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sorry that i changed colors of skin eyes and clothes but those colors before were too bright
THANK YOU~!!!!!!!(srry ive been gone 4 a long time)
TIPPY! *HUG* This is Suzuka!
Tippy! *hug* hi! How are you? Where have u been
I'm good.California isn't so bad.HEY did u here about the earthquake in LA?
OMG, yes, I did! Are you ok? I heard about it cuz my mom was watching something on TV, a live competition show, and the place where the competitors stay almost crashed!
yeah but it was SACRY!i was at my cuzin's house and the gourd was shaking and we ran into there backyard(no trees in there yard,thank god.)it last like 20 seconds
O_O oh, geez! I can't imagine how scared u were! Nothing crucial happened, right? Nmo one got hurt?
nope(except i got a splinter)
ok, that's good! *huggles u* Hey tippy, can I have ur email address? I would like to email u a pic of me.
sadly i have no email address...nor do i want one...TO MANY SEX OFFENDERS AND CHAIN LETTERS
O.e oh....it's ok! I understand about the chainletters and stuff.
my bro got a chainletter that if he doesn't send the same chainletter to 2,000 people in the next hour, he will be rapedO.o lol!
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