best anime couple ever!
Ello Tasha, finally cleaned up my closet! Damn mess....
lol mine needs doing XD
I just had so much junk in it -_- that was probably the only messy thing in my room... It looked like a dumpster before!
my whole room needs doing but i'm gonna do it thurs coz the next 3 days I get a taste of college XD
lol, want some long sleeve shirts or sweaters? lol, found clothes that I will never wear again >.<
lol yeah but they're boy clothes...no thanks...I wear almost everything in mine...exceptthe signed t-shirt from school
lol Same here, but those damn sweaters -_- years of many Christmas's and stilll they don't get the fact that I don't wear sweats!
I do...turtle neck ones...nice pink purple pastel colours  that's about it...i wear strap tops...like now or t-shirts  how are ya btw?
I'm alright, really beat because I had to play with my three year old cousin Brady today. Note to self... never have too much fun, or he wants more and more -_-. I lifted him by the waist and swung him around and stuff, and made it like he was flying across the yard. Then after 15 minutes of that non stop, I get tired and he wants more! how about you?
lol my baby bro does that...you have to run around with him, when your tired, he tries to move you from where you're sitting and you have to run again...eventually when you collapse on the floor, he crawls all over you XD Yeah I'm fine...kinda excited for going to college but someone I really hate is going >.< Yeah I'm fine
Renjichi is better!:p
What, going to the same college as you? Well it doesn't mean they will be your room mate ^_^
Edit: what nonsense you are speaking mister?
room mate? we don't live there..class mate maybe but she's a complete bitch
lol ya poor thing, well who knows, maybe she might mature eventually ^_^ and you may not even have to talk to her at all! Heck she might not even be a class mate!
lol i hope so...she's only going coz she's a slag and her brothers mate's go...how sick? trying to go out with you bro's mates?!
Slag? Is that a british lingo word or am I just falling behind with street terms? Is it sorta like a slut?
yeah it is...we don't use slut here
Oh lol!  That is sick, what a slag, which actually sounds better than slut and not so vulgar! ^_^
Oh ok then
How is the weather there? Really cold here right now -_-, was nicer earlier when the fireworks were going off, but that like... four hours ago
poor you...well it's boring...no clouds or sun ^^, i haven't been outside so i don't know if it's cold ^^,
Wow I have much to explain...hey Nik....
what like? I'm trying to cut my nails but they look bad...i want long ones again TT~TT
Hey J, and now that you mention nails, mine are actually starting to get long... brb, where are the nail clippers?! And... crap... I can't remember how to say Nail-Clippers in portuguese -_- I am going to loose all my knowledge this summer
lol i've lost mine already
there! Short, just the way I like em! And now... I have to go to google and find out how to say nail clippers in portuguese...
mine are too...but i don't like em...I'm gonna grow em coz i don't bite em...what did J want to say?
I dunno, he hasn't said anything. I also hate google because I know for a fact that prego-tosquiadeiras is not nail clippers! there is no prego! In it!
oh ok then...I have to go in 10 mins..I'm going to college XD
lol, have fun tasha ^_^ and beat up the slag if she gives ya any trouble!
that wouldn't be good though...they'd think i was a trouble maker...I'll try  oh and it's supposed to rain...I haven't got a jacket with a hood TT~TT
lol well have fun!
i edited my comment
Yay Tasha!^_^
yay for what? what did you want to explain? g2g cya
see ya tasha, and are you feeling alright today J? You seem a bit off
Well I am uploading pics of me on myspace...only like 3 you havn't seen...
Well well well! Then I have to see em, now won't I?!
Yes but Keep it G rated!*is scared of myspace people*
That was harder than you know! I was like "How does a straight man think?"
well simple..."NICE PIC...YOUR SISTER IS HOT"...easy enough Nik...
Maybe for you! But that is too straight! Especially if you put it all in caps -_-
....*slaps nik* I have no idea how you could possibly have never been caught being gay....XD
Well I mean honestly! It is myspace! I am never too worried about that! Not like if I met like my sister's boyfriend and said "Wow! You have a nice Ass!" I do the straight guy thing and say hello, shake hands, and just stand there with my arms folded giving him a smile but glaring because he is touching my sister....
I'M BISEXUAL DAMMIT!!! There I let it out...I was gonna tell you...just scared...
You okay J? I will talk to you tomorrow on the phone... You should get some rest K? I need some rest too -_- lifting Brady 50 times is enough to tire me for a while.
You sure you are ok? You just seem really mad...
probably mad at me...TT~TT
no.... I think he is pissed at me...
why would he? oh college was a bit boring but fun...I didn't say much coz I didn't know hardly anyone XD
lol, whatcha learn today tasha?!
nothing...was a tiny taste on whats going to happen...I have it tomorrow and wed...why is J mad at you?
