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Those ghouls are dead.
Alucard::----> " Ok bitches,Who wants to take me on?, Ya'll niggas know I ain't playin!"  LOL!! (bordom) (come on ppl we can joke around with shows we like okay? so don'tt get all offended and bitchy k? its just some comedy!!!)
Like, who would get bitchy over that? Only Sasuke fans are so obsessed as that. I've never seen so much unpleasantness in my whole life! I got called a "bitch" "slut" "F****** B******" and lots of other stuff just for saying I thought he was an idiot. *shakes head sadly*
I just said that cuz I would joke around in the Inuyasha gallery and ppl got all pissed and everything
LMAO it's twosome time! XD (DMC referance) Loved your first comment, AiB. XDD Sasuke fans are crazy like that..I'm like one of all 8 people that dislike Sasuke...Damn fangirls.
Hey, i like sausuke. but Kakashi is waaaaay cooler. im now running away dodging projectiles thrown from you sasuke-haters. i am not an obsessed fangirl. kakashi kicks you-know-what. Im wearing a kakashi swaeter now
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