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Soooooo CUTE!!!! XD
Kawii! They make a good couple!^-^
I love this picture. Too bad Akane didn't really do it.
aww so kawaiiiii!!!!!! what ep was this in then????
aww!! sooo cuute!! 2 bad its doll akane, and not the real one =D
U mispelled her name...  but that's okay. I couln't say her name until I saw the anime and heard how it was really pronounced.
hey which episode was this in???anybody knows where i can download all the ranma1/2 movies for free??oh well.. i should start posting in the forum..by the way,they make a cuuuttee couple.oh how i wish it was real......i just love them..but they dont actually do this..dunno why.they dont even kiss for real
yea it is to bad it was a doll but they love each oter so lol^_^
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