mention physco  anyways it is ep 101 kbk..i saw it too..it was hilarious!
hahah i now no wut u r talking about KBK .....and also right about the sasuke fangirls they are like sakura and ino's every were *sigh*
yeah, it's like an army of ino's and sakura's  RUN KAKASHI!!!
{kakashi} widens he eye and takes off running
Poor Kakashi-kun...
*Stalks Kakashi* Hey...why do I need to stalk?? He is mine and KBK's...yes I'll share him...but only with KBK...sexy kakashi-sama. Mmmmmmm I WANT TO WATCH EPISODE 101...sounds interesting...
Is it just me or does his hair look a tad..off...in this shot? Yes, it's still so sexy that if hell froze over he'd melt it back in ten seconds and make it 20 degrees hotter, but...it looks odd. DAMN YOU ARTISTS!
I love the artists that created kakashi!!! they sure did one hell of a job! ^_~
No...he will melt it in 5 secs...One more thing...Kakashi is real..I am not joking...and no..I'm not on drugs..
[kakashi] right....i just came back from the village becasue naruto was going on about his ramen stories but hey i'd rather listen to him now [me] harsh words but hey KG really ? and why do you say that he is real were did you get that from?
hmm Make out paradise is a porn book right,,,,  BUT STILL KAKASHI IS THE COOLEST!!!!!
Hmm, I think so as (...)
MESSAGE TO ALL KAKASHI LOVERS!!! I am writing a KakashiXSelf-insert romance story... go here to read: h t t p : / / w w w . a n i m e g a l l e r i e s . n e t / f o r u m / s h o w t h r e a d . p h p ? p = 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 # p o s t 1 1 3 5 5 0 0 (remove spaces). This is chapter one. Once you've read, remember to post and tell me what you think!
.........BECAuse.............-_- maybe I should just email the whole conversation to you. Ah, did I mention how incredibly sexy Kakashi look in this picture?
Kakashi-kun sure know's how to use his time wisely. He reads instead of just standing there wasting time while the little brats try and fight him
hehehe....i really want to know what that book is about
[me] it's no porn book got it i keep it for sensei wen he reads to much[kakashi] blinks.....right wut she said.....[me] grins and takes the book back looking in side .....[kakashi] blinks....[me] i don't see any porn well of corse there is none in that book it's romance duh?!...{sasuke] ...who is that girl you are with now kakashi?[kakashi] blinks oh i met her a long time ago well since the last time i was with you guys[me] thats right and he nevr told me about you guys ..so who is this one kakashi?.......
lol Kakashi_Sensai, that girl is me!!!
Kakashi is MINE so BAK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Er... no he isn't. ^^;
hehehehe he looks so sexy in this pic...and exscuse me arianna.....kakashi is not yours.....he belonds to no one...SO YOU BACK OFF!!!
[me] your right he is no one's not even mine [kakashi] yeah all you do is follow me around [me] so you don't want me around anymore is that it?[kakashi] well as you can see all you do is yell at me now so i guess thats it[me] *blinks and drops her arms to her sides* thats it you just don't want me around ...[kakashi] yup thats it [me] *blinks and sobs* fine then if thats how you want it so be it ![kakashi] yeah yeah are you gone yet [me] *grins and turns her back walking off*[kakashi]*watches her walk off
ok ok....i'll let this one slide....it was pretty good....
He belongs to me.  Seriously. Kakashi: Sorry k_s I don't know what gotten into me. I love you a lot...as a friend!
[kakashi] is she gone yet i mean yoki she been yelling aat me and tossing things at me then she started cursing a lot of bad words or wutever ''any ways no i can just read *sits down reading
This Arianna is crazy.  Kakashi is property of me, KG, TW (KBK), SP....though she doesn't here any more.TT.TT, and KP Erm, hope I didn't miss anyone!
nope..i don't think you did
Me: Gimme that book *Kakashi shows his sharingan* Kakashi: You wanna start something? Me: *Gulp*
ok ok settle down *grabs book and gives back to kakashi* stop fighting
Woot you are so right A_E_K... :Dlol!! Go Kakashi!!!
deathMetal99 you are an idiot. #1 Kakashi doesn't threaten people like that. #2 Get your own book #3 If you lay one finger on Kakashi I will enforce my hitmen from the forums here, on you! I have three just to let you know. O.o So back off!
