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Ima Wanatabe
When Ima was little, she was dropped into a pool of permanent purple ink, therefore cursing her with purple skin for the rest of her life. She was made fun of by everyone, so she made a promise to herself to become Hokage in hopes of being respected. One day, she met a boy named Sasuke who thought her purple skin was very attractive. They started going out and it made all the girls jealous. Ima and Sasuke lived happily ever after in Havana, Cuba. Shortly after moving, a mysterious figure appeared. It was Orochimaru. He bit Ima, then transformed into a dolphin and swam away. Sasuke rushed over to Ima to see if she was alright. Ima said that the bite wasn�t serious, but Sasuke wanted her to see a psychiatrist in case she had suffered from psychological trauma. Ima went to see her doctor the next morning. Several years went by after the incident and nothing really seemed wrong. One Sunday afternoon, Ima was in the kitchen, preparing lunch for Sasuke Jr. Suddenly, she collapsed and began foaming at the mouth. Sasuke Jr. began screaming and Sasuke ran into the kitchen, shocked at the site of his beloved Ima. Sasuke cradled Ima in his arms, whispering to her not to leave him. Ima clutched his sleeve, muttered something about car insurance, and then passed away. Sasuke mourned for his love from that day forward, listening to her favorite show tunes on the car radio as he waited for Sasuke Jr. to get out of school. This embarrassed Sasuke Jr., who whenever his friends asked about the dork in the volts wagon, covered his face and instead walked home.
Haseo 0000.JPG  ouch.jpg  Nanaki.JPG  Chang.JPG  Zelos.JPG 
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Picture information
Album name:Haru Hikima / Stuff
Rating (2 votes):
Keywords:Naruto ImaWanatabe UchihaSasuke Orochimaru
File Size:29 KB
Dimensions:475 x 418 pixels
Displayed:5092 times
Favourites:Add to Fav
Fluffy123 [Mar 19, 2008 at 01:19 AM]
weird story, but I really like it! good job! Mr. Green
Haru Hikima [Mar 19, 2008 at 01:50 PM]
You're joking?
Haruka Kanata [Mar 19, 2008 at 02:27 PM]
The colours hurt Hikima, but the story was hilarious. Sasuke Jr.'s part was my fave.hehehe...
Suzuka-chan [Mar 19, 2008 at 02:31 PM]
lol hey!
Haru Hikima [Mar 19, 2008 at 03:34 PM]
Teehee, I tried my hardest to find colors that didn't match.... =D
NaruSakuForeva [Mar 24, 2008 at 02:03 AM]
I LOVE IT! Purple is my fave color! she's pretty cool! Very Happy
Haru Hikima [Mar 24, 2008 at 03:21 PM]
Umm....thanks.....? You know she's not supposed to be a serious character....hense her purple skin.....But, okay! =3
charrleeh [Sep 21, 2008 at 03:09 AM]
.... i lol'd ;w; this is hilarious, 'specially how she died rotfl
Haru Hikima [Oct 18, 2008 at 04:01 PM]
Ta-hank you.
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