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i can see haseo going this in demon form.
Rachel:(hides behind shadow)help me
shadow: AH!!! RUN!
Rachel:(runs with Shadow)
Rachel:all i did was..accidentally called..him..a dirty old hak..(neveous laugh)
shadow: well that was smart. =______=;
Rachel:will he may be 17 but he looks like he's in his 40's..
shadow: =_____________=
(out side the world he has REALLY dark brown hair, but i like the silver better, lol) shadow: ....he's cute....
(KOOL) Rachel:hello,trouble duh!!!
shadow: *sits in middle of road* no! i'm not moving.
Rachel:but what if car hits u cause there's 1 xcoming at your way right now
shadow: i don't care. *stares at car*
Rachel:(thinks)Haseo plz come right now and save Shadow plz..
Rachel:Haseo do somethin..
haseo: tch, *runs into middle of road picks up shadow and at the same time gets side swiped by car and hits ground hard*
Rachel:HASEO SHADOW!!!!!!!
haseo& shadow: *on ground* haseo: *one arm around shadow, the other at side* shadow: un...ow...
Rachel:*runs to them*HASEO SHADOW!!!!!!!!!!!( goes next to them and hugs them)I'M SO SORRY EVERYTHING'S MY FAULT,I'M SUCH AN IDIOT PLZ DON'T DIE(car comes at they're diection,then Rachel goes in frount of them)
shadow: un...ra..rachel..... haseo: ..... *head is bleeding* dude: *gets out of car* DID I HIT SOMEBODY?!
Rachel:(falls on knees crying)Y-YES U DID...U KILLED MY...MY COUSINS U JERK...
shadow: ...rachel... dude: OH MY....
Rachel:(goes next to Shadowe and Haseo and hugs them)PLZ...PLZ HELP THEM..
dude: i...uh...WHAT DO I DO? shadow: ...rachel...i hear u...but i can't see u....haseo....
Rachel:(still crying)CALL..CALL THE HOSPITAL
dude: *calling hospital* I NEED AN AMBULANCE!!! shadow: ...rachel...talk to me.....how is haseo...? who's arm is that around me...? damn it i can't see!!
Rachel:Haseo is holding ,and he's not ok,and it's all becuz of me..(still crying)
shadow: ....it's ok rachel, just calm down....how bad is he???? haseo, u awake? that was a pretty stupid thing u did, *sniffle* why u always gotta be the hero...? gowd, ur such an idiot! *crying*
Rachel:NO SHUT-UP..it's all my fault..if only i wasn't so mean to Haseo then he wouldn't have been chasing me and made u stop at the middle of the street..i'm the 1 who should die..bot u 2..and Haseo's head is bleeding pretty badly..
shadow: .....rachel, don't....*sigh* no, it's....i can't really say it's gonna be ok...... dude: they should be here by now...
Rachel:WILL THEN HURRY UP,after this i'm going to make sure i stay away from u 2,so u can be happy w/o me
shadow: no, rachel...stay here....i don't want u to leave.....
Rachel:maybe not u..Haseo does..
shadow: haseo's not even awake right now.... *thinking* i'm not even gonna dare say he's....he's dead.....he's not....damn it, how should i know? i can't see him....
Rachel:i'm sorry BUT I GOTTA GO
shadow: NO!!! *tries to move but can't* DAMN IT RACHEL!!!! NO!!!!!
Rachel:i have something imporatant to do right now(leaves)
shadow: RACHEL!!! u there?! i...RACHEL!!!! *scoots down to hold haseo* it's gonna be right....i'm sorry i called u and idiot......just, i woulda been alright....
Adbilance:DON'T WORRY WE'RE HERE(picks up Haseo and Shadow)
haseo: ARGH! shadow: ..haseo.....
adbilance:don't worry u're safe now
shadow: why did he scream...is he that bad that u can't touch him w/o him scream....? HASEO! RACHEL!!
Adbilance:(puts them inside the truck and goes to the hospital)
men:(puts medicane on Shadow's eyes)u just have some dirt in your eyes..i'll make it all better
shadow: both...? and it's pitch bl~ OWOWOWOW! THAT STINGS!!!!!!
Men:now u need to est..u're eyes will be even more better when we get to the hospital..
shadow: ...what about haseo...
Men:he'll be fine to,just a little injury in his head..
shadow: *thinking* then why did he scream...?
Men:don't worry we're almost there
shadow: good...
adubilance:(gets Shadow and Haseo off the truck and into the hospital)
shadow: .....long ride...where the hell did rachel go...?!
Nurse:who's Rachel?
shadow: my neise...
Nurse:we'll call her after u get to your beds
shadow: are we gonna have seperate rooms?
Nurse:nope u get to be in the same rooms
Mat: what happened to everyone
shadow: *relized sigh* oh, hi matt.
Nurse:u must leave Mat
Mat: why ... im here to see rachel uzumaki
shadow: ....i don't think rachel's here mat. she left and said she had to go do something.... *rubbing eyes* and i still can't see very well.
Nurse:there's no Rachel Uzumaski here
shadow: hm.
Nurse:so leave little boy
Mat: im not little to tell you the truth im 19. *leaves to look 4 rachel*
Nurse:no1 cares
Mat: yeah stfu lady
shadow: OO;
Mat: OH SHIT! *disapers*
Sercuity:(follows Mat)
shadow: uh...wow...
Max:i hate him
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