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 wow i would be so shy to kiss him if i were there
yea me too!!
Me 3! But.. kiss know..please kiss!! aww..they never kissed
I think they kiss in the 10th manga Tsubasa.(If you dont know what Thubasa is ...I will tell you...Tsubasa is a continuation of Card Captor Sakura... sakura gets her memory taken away by a EVIL force and her memory spred out across the worlds and Syoran and 2 compnions Fai D. Florite and (...) etc.go out to restore her memory and half way throu Syorankun ...Falls in love with an other Women!!!){if you whant to know more just type it what you what you whant to know  ]
no it's not the continuation of CCS. it's just a completely new manga/anime series borrowing characters from all CLAMP's past works. and syao didnt fall in love with another person. and they kissed in the 9th manga not ten. Full name: TSUBASA RESERvoir CHrONiCLE the capitals and small letters are not typos. they're meant to be that way
I know that.And in the anime of tsubasa syoran falls in loves another women and..Iknow this because my friend SHOWED me the ep.there was this girl(forgot her name) that fell out of a bulding...and if you whant me to cont it is just 1 type away!(by the way if you whant to know type it KNOW because i am not allowed on this websyte eny more starting in 2 days...it is November,19 ,sat,so if you whant to know more...HURRY!!!
back!!!!!ask me questions!!!!PLEASE!!!I WILL ONLY CHECK EVRY 1 IN A WHILE!!!DO NOT BE SHY,GO AHEAD!!!!ASK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just want them to kiss i could care less about the rest of all that jibberish
does he way?
They kissed in Tsubasa?! o-o Please show me the picture and proof that Syaoran fell in love with another woman! ;-; BTW, the Hope Card attacked the play and Syaoran says he'll go with Sakura to face it with her.
I WoUlD jUsT FaInT!!!!
how many books r in the manga?
nice one  ...
icegurl1000, I feel like fainting too...here goes. *faints*
That is a wonderful picture that you are sharing http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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