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Taro is the oldest of the two twins. He is good with illusions, creating and escaping them.
He is also good at manipulating his surroundings, as in the greenery and water,
which comes in handy during a fight.
He seems to have a crush on Wana, altough he won't admit it, however he nearly falls out if she gets closer than is "acceptable" as he says.
He usually has a dagger hidden in his clothing, in case of suprise attacks.
He also has what seems to be a huge plant strapped to his back, although sometimes he removes it or leaves it at home.
Because that thing has to be heavy.
The plant seems to latch onto Taro with it's leaf/vine things.
And it can wrap around and instantly kill an unsuspecting victim.
He is very protective of Mika and Wana.(much to the dismay of both of them and countless young men)

wanarpc.jpg  untitledyi.JPG  32jhd cvh.JPG  bscap0252.jpg  fjhfhjfhjh.JPG 
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Picture information
Filename:32jhd cvh.JPG
Album name:IchLiebeDenSand / Naruto RPC characters
Rating (2 votes):
Keywords:Taro Naruto rpc rp characters character rpcs rps oc ocs
File Size:19 KB
Dimensions:500 x 375 pixels
Displayed:1370 times
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