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i love the pic the art is great, colors just right, and what it suggests is so coooool!!!
...it's gay!....G-A-Y!...They could of atleast made the merMAN a mermaid. Would have made the pic look a whole lot better!
The picture is good, but the merman's and the human's chests...
Sanrui, how dare you insult a great artist like Heise! You couldn't do HALF of what he does, and for you to say something like that shows a total lack of respect and class. If you don't like the GAY (le gaspu) then at least try (TRY, I say now, not expecting much from you) to appreciate the time and skill put into the picture. For God's sake...
i said before that i love the picture...sill do... the GAY stuff i don't like. i tried girlfriends all through high school and 1 year of college, never had one that was not selfish as hell. i have a boyfriend now and we plan to be together forever maybe you should try one Sanrui might help your attitude!!!!
woah ?!?! it's a war i take it you people know each other? and that's so great (Wayne) that you've found someone i met a girl (and yes i'm a girl) and i'm wuite happy with her of course we both have our seperate boyfriends but i really love her and all the other mushy stuff and yeah Heise is my favortie artist
sincei i can only edit my comments instead of adding another one yeah if anyone wants to contact me my xanga is www.xanga.com/tonyroxmysox and my myspace is www.myspace.com/XelementalXwo...
thanks XelementalXwolfX you understand *he blushes a little* i'm only 17 (well in a couple of months) the middle and high school i want to allowed me to advance two years in one but i can't live without HIM so at the end of this semester i am going to wait for him to catch up with me...there is just no way i will ever be without HIM again...not for a sec
Wow this pic is amazing. I absolutely love it. I wish I had that kind of talent... People like Sanrui shouldn't comment. If the pics bother them so much there is a back button on the top left side of the screen. It was put there for a reason and they should use it. Maybe he really likes guys and is just in denial. Why else would he have taken the time to come here to comment on how much he didn't like a pic that was obviously really good. There nothing wrong here execpt for that nasty comment by Sanrui.
wow.....beautiful pic. i love it!
shamangirl_123 i'm not looking for a fight..just a question, one i have ask many times..why is your way of looking at life so superior to others? must we all live by what you deem to be right? i would neve judge who you choose at your lifes partner, but for some reason you and many others think you have a right to tell me who i should love. you know out of all i have ask none can give me a logical answer other than WRONG, PERVERTED, QUEER, FAGS as if names prove their point. O well probably the same again..
Ah mind your own beeswaxs Wayne that's 4 me to know and 4 u not to know :p and anyways u could love anything u want to love (not that i care) im just commenting.now i have question for u,do u have a crush on Karame?
not really a crush *well.....* just a lot of respect  she just understands when people fall in love sometimes it may not be what most think is normanl.
well Miss Shamangirl_123 i think you shouldn't be quick to go to judgement yes people this is the girl that uploaded this pic *freak out* OMG?!?!?!?!? sry people i'm really hyper but yeah i made another account cause i can only comment once but still Karame does seem like a nice person and so does Wayne gah i was going to say something with a good point but i forgot it T_T sry
peh!whatev.and don't call me miss!it sounds like your callin me old!i ain't even 16 yet!
 S'ok. I get that way sometime... you know completely fogetting the point... like now *sweatdrop* ... oh yeah. Question: Why is it that people find it discusting and hate guys/girls that like guy/girls? I just can't seem to understand it and have never been able to wrap my mind around the idea. To me it doesn't make any sense to hate (not that I'm trying to say that is the case here) someone for being in love.  ... Perhaps theres someone who can explain it to me.
I have no idea but that's the way people's minds work......
i can't speak for others but with Sonny and i when we met at 14 there was just something there, something we had never experienced before, am i gay is he gay? i guess but we have never been drawn to another boy just each other. my parents say it will pass but we don't think so after 3 yrs we couldn't live w/out each other it's real love and it's not wrong, not for us anyway. but i respect your opinion
okay some of that i barley understood.....
 hi shamangirl_123  well at least you're beginning to understand  you know, we are out and open with our friends and they understand and accept they have all been so cool about our love, once you think it through perhaps you will also, it's all about LOVE absolutely nothing about LUST  have a great day my friend!!