I think I said something that might of made him mad or something.... I dunno
well if he has a go at you, tell me and I'll defend you ^-^ Not like you need it ^^, That person who said they want a fight...isn't giving a real one...unfair *crosses arms and sulks* How are ya?
Alright I guess, still a bit tired and sore -_- but other than that I am ok, how are you?
well i got soaked from the way home from college...I got soaked...had to change everything >.< yeah that's twice in two days TT~TT
lol ya poor thing! It has been nice weather here lately, a little cold at night, but during the day it is a nice cool temp!
rub it in TT~TT
Well.... it is rain last night for a bit.... and my finger got soaked! because I went to close the window....
lol poor you
I know! It has been sniffling and sneezing all day! *pets finger* it is ok... *dips finger in hot water*
hot water...my baby bro and sis have colds
awww poor things =( they should get clear! WITH CLARATIN CLEAR! HERES COME CLARATIN-D!
i dunno what that is ^^,
lol, jeeze people from England are cut short on the good stuff! It is cold medicine^_^
Oh ok then  cya
Hey people. How are ya'll?
Hey Kari, how are you?
hi again
ello again Tasha
thought of a name yet?
oh crap! thats what I forgot to do ^_^ hmmm what to call tasha!
something not nasty
how about Dolly?
goes like my last name..no
hmmm.... sugarblossom ^_^
nah just call me Tasha
awww, alright.... PLUM PLUM! OR POM POM!!!
don't bother...one name don't call me: candyfloss...someone who i hate gets called that >.<
lol, nicknames are hopeless -_-, guess we are stuck with just saying Tasha!
yeah i guess we are
oh well... pom pom was fun while it lasted ^_^
lol whatever you say ^^,
....so what are ya'll trying to do?
he's trying to give me a nick-name
and I have failed horribly! ^_^
Well I know a nickname for Nik but not for you
I wouldn't think you could come up with one for me, but Nik...you didn't fail  I like this pic and couple
lol There are actually a few I can think of lol
such as?
There mean so I won't say. lol
aww please tell me TT~TT
eh, why?
coz i want to know...but i've lost interest...keep em to yourself if you want
okie dokie
where is Nik?
in the world of unicorns and pink things lol I don't know really
lol he just vanished O.o'
lol Yeah I still say the world of Unicorns adn pretty pink things. That is my guess
lol ok then
those unicorns are creepy!
lol they are XD
actually me and my mom were looking at seafood and clam chowder recipes -_- <---- hates seafood but it was fun ^_^ we started making fun of some of the rediculous name like Egg Fo Yu
good for yo...i'm looking for a fight today...I'm in a good mood  don't worry, not with you
oh! ok ^_^ wouldn't want to fight with Tasha! That is a dangerous foe
lol thanks
lol I am so bored! My bf is coming home at 6 today and the time doesn't want to go fast today
lol i had a taster day at college...that went faast...I've never had a bf TT~TT
Going to collage in 4 years. I start high school soon ;.;
that make's you how old? I'm 16...the normal age to start college in England
ah I am 14 the age to start collage in the USA is 18
That just seems odd... Well... Is college like... highschool is england? then you go to a university correct? Because in the US kidnergarten-12th grade is your normal schooling, then when you turn 18 you can choose to go to college, and you can either go for two years to get bachelors, or more to get a higher degree
I need a major in biology to become a zoologist ^^
I don't get it ^^, we start primary school age 4-11 and secondary school is 11-16, college is 16-18 or 19 and university follows...do ya get it? I want to teach young kids
Sort of... in America you start kidnergarten all basically by it's self, then 5-10 is elementary school, 11-14 is middle school, then 14-18 is highschool, and above 18 is college/university, different names... school systems in other countries are so different ^_^
@.@ We have primary school for ages 4-11 or 12 then secondary school for ages 11 to 14 then high school is ages 14-18 then collage is 18 or higher
it's way too complicated for me to understand yours ^^, when does the new school year start? september?
for me it is arounf augest 4 to the 7 ;.; I start early but also get out early too. Differebt states start at different times
oh i see...we start the first week in september
I start probably sometime in september, maybe september fourth or something like that. I got out June 13 so I may go back earlier than I usually do, last year I got out at like... June 18... But in September I become a Junior ^_^ then it is just Junior year and Senior year!!
I got out of school May 25
wow! that is really early!
I still don't get it...you mean the summer holidays (vacations)? My school starts 20 july...I finished my exams 22 june so i get all that time off
thats a pretty short vacation ^_^
too long if you ask me...I've had one out of 10 weeks off...i already hate it >.< g2g see ya *hug*
bye bye
see ya tasha
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