[yoki] so ya watching over my sensei thats kewl A_E_K but i don't mind if he "belongs" to those others -_- cuz in a diff planle he is on a cross and itachi is stabing him over and over i can't do any thing to help him -_- thats where he is right now still up there i tried but itachi threatend me so i left to here to gte sum help it's in itachi's pics to let ya no ^_^ 8goes back there
Hm, I've seen that episode...Kakashi will be fine, he just needed a little rest. ^-^;
[yoki] k dude thats way kewl now i can just leave him there nowing he'll be ok or wut ?-_-;[kaakshi] .....
lol...Nice A_E_K...  Kakashi is soooooo lovable.. *hugs him*
-glomps Kakashi-
Cool. Fighting while reading. He's a great sensei.
Ennnk. *Buzzer* HE's not just amazing, words weren't made to express how brilliant he is.>>;
*sight* i give up.....KAKASHI IS GREAT but i dont fancie im... 'if you cant beat them.....join them'
ya he is just sooooooo cool!!!! that there are no words to describe how great he is!!!
Hey buffy, If you can't join them, BEAT THEM TO A PLUMP!! Nihihihihi >:3
hahahahahaha go you.........
buffy wolf, who DO you fancy off of Naruto?  Mine would be Kakashi and Gaara. ^^
O_O .... lol  She sounds pretty hung up on Gaara then. I wouldn't go so far as to say what she did ;-P , but I love Gaara. Well, as much as one can love an animated character. ^_^
lol Well, I always like to go on memegen or quizilla just for fun and find out which character should spend a night with me. ^_^ I always end up cheating though and retaking it over and over until I get either Gaara or Kakashi. ;-P
i took tat one and got either kakashi or jiraiya EVERYTIME........ i also (very shamelessly, i have no shame.... I lost my dignity a long time ago) have a look at the stories people write about the characters (the perverted ones) just to see how much they like the characters (most of them do tend to fill there name in the blank spot) its funny....... and perverted......
.......It's called porn........ -___O right, buffy?.... Oh and, I LUV KAKASHI!!!! *huggles Kakashi* Kakashi: How the heck can you find me at random like this??!! Phoenix: *continues to huggle* Cause I CAN!! Kakashi: Ofcousre -_____-;; *unhappy sarcasism*
poor kakashi....oh well...... kp rape him.......
We all know Kakashi would love the attention if he were real. ^_~ And would probably read the same stories buffy wolf did.
yep  hummmmm........
Kakashi_Sensai: looks around and blinks "ehh" sits in a tree reading.
mep....... hehehehehhe...... my 10 days wid my grandparents has rendered me insane........not tat i wasn't already.........
I AM INSANE!!!!!!!! YAY TACOS *runs around in circles* YAY CRAZY!!!!!!!
O_O *stares at her*.....uhh...we need a strait jacket over here
hey....no way.... its not my fault my mum gives me vitamin C...... WOOT i came top 5 marks in the country!!! W00T!!!!!
which country, ...... hope it's not a country in your mind j/k but thats so GREAT for you, I am very stupid *crys*
wonderland!!!!! �_� or is tat england....
in canada there is an amusement park called canada's wonderland isnt that sraw and I am from canada so I didnt know what country you were talking about ^^
coolios...... by the way ur not stupid!!!!!!!! �_� otherwise you wouldn'd be able to write comments on here
Go Kakashi...what a cool guy!
...... uhu........ and as gai would say hes soooo hyp....lol i think gai is gay and he fancies kakashi.....
.....i think iruka and kakashi make a cute couple...gai is just creepy...other cute couples are hinata and naruto, and naruto and sasuke...
because it's teh smex!
i love yaoi!!!!!!
I don't like yaoi nor yuri, but I wrote a novel and yaoi-yuri-hints are inside it. I'm wonder why...
pervert <(�_�)>;;;;
icha icha paradise! i wonder since when did he start reading these books...
he cool
he is no prevert.
kakashi-sensei is just tooooo good  *sigh* so wierd,yet so hot *faints*
I wish he was real.... >:[
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