^_^;;;;;; *reads own comment and is slightly confused* oops sorry about that. I had been up for like almost 40 hours and... well it isn't important. I was just asking why it is that people feel uncomfortable or hate guys that like guys and girls that like girls? I just wanted to know if anyone could explain it to me cause I've never understood why people hate others for reason such as race, color or the person the chose to be in love with.
*tears* Wayne that is the most beatiful love story i have ever heard T_T so sweet and cute it makes me want to cry mine was kinda like dat i was ging through a rebelouse phase and i dated girls just so i could rub it into my parents face but i hurt a lot of my close friends like that so i stoped den i met Brittany & i really cared about her but i was just a fling i'm now dating a guy John & i totaly love him but i also hav my eyes on a girl named Crstal but sadly i doubt she feels d same way T_T sad
hey Wayne!question:are u afrian american or white?The reason i said african amreican is because i hate calling the african american,black people.I think it's cruel just to jugde people by their skin and their apperences.those people who do that can at least take there time to get to know them better.Somday i hope to met aguy like that,he doesn't judge people by their apperence........  oh wow that was like almost the longest comment i ever made but still,one day..............
i'm a little curious why it matters...i am white, but i never really though about it..probably half my friends are african american...and i had never stopped to think about that till now when you asked...i too believer it is very wrong to judge by skin color...and if that is true is it not wrong to judge who someone loves by their sex  have a great day love you all
*to brother* U happy now?!He's white. kyo_78:okay okay jeez u don't have to be pushy about it. Me:sorry Wayne my brother wanted to know that not me and why he care?...........  uhhhhh nevermind
^_^_^_^_^ hyperness is a good thing anyways so are we not fighting anymore? i really hate when people fight ^_^ i'm asain and mexican and irish ^_^ wow that's a lot of things anyways i think ima upload more pics
maybye were not fighting anymore.reminds me of a married couple...uh i mean...  nevermind
: p ♥♥♥
Oh cool little hearts. How do you do them? I can't figure it out
ok first u type: & h e a r t s ; (without the spaces) try it ^_^ ♥♥♥
cooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllll  you are both GREAT love you...
=^_^=  Your great too... and thanks to shamangirl_123 for letting me know about the hearts -^__^- ...
your welcome =^.^= ♥♥
yay me so happy ^_^ ohh i wanna try the hearts :♥ newways did you guys see how ugly i was -_-* eww
I know this isn't really necessary but GARAGOS is wrong about one thing: Heise is a FEMALE arist and you can see more of her drawings on DeviantArt.
♥ i just want to tell everyone that shamangirl_123 is a really special person  just look back through the comments...we got off to a rather rocky start...but because she is so neat and willing to be open minded we are now good friends  the same for Karame ♥ she came to Sonny and my rescue so many times we love them both ♥ ♥
I was under the impression Heise was a man; I could swear I looked and it said 'male' on DA, but whatevar. I die at midnight lol.
I have gay friends and they are the best friends I could ask for! So bleh to all you people who think gay is wrong.
♥ U
hmmm i have a gay friend ut he's the stereotyped gay as in he tries to steal my boyfriends and doesn't shutup about how sexy some guys are -_-* not that i mind (except the stealing part) but other then that yeah he cool
as in he's the kind that people pretend to be were they go "like OMG"
I ♥ gay/lesbian people! Sorry, just wanted to let ya know I have nothing against gay people before I actually commented on the pic. This picture is really beautiful and expresses a kind of forbidden love. You know, the merman and the man. Really touching, actually. And by the way, Wayne hope things are going well with you and Sonny! And shamangirl_123 you took a big step by actually listening to what Wayne and Karame had to say. Most people don't give a damn about what others feel and think.
Sanrui was very rude, I don't personally agree with the boyxboy thing but if that's what you like, then I'm not one to critize. I just hate it when ppl critize me just cause I don't care for it. It is AMAZING artwork and it must have taken AGES!!! I couldn't even come close to something that good! I think people should draw whatever they want just so long as it's not lust or something along those lines... hope that made sense
Not to be mean or rude but Wayne are you a girl or boy? I love this pic. The creativity of this pic. The detail and orginality. Wow. And Shamangirl_123 you rule. Your opinion is very good. And I don't like to refer to African American's as black people either. I LOVE THE OPEN MINDED PEOPLE TO THEIR OPINION'S ABOUT GREAT ART. I don't really make my hearts like you guys. I do alt 3. Right when you press alt you press 3 on the number pad and let go at the same time.  ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥...
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