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hott-ness defined.
no when you say HOT you always mean this HOT cat KYO!!!!!
he is waiting for me! my sweet baby!!
no he is waitin for me!!!
baby im comin i'll be there soon
super cooooooooool!
no he is waiting for me to come to his house am in the forest i can see kyo on the roof a house it his house am comeing kyo and i will go on the roof with you i love you kyo
My Cat!!!!
looks kinda pueny here like all of yall's brains!!!
Don't be cruel, Emmy-chan.^w^ I <3 Kyo, but these other commenters scare me... >.>
i am dieing of his cuteness
If Kyo was real, I would feel sorry for him. Because of some people....-coughfangirlscough-
*huggles Kyo* KITTY! *ish obsessed with kitties just to warn you*
Question: what colour are his normal shoes?-not meaning his school ones
SEXY!!!!!!!!TAKE OFF THE SHIRT AND ADD ME ADN IUT'S PERFECT!! shouldn't have said that -_-;;
Kyo, it's that "bad boy attitude" you have.. but I actually like Yuki Better. ^^
i don't know who...
*Hides under rock from fangirls* If you people remember, Hanajima once said that if you smother someone with one-sided love, you will only end up hurting that person. I'd take her advice.
Aaww,Kyo-chan's so cute! <3Luv him<3<3<3 Ah,I wish he was real..
...my god, he's just on the roof....not---never mind-I ain't sayin' nothin'......
he is just too kl 4 u people so just get lost and laving him to me coz im WAY hotter than u guys lol!
ha ha, I wish I could sit on my roof XD. This is a really good pic of Kyon-kun! Silverstar's right, if he were real, he'd probably be really stressed right now....and freaked out.
god! cant u ppl giv him some peace and quiet! see how hes all stressed out and stuff! giv him a break!
I love his style, although ima girl i love dressing in those sorta clothes...Kyo makes me laugh, hes always pissed off bless him
Its a great style isnt it ^^
Suits me ^^ i love it
<crashes jet plane into roof where Kyo is>
-_-' sooo....any way,KYON-KYON IS SO DAMN HOT!!!XD♥♥
STOP FIGHTING SHEESH! Theres no point of fighting over him! HES FRIGGEN NOT REAL! GOD! Why don't you just go get a LIFE!
well ur nice.
KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People, we're just kiddin' 'bout, fightin' o'er 'im. Git a life and leave the Prince Kyon-Kyon fangirls alone!! M'kay? M'kay. Back to my ram'le, I........... <3 Kyo-kun................ Kyooooooooooooo iiisss soooooooooo friggiiin hoot...... <3
Btw, Kyo!!!!!!!!
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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