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Looks good.
Cool! He's hawt!
Thanks. Sam: I was hoping for more fan girls. >.> Shadow: XD Sam: Thanks! ^///^
Lol welcome!
He's cute. -Hugs Sam.-
Sam: U-u-uh... O///////O;; Hehe. ^//////^;
^-^ -Pats him on the head.-
Sam: ^^ *thinks* I've been redused to a dog.... XD
Well your a cute dog then. ^-^
Sam:Omfg yew read minds? O.O And thank yew. ^^ XD
You welcome. ^-^
Omg by best friend do i know who u are talking about? XD
Maybe. XD Sam: STHU MOM! D<
kiki lovey the piccy!
Sam: H-h-heh. ^////^ Thank y-yew. O////w///O
ur welcome! (gai stance) :3
Henrietta: hey Sammy do u wanna play?
Sam: Hey little couz! ^^
Hello Tasha. OwO Sam: >.> Hi.
Shadow is Ino right? >.<
yep,tasha.*hug* hi
ah good good. Hiya Anna *hug*
Mhm. ^^ Sam: <waves XD>
*hugs shadow n waves* So,how r u guys?
Hana: *walks by* Hai peeps
Sam: <nervously waves> H-hi... >///>
Henriette:...so will ya?
Hana: IDK im bored -_-
Sam: T-thank yew. >////>; Shadow: Why thank yew. X3
Me: *jumps on sam* U really do get ur looks from ur father NU XD
good god,hes hot!!
Sam: O-o-okay... O//////O;; Shadow: And thank yew kagome inuzuka. X3
Me: SO Cute, hot AND NICE! only if u where sasuke <.<
ur welcum
Sam: U-um...T-thank..you?
Me: and only if i could have u as meh own CRAP DX
x333 ur welcum,Sammy-kun
Hana: D< get away *pushes everyone away from sam*
Sam: -////w////-
Hana: *huggles sam* ^^
Sam: <huggled> I's a teddy bear. >///w///<
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