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wow i love their colors! sibling rivalry. you should see my pack XD
Edoras: whay they have sibling issues too?? Tilly: *comes out of nowhere in wolf form* mi-chan! *tackles you and licks your face*
me: TILLY!!!! *huggles her* i missed you SOOOOO much!!!!! and yeah they do. Nava: do not. Ami: yesh we do... it's all Benny's fault Benny: *in the emo corner*
*huggles benny* eeeeeeeeh emo's so cute! TIlly: i'm coming back now! roro is too *growls at nava* it's probably your fault! hello AMi!
Benny: *huggles back* I'M SO UNLOVED!!!! me: YAY!! i missed both you guess! and Tavon *evil laugh* he was a doll. Nava: everythiong's my fault now huh? just cuz i'm oldest? Ami: HI TILLY!!
Me: XD aw poor nava gets blamed for everything Tilly: Tavons gotten big O_O in wolf form that is, ME: XD no your not benny
Nava: yup! me: *drools* i love him..... he's so fluffeh! Benny: are too
Me: no are not *huggles him* TIlly: *laughs* he is kinda fur ball! Tavon: I AM NOT!
Benny: ok i'm not! me: TAVON!!!!! *glomps him* omg hi!! remember me? Ami: no one can forget YOU!!! your insane!!
Tavon: *blushes and smiles* yeah of corse i do mi-chan! Edoras: O_o well aren't well all a weird bunch Tilly: i forgot you were here Edoras
me: *happy face* he remembers.... Ami: *pokes Tavon* hey there fuzz ball
Tavon: i-i'm not a fuzz ball and hello to you too
Ami: yesh you are. your FLUFFY!!
Tavon: ^^' ehehehe i give i'm fluffy
Ami: HA! am i good or what?